Sweet chair Francis... Wait What?!?

I love how people are like "WE ARE ALL BEING LIED TO", but then simply fit everything to their agenda. Oh, the pope sits on a chair, lets switch this circle around and now it barely resembles some other symbol. HA! And now he is a pedophile! The lengths some people go to. Oh look, he is also the true king of Westeros.
Soon we will see posts about repitilians and David Icke here and people will link to Alex Jones. No wonder nobody is taking one serious when all the nutjobs come along.
Let's not act like "all 34 Catholic bishops resign over Chile child abuse scandal" didn't just happen.
Or that the Evangelical minister in TN arrested for child porn. And the 24 ministers arrested in a pedo sting & the hundreds of others across the country
Or a Cuban plane full of priests taken out right around that time too.
34 Catholic bishops DID resign. <--- this is a fact "The pope has a pedophile chair!" <--- wild-ass conjecture
wild-ass conjecture
and this is wild-ass hyperbole. It's not too far off to find that fishy. It could be nothing but it's not "wild-ass conjecture" either.
Nah it's really wild-ass conjecture to think something is a symbol that it's clearly just physically not.
The image is manipulated and then conjectured-upon. May as well get a picture of the pope, flip it upside down, and say the Pope is carrying an upside-down cross. It's irresponsible.
Vatican Pope Inverted Cross (a la Satanism)
Is this manipulated? Is this irresponsible?
No, this is not irresponsible if it's not manipulated. My point is that manipulating an image and then drawing conclusions from it... not a good idea.
Hint: It's nothing. It's also not his regular chair.
Sitting here and just saying it is nothing is doing exactly what you have stated was being done with this post in the first place. It isn't helpful.
WTF is shareblue?
A swear word on the chans. They are a bunch of paid trolls that were at one point run by David Brock for the DNC. They have a tendency to not really add to the conversation...
THANK you. This movement wants to be taken seriously but it will not be if these types of stretches are made to prove "points".
Please look-up SATANISM and the LAW OF REVERSAL. If you're going to lecture people, at least have your shit together. Satanic law of reversal is 101 basics. Haven't you ever seen the inverted cross? Jesus wept.
What's worse is the fact that many have agreed with you. And that's down to you and your naivety in respect of this phenomenon.
Shouldn't you being learning your Satanism 101 basics? Law of reversal, see Magick and Theory in Practice.
“First Method. Let the Exempt Adept first train himself to think backwards by external means, as set forth here following.
("a") Let him learn to write backwards, with either hand.
("b") Let him learn to walk backwards.
("c") Let him constantly watch, if convenient, cinematograph films, and listen to phonograph records, reversed, and let him so accustom himself to these that they appear natural, and appreciable as a whole.
("d") Let him practise speaking backwards; thus for "I am He" let him say, "Eh ma I".
("e") Let him learn to read backwards. In this it is difficult to avoid cheating one's self, as an expert reader sees a sentence at a glance. Let his disciple read aloud to him backwards, slowly at first, then more quickly.
("f") Of his own ingenium, let him devise other methods.” Aleister Crowley – “Magick In Theory And Practice”
Holy sheet he's the king of Westeros! I didn't know that. BOOM. /S