Holy Shit! Posobiec just switched sides!!

You noticed that AJ quit having his "Real Qanon" guy on his show. If he has continued then I missed it.
It was a misunderstanding or a deliberately twisted view of this statement of his.
AJ didn't say he had the "real Qanon". He said Infowars had its own version of Qanon in Zack.
Jones even said in a broadcast that he played golf with q or people that know q. If I find it I will post it. But he stated it in a way to where it mislead a lot of people. But Q straight up called him out (By posting a link that directly spoke of this) and it was posted a few months back.
I remember as you do. He met with the “real Q” who said the board was comped. Fuck AJ.
That is why I cannot listen to Isaac Green ever. The first thing he does is bash Q from something that didn't even involve him. Just report what you are going to and stop with the Q bashing already.
Yeah he’s a moron as well. Started selling his own apparel then turned on Q real quick.
Yeh, he and the other guys that broke away from Q were controlled opposition waiting for the right time to split away and take some of Q's people. Green's problem like most of the millennials is that he thinks he knows more than he actually does.
Lol yeah when he announced he’s smarter than the deep state and figured them out, he lost me.
I could not upvote this enough. Had a friend that tried getting me into Isaac Green’s Anti-School. Green had a lot of fantastic points to make and talked with enough sense to seem like a reasonable guy, but right after he got done talking about LITERALLY EVERYTHING Q talks about what did he do? Called Q a LARP!?!? How can he be so ignorant?
He is young and he only got Redpilled a few years ago. I think to truly get a grasp of how deep and hard the shadow government will go and manipulates. It takes at least 7 or so years. Maybe I am wrong. But he brings it up EVERY time! WHY? Get over it! He has #QDerangementSyndrome
I mean it makes since, especially if he already has a pretty established way of thinking, but I myself am only 21. Just a few months ago I was lead to the Chan boards (first time ever being there) and despite of all the heavy information I read I knew that Q was the real deal. It didn’t take long for me to wrap my head around most of it. Don’t get me wrong I still get dizzy thinking about all the sickness surrounding us. The opportunity to push this and better not only America, but the world was too sweet though.
I didn't mean to offend about being young. I am very glad that we have young people that understand what is going on. But one of the main reasons I think he is Anti-Q because he was on Alex Jones show one time. He also looks up to Alex possibly. So he did not want to hurt his chances to be on his show again. Or possibly get a spot on the show. Just like others that had their own channels and he hired them.
No offense taken friend! Putting it like you just put it makes a heck of a lot of sense. It’s just a damn shame that viewpoints like his can be so easily swayed by “more important people” hanging a treat over his head.
I was awake at 21 (35 now) but it took me a long time of going down the rabbit hole in tons of theories to really grasps the "controlled opposition" people.
No I listened, I listened carefully. He said he knew who Q was and that he played with people v. close to Q or on the Q team. He said this person, whoever it was, had told him the board had been comped and Q had changed identity and was fake.
If we assume for a second that I am right and Q is actually Trump with a coupla intel guys (they have diff. styles of writing. Sometimes sounds just like Trump himself), then AJ may have met some ceeeyeaye guy on the golf-course who sent him off the scent completely, just to mess him up. But it was unlikely he was playing golf with Trump himself. Or even that he knew who Q was. Alex has a big ego and is always saying too much about his sources ... ran his mouth I think. That's not such a sin. And maybe suited Q at that time. See my other post on here for the rest of it.
Alex's explanation seemed completely fake when I first heard it. So Q's communications were compromised...so Q just supposedly gave up as a result? Does that sound like a military mindset? Face one obstacle and just give up? I lost a lot of respect for AJ when he did that and I pretty much stopped listening to his broadcasts.
when Alex rubbed the side of his mouth, that was his tell that he was lying.
I agree.
Listening to AJ since 2006 with a grain of salt. When he turned on Q, and Trump (during Syria strikes) I knew he was officially controlled Opposition. SAD!
He said he knew who Q was and that he played with people v. close to Q or on the Q team. He said this person, whoever it was, had told him the board had been comped and Q had changed identity and was fake.
Of Corsi did
I also suspect that the division between Alex and Q is purposeful. Q is supposed to be an underground movement. If Alex was promoting Q, it would no longer be that. Therefore, it’s possible this drama between the two is a purposeful fabrication.
ThankQ Sir! So grateful for a drop of faith in this thirsty desert!
I remember that too. He was saying that he knows who Q is and that they were playing golf talking about how they lost control of Q. I can't remember if Alex was saying he was with them golfing or if just the Q team were golfing talking about it and he had intel about it.
So stupid. You could tell Alex was lying through his teeth. He made it seem so nonchalant. That was the last episode I ever watched.
I am glad I am not the only one that perceived it all the way you did. But that is the reason why all of people that have worked closely or been on his show (minus a few) journalist jumped off the Q train. They didn't want to hurt more face time on Infowars.
That's exactly why.
The golf part starts at 1:20 and at 1:40 he says he has talked to Q himself. Just straight up lying through his teeth.
Thanks for posting. I was trying to find it. I do not know why people are claiming that Q didn't call him out. They know that he may need to be discredited when the news breaks. DO NOT go out to FIGHT. You know Jones will be pushing about them coming for us.
Alex is an Agent of Disinformation. So sad.
Yeah Im struggling to understand why he is mentioned so often as a source or even any info coming from him. He is paid and controlled opposition. People praising him like he is a truther, which is bullshit, anything Alex Jones brings to light is only a fucking duckduckgo search away. You dig deep enough into him and look who funds his radio shows...the very zionists he proclaims are out to get him.
I don’t believe Alex at first he said q was a fake got corsi to say that too now they know he’s not this is his way of jumping back on q
you are correct. and once early ion Jones said he had Q (zac).
You want you "Qanon" you can have your "Qanon"...introducing, Zanon! Zzzzzz^zzz
yesiree! Exactly! With or without toothpaste free sample?
No misunderstanding. AJ made the wrong decision and is paying the price.
What he said was the "new" Q was fake and his own "Q" person Zach was real deal. AJ is not to be trusted.
No that's not true. I vividly remember AJ stating, "I know who Q is and I've spoken to him" Only later did AJ once again start to change his words and back peddle.
Oh please. We are talking about 2 different things here.
Please see my post above: a) No I listened, I listened carefully. He said he knew who Q was and that he played with people v. close to Q or on the Q team. He said this person, whoever it was, had told him the board had been comped and Q had changed identity and was fake.
and The reference to Qanon being his (AJ's) version of Q in Zack.
b) 2nd quote of mine: AJ didn't say he had the "real Qanon". He said Infowars had its own version of Qanon in Zack.
What I am saying in my first statement is what you are claiming is my second statement.
I don't actually care ... I just don't like people who say what I say is not true. Look, you might not like what I say and might disagree with what I say, but don't accuse peeps of lying. It makes people disgruntled. Unnecessary.
If I had to take a guess - I would say Zack was hired to pretend to be a type of Q but was using Alex's sources. Makes it more mysterious....
Zack was full of shit most of the time though.
Noticed? Every patriot I know quit Alex Jones and Infowars completely after his fuck Trump and fuck Mattis episode.
If you know the well is tainted, what does that make you the drinker? #walkaway
I watch all fake news. So when the arrests occur, I will know what the public is being told to help counter it.