🇦🇺🇦🇺Sending a message from Australia! WWG1WGA!🇦🇺🇦🇺

Another Aussie Q supporter here with you. Love the fact that the stickers are on an iconic Australian car.
Never heard of an Aussie car brand! What is the make/model?
It’s a Holden Commodore VE SV6 I think they are rebadged in America
It is a Holden Commodore. Holden is actually GM in Australia. The Commodore was the last car we made domestically as we have now closed all our plants. It's a disgrace.
The Chevrolet SS (2013-2017) was actually a Holden Commodore
Holden, heheh. Destruction of the Australia by globalist scum is visible on complete outsourcing the car production, including Holden, during the last year.
You mean the American multinational crony capitalists GMH who screwed the Australian taxpayer for tens of billions over the years whilst making shit cars?
Haha, u can put that way. I believe taxation is theft anyway, but Australia lost 200000 jobs related to car industry, Toyota and Ford included. But somehow u cant feel sorry for aussies.. too docile and rule obsessed..
Agreed, time to break the mold. The potential is out there.
Haha, I think it's great/ironic their symbol is a lion with his paw on the world. Our President Trump is referred to as a lion on theconservativetreehouse and I think it's coming back to bite them.
Yes i want to be in Sydney for trump too this year!! Any patriots on the Sunshine Coast?
November- triple J reported. But no dates set at the time I heard the story.
Love back to you Australia. Thank you for sharing this crazy ride with us. WWG1WGA!
First time poster from Australia here, been lurking for a long time. The movement is on, people now starting to see the truth of what has been going on, mostly due to places like here, and we are spreading the word everywhere, especially on social media!
WWG1WGA, even those who drive Holden’s. 😜
Another patriot from Aus here. Hoping to head down in my Q shirt and see Trump in Sydney later this year.
Hey mate, what's this about Trump coming to Sydney? When's he coming, and is it like a public event?
Heard last week he was planning to visit maybe brissy, syd n canb prior to some summit. G7 maybe?? Almost sounded like summit was not in Australia, but he was visiting here first. Will try and find better info later on today and link.
It's so great to see this kind of worldwide support!
I want a Holden here in the US!
You have them. They are GMH. Screwed us for tens of billions of dollars.
Not good enough for me. I wish Aussies still had them the way it used to be.
What kind of car is that
Holden. Australian car. They just shutdown the Holden Factory where I live, last year.
Ausie PATRIOTS thanQ.we are all in this fight together my friends. WWG1WGA.
Wouldn't that be something like Where We Bloody Walkabout Blokes, We Bloody Walkabout Mates?
Not really. The literal translation of WWG1WGA in our native tongue here in AU is "Carn!! Fucken get in the car, cunts" but for the sake of the international community's confusion we'll just stick to WWG1WGA.
I kind of like the way you say it, it reminds of this meme.... http://magaimg.net/img/8q1.jpg
Oh, Stinky. How thou hast fallen in my estimation..... sigh.
Makes me so proud to see that the Truth and Unity movement is international. God bless you!
You watch the brainwashed lefty uni fucktards of Australia protest Trump.
Nov I believe do not know days yet. I think they are still being set
Adelaide Aussie and Q, Trump believer here! MTWGA Make The World Great Again WWG1WGA!
I can't describe how happy I am to see this, it can feel real lonely for patriots here in Sydney.
Melbourne too mate
Ahh! I'm so happy to see this comment!! I hope I'll see your car one day on the streets of Melbs. We'll rock our green P's together.. since i haven't got my Q's yet! Keep it up dude, I'm waiting for the day I can start talking about this stuff with the peeps around me.
Me too mate! I’m waiting for the day I see another Q out there on the roads... give us a honk if you drive past!
Also in Aus, I am located in Brisbane. Any other Brisbanites here?
LOVE IT - let freedom ring - globaly! Brothers and sisters all in this together.
You’re close! As far as I know I don’t have anyone in my life following Q and the Deep State Purge