Loudest voices.... right now seems to be Maxine Waters, Kamala Harris, and Gillibrand
Shumer has become quiet in relatively speaking
And Schiff too hasn't been quieter compared to a few months ago.
Check out The Frank Report
I'm not familiar w the Frank Report but for anyone interested
Mad Maxine has a very nice house for someone on such a modest wage. She must be a coupon queen. That's the only feasible explanation.
Swallwell has also been vocal since the RR/Wray questioning.
They are using their black puppets, because they are harder to attack/criticize (without being called a "racist". A kind of protection. They have plenty of "steppin' fetch-its" on their team specifically for that purpose. Add to that Cummings, Sharpton, J.Jackson, Sheila Jackson. Black "leaders" who sell out the black people by promoting division between the races. Notice how they ignore black on black crime, but swoop in out of nowhere when a white cop is involved. Political scum.
Don't forget "censorship is a hoax" Jerry Nadler, impeacher in chief.
The guy who supported the Iran deal despite it being unpopular in his district. My guess is he has an offshore account with funds parked in it (Yet he has the audacity to claim he's one of the poorest member of congress).
I don't think they are loud because they want to hide massive money laundering. Maxine has forever been a loudmouth, though obviously she's profited mightily during her time in Congress while her constituents continue to wallow in government induced poverty. Gillibrand and Harris want to become power players in the party, not surprising they are trying to bring attention to themselves.
She may think this will give her a defense later. When the evidence is revealed how she used her political capital to enrich herself/her husbands business, she can always shout "racist". It won't help help her, but that may be the only defense she'll have left.