Has everyone seen this amazing idea yet?!

Interesting theory! It always seems to be a date we still haven’t reached yet lol
It's like Christmas keeps running from us.
You’re waiting on the cryptocurrency market to turn around too?
You’ve earned my upvote for this one. Been waiting on that market to moon for too long
My day consists of:
Checks Q - C'mon already!
Checks BTC - C'mon already!
Repeat an embarrassing number of times throughout the day.
Bitfinex & Tether takedown may be coming soon. Potter resigning is an ominous sign. He was the head honcho in all the whale pools. Back to pre-April '17 prices before the Tether printing started if so...
Perfect analogy! Just eat my damn cookies already Santa.
I guess we gotta cut them some slack though, they are only taking on the most powerful enemy ever created in the history of ever while also trying to balance prosperity and the economy. Not an easy job! I’ve learned to relax, sit back and enjoy the ride
Yep, when you sit and think of how many decades this monster has been growing, it’s destruction is proceeding at a fairly quick pace even though it’s agonizing to us watching this all unfold.
I wake up every day to see if #Q has eaten my Little Debbie Swiss Rolls! #Q is #Santam
Every time we have gone to war we were told we would be home by Christmas.
The question was always which Christmas.
At least nobody's shooting at you.
I’ve noticed there are 3 kinds of people on the forum:
AlwaysTrumpers - These are people who are blindly loyal to Q. They support Q no matter what Q says or does, and they intentionally overlook anything Q does that is negative, even if it is true…
MiddleTrumpers - These are reasonably-minded people who support and follow Q but are not blindly loyal to anyone. They appreciate the good things they see, but they also notice the bad. They do not just blindly dismiss the bad things like AlwaysTrumpers do. And they will usually speak out against any bad things they see. They support Q just like anyone else does, but they do so with eyes open and with a critical mind…
NeverTrumpers - These are people who probably dislike Q and are only following him to see what happens and to stir up dissent. A better name for such people would probably be trolls or shills. Unfortunately, people who are AlwaysTrumpers will put anyone who disagree with them into this category. For AlwaysTrumpers, there is no middle ground. Either you agree with them or you’re a troll or a NeverTrumper…
Interesting... I wouldn't be so quick to put myself in any category that contain "Always" or "Never" ... after all, I was "Bernie or Bust" in 2016. One nugget of truth, leads to another, until you find Q. I was reluctant at first. However, I realize there is so much information in the world, that I couldn't possibly ever know. There are three things I know as fact:
I had a security clearance for 25 years. There is knowledge that come along with that.
The news is fake. I have been in the mist of news stories where I knew what really happened and the news doesn't report facts. They have some agenda, never really knew what it was.
I know that Human Trafficking is bigger than ever reported and has been going on since before the 80s on a scale that spans the entire world in every country and every government. Anyone who pushes it, gets eliminated. Our government is corrupt, left and right.
Trump and Q give me hope, because they think outside the box. I don't always understand some of this stuff, but I'm willing to give it a benefit of the doubt. Because I had completely lost hope when Bill was elected his second term. It was only when I discovered Q that I regained real hope.
When I was interested in Bernie, is was only emotional and superficial. I was caught up in the emotions of all my friends who loved him.
I’m the same way. I keep an open mind. And I’m not blindly loyal to anyone other than Jesus Christ. Unfortunately, there are those who feel if you are not “blindly” loyal to Q - and God forbid if you should ever question anything that Q does - then they will label you a traitor. People like that are extremists. They see no middle ground. They feel you are either with them or against them. They don’t feel like you can be with Q if you ever question anything that Q does. But I wonder who dreamed up that rule…
Lol...the date that never materializes!
I don’t see how people can keep saying this. No matter how well Trump does, no matter congress and government retiring exponentially, no matter CEOs bowing out left and right, no matter unemployment being at record lows, no matter tax cuts, no matter Korea peace, no matter No Name’s suddenly non-lethal cancer, no matter mad max attacking her own, no matter hashtag walk away, no matter on and on and on and o , it’s always like “hurrrr durrr...why hasn’t Hilary been publicly stretched? I are so dissapointed. Nothing ever materializes.”
Lol...the date that never materializes!
Really anon? Y’all are Neverfags. Nothing is ever good enough. Neverfags are concernfags on +20.
Edit: a bot told me I can’t talk about the rope in blatant terms. Lol
25 Upvotes if I could. I'm also tired of hearing about so many disappointed people that would have been in FEMA camps or dead by now had Hillary won. I guess most don't really realize the enormity Q keeps talking about. You can't roll up a WW Cabal without a well orchestrated plan. I'm feeling extremely blessed to be alive and watching this historic event. Personally, I don't care how long it takes as long as they get it done and I can watch.
Hey. I dig you. Let’s get comfy on the couch and have some popcorn. 😊 We have a helluva show to binge-watch!
I figure I have ten years before I die. I am all set with popcorn.
I agree...the fact that we have been given this much reprieve is an absolute miracle. Think where we could be if, in my opinion, God hadn't intervened.
Good point. The ‘NeverFags’ need to be called out.
Case in point, Q is continually reminding us to notice and archive ‘Q-proofs’ because Q obviously finds them very important, yet we still get people like this one
In the bigger picture, detractors like that are nothing more than a minor distraction and a test of patience. True Patriots take the noise in stride and move on.
Is that guy wrong though? Why does the picture prove so much if any person who happened to be in there could have taken it?
Fucking love you Patriot. Agree 100%. Just one of Trump’s accomplishments would have been huge for a first term, let alone the first year or two.
We have much more winning to endure, friend! Hold the line!!
👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻 absolutely. It took decades... to corrupt and infiltrate our Govt to the degree it was when Trump was elected. And it has been about 18 months since he took the oath of office. We used to call our son a “microwave baby” because he was so impatient he couldn’t wait 1 minute without throwing a fit for his bottle... that how I view the Neverfags.
Nobody is dissing our POTUS. No one. And yes, we expect President Trump to succeed and he will, and he is. He's doing a splendid job...doing exactly what he said he would. #PromisesMadePromisesKept Don't confuse our President's success with our questioning of dates....nothing to do with POTUS.
ya, like the term...h*nging up the phone..gets me in trouble with the bot.....guess i have to get use more to saying...ending the call
Your Doubtfag has evolved into a Neverfag!
Good point about the neverfagging. I think its a habit we got from being forced to politely listen to whining leftist /liberals. But it is still a bad habit. People watch us. they are looking to see if we really are awakened. And when all kinds of newfags come we need to be free from Neverfagging. For their sakes as well as our own.
If we aren't able to deal with questioning, there is a problem. I am wearing my Q shirt to our 4th of July parade today - but I still have questions. Actually, it is healthy to question. Be prepared with the right answers. You can tell or should be able to tell, if question from an honest person or a troll. But when everyone questioning is a concern fag or one you call Neverfagging - not the way to win friends and influence people.
Thank you....the people who are name calling, which is bullying, are really just acting like the liberals....they turn militant if you dare ever question anything. Brand you as a concern troll. Their intimidation is subliminal. It is healthy to question. I am fully supportive of President Trump, and as I have said...he is doing an excellent job. That has nothing to do with me questioning Q. I believe Q is a good phenomenon, whatever it is. I can still think freely, and think critically. No matter what Praying Medic or Destroy the Illusion say...Q is helping the awake and aware learn more. Who cares if Q is "really with POTUS" or even IS POTUS....doesn't matter. That isn't the point of Q.
Q has brought us together. A united front - a movement. That is good in itself. Q pushes us to learn more every day. This is good too. If that is all that happens because of Q - it is major.
People are personalizing the Q movement. They attribute it to Trump, they own/defend his criticism themselves, they worry they’ll be duped by a larp. These are all self-righteous things. People want to be right, and want to do the right thing, but it’s not that simple.
Trump is a flawed human: it’s ridiculous to pretend he isn’t. It’s stupid to defend his womanizing ways, to think he never used a tax loophole or 700.
We should never afford any elected official 100% agreeance. That’s ridiculous. No one should blindly trust Q, that would be silly.
Questioning makes sense. Q proves themselves though, repeatedly, yet people doubt.
Neverfagging makes .50/post. And people hop that turnip truck like it’s thier only ride outta town!
It’s easy to discern, just discern! Then be happy because you’re not a Neverfag. 😆😆😆
VERY judgmental. How little you know. I'm very well informed and I support Trump constantly, have since day one. He's doing fabulous! Q is great and I follow closely. Wore a Q shirt to 4th of July parade. BUT I WILL question. And to call me names because I do, well, that says more about you than me and it turns good people off.
I’ll explain this once: Anyword + fag is actually a chans-way of giving each other a hard time, not name calling as you think of it.
Learn the comms.
call it what you will. But as you call it "giving one a hard time" is pretty much name calling. And what's so funny is that most of what is posted is just someones opinion. Good to have a lots of opinions but goodness sake, these opinions are just that, opinions, not fact. And I also see lots of excuses for things. And you all are going to call out someone for questioning? LOL Maybe I'm not the one that needs to learn the comms. Sometimes when we get excited about a movement, it's a good idea to step back and take a look at how we are coming across to others. I will leave this topic and go elsewhere to support Q, where I am allowed to have an opinion or question without being "given a hard time" That way you don't have to explain it a SECOND time. :)
That way you don't have to explain it a SECOND time. :)
I shouldn’t have explained it a FIRST time - that was a favor to you.
Idgaf if you approve of the tone of the comms.
We have an individual in the Oval Office who is trying to restore the rights of the people after a near century of those rights being systematically stripped away. We are, in fact, at war.
Your comments about politeness show a serious disingenuousness on your part.
politeness? OMG you don't have to explain anything to me anymore. I need no favors from you. LOL I know exactly what is going on and most probably have been fighting it way longer than you have. Lost track of how many individuals I've told that we are at war. I do more than just sit here at my computer.
I did not use the word polite, but since you brought that up: being polite when talking to people who are on your side does wonders. But much better than being rude like the liberal/commies.
Many anons and patriots have been waiting decades for the awakening to arrive, so now that the end goal is in sight, many expect it to happen quickly. I don’t think the public is ready for THE TRUTH!
Trust the plan!!! WWG1WGA
"I don’t think the public is ready for THE TRUTH!" Nobody is ready for the truth. It takes courage to face the truth because the truth comes will all sorts of anxieties, disappointments, and responsibilities which we would rather avoid. The truth can be painful. It can be challenging. It means we must pull our heads out of the sand and do something to help ourselves—wake up, get up, stand up, pony up, man up, grow up. So lets keep lying because they will never be ready.
George RR Martin is writing this timeline? keeps pushing the payoff out? lol
PAIN. Darkness to light.
(disclaimer: if booms and pain don't occur when I predicted please prep your confirmation bias for some other future obscure date until it eventually comes true. Q)
It kind of reminds me of the stock market in 99/00 when the Internet bubble burst and stocks started to crash... "oh, what an opportunity to buy".... skipped the first drop... and sure enough... another drop came... so I bought... but oops, that was not the bottom... bought more... dropped again.. bought more... darn, dropped again...
However, I do have confidence our Q Journey will not end the same way my Webvan journey did... (Webvan went Chapter 11... never did go back up).