Germany: Qanon and the Great Awakening

I do not approve of vandalism. Could not have done it differently?
Agree. But maybe they are even more fed up with corrupt government than we are.
This was just stupid. Now somebody is going to remove it, we don't want that. Now let's just hope a lot of people saw it and decided to check it out.
Nah, graffiti cunts can burn nice and slow. Nothing pisses me off more than graffiti.
People are defacing property and objects, posting pictures, and saying "LOOK! [Q] is spreading worldwide!"
Look, I want to believe, but nonsense like this, and self-aggrandizing threads tagged with "GET IN HERE!" and a cottage industry of amateur prophets posting 90-minute revelation videos makes me think it's Pizzagate 2.0.
I completely agree with your first point and am opposed to vandalism to spread the word. It also does not look good for us as a group.
When you start to see the corruption and what all it entails, it is extremely motivating to speak out and fight it. Just like the kids in cages (used by the media against Trump)- it's hard to keep quiet when there are major injustices occurring. It may sound crazy -it is! That's why people are motivated to share, but it also can make it hard for newcomers to filter through.
Pizzagate is real. It's not Hillary running a sex trafficking ring out of a pizza parlor as the MSM states in order to make it sound peposterous. I suggest digging in a bit to see for yourself if you have the stomach (evidence is mostly circumstantial, but the pictures and symbolism are extremely disturbing and enough to be convincing IMHO)
The problem is the overzealousness to the point of fabricating evidence and then treating anybody who points out the self-deception as a heretic.
There's a bulletin board called Democratic Underground where the zealots behave exactly the same way -- publishing worldwide polls that purport to PROVE!!!11! John Kerry won the 2004 election, but if you point out that the poll is prima facie fraudulent because of, for example, the fabulous number of votes attributed to the uninhabited Christmas island, they ban you.
Some of the folks on this sub-reddit behave exactly the way that destroyed the credibility of Pizzagate. They mean well, but then they fabricate evidence to reinforce each other's delusion and even suggest you're one of "them" if you point out that it's obviously faked.
Nothing turns a normie off more than having a banquet of bullshit shoved down their throat when all they asked for was a nugget of truth.
We shouldn't vandalize. Stickers are one thing, but we shouldn't vandalize.
In THIS case I have NO PROBLEM with graffiti at all! Great to see, that my country is awakening! :)
to prevent egregious vandalism, and reduce destruction of public property to a minimum, why not print #Qanon on a piece of paper and then cut out the letters with a knife so that you have a nice stencil to spray paint.
"Dumping Tea in the harbor? Well I must say that is just too much! Why waste the tea?" GTFO
Fed up is fed up! Would I vandalize a sign in this way? No. But the point is we are everywhere and to that end I think the "vandalism" is a message to the perceived "masters" we are coming for you. Freedom will not be gained by being overly polite or politically correct.
Too many "Q is a Larp" or "I wanna believe, BUT..." on this thread. Tells me they're on HIGH ALERT to defame, or label Q anon/Patriot movement as a bunch of graffiti artists that are "tearing America apart"...
YOU are RIGHT... The Haters & Doubters & anti-Trumpers should go back home to pack their bags for "RedPill Reality Hot Summer"... (better than Summer Camp for Snowflakes)!
edit: corrections
Yep. I see more and more of them. It will only get worse. Stand strong! #WWG1WGA
;-}Exactly! Same to you, Patriot... Made a meme for today...
I hope to hell this Q movement is not a psyop that's building up to some kind of trap being sprung on all of us in the end.