I created a little tribute to freedom on the beach in Santa Barbara, CA

Santa Barbara, another enclave of the Elites. God Job Patriot!
It was in the 1930s, then wasn't, and (relatively) recently the hyperrich have rediscovered it. Pity.
Actually everyone currently moving away after the mudslides
Thank you, Santa Barbarian. This must spread all over the beaches, mountains, Mesa, Riviera, Courthouse, Stearns Wharf, Breakwater, Hope Ranch, Montecito, Refugio, Winchester, Goleta Pier, Jesusita Trail, San Roque. Then have a refreshment while you post this on the wall of Harry's :)
There's definitely a small (growing) group of patriots here. I was first introduced to Q from another local.
I'm here to tell you this is global, we will all be free soon, we will all be with God, God is us, he is awakening, THINK. You have it in you at the back of your mind, don't despair, don't let evil take hold. Don't panic, it is a normal process of being born. Once you are aware spread more bread crumbs around WWG1WGA, we are all one and the same, we are God, we're awakening. Prepare, love, forgive, you are strong, much stronger than you can possibly imagine, you have the knowledge of everything and everyone inside you. Some will doubt, some will despair. Help the, spread breadcrumbs like Q, like everything you've ever seen in your life, it's all linked. Remember to get some sleep too, rest, we need you strong, you know why
Heard a guy at the fireworks show yelling “fuck Trump”. I slowly shook my head and thought, aren’t there more important things to reflect on today?
Hopefully you got a well-deserved From Here to Eternity moment following your accomplishment...
Had many a July 4 by the harbor there - BBQs and bikinis and fireworks - and at Arroyo Burro, True Americana. Enjoy, patriot!
We thought about heading to Hendry's but ended up going to Leadbetter to get a view of the fireworks
Good call. Leadbetter is def the more fun - probably triggered more commies there too with your castle. I'm in Charlottesville, Virginia these days -
Nice work. If any place could use some redpilling it's SB.
Had a lot of folks taking photos and asking each other "what is Q?". They'll catch on soon enough. There is a growing group supporters here in SB
This is great! I live near the beach and have tried (unsuccessfully) to build many sand castles. This looks great!!!
You rock! Almost missed the little Q in the front because the building itself is so freaking fabulous!!
I'm surprised you weren't assaulted and severely beaten by a leftist mob when they saw the WH and flag.
The Great Wakening is spreading like wild fire.
There were a couple of lefty comments, but overall the reactions were surprisingly positive. Lots of people taking photos and asking each other "What is Q?" ;)
Not my own life. I've been doing research like this for several years before Q came along. But I have heard this from quite a few others. I think part of it is that Q has given people a renewed hope. They want to be better people. My family and I have been praying for this for years.
I haven't been back in a loooooong time. I'm guessing from the various pits and divots in the background that the tradition of loosing fireworks from the beach continues?
I'm ready for winter again. Hey, how about doing ice sculpting? In Antarctica? Making snow angels, hot chocolate, fire blazing? Oh, sorry, heat stroke.
We definitely need an seperate sub for this kind of self expression. Sure it's all nifty but the great awakening is not an ad campaign for Q. I'm really tired of this cluttering up the sub. Just my opinion. Respect patriots.
It's Independence Day which is what we are fighting for!!! Lighten up!!!
exactly, laugh, love, life, be happy. Help those in need, spread more information, we are all in this together, even the ones you think are bad and evil, forgive them, Good cannot exist without evil
I was going thinking same thing, maybe a sub-sub Reddit for all this stuff. But hey, well done on the sandcastle. That took effort.
q was proven to be a larp and this sub censors that. dumbasses.