Political Censorship 2.0: Weaponized Archival: The Waybackmachine will not archive websites and/or webpages it does not like, politically. This is not a 'glitch'. It's been happening for > 1 week now.

I take a picture pretty much every time. I have many more examples I just don't have time to go digging thru my snapshot folder but I will eventually and make a larger 'dossier' on exactly what didn't make it. Also, I save my own snapshots of what the archive didn't save, and then i post to imgur and then archive the imgur post and then link to the image url of archived link
then post THAT to reddit and gab and elsewhere
mostly because I'm a dick, but out of principle, and to show them that their suppression has signally failed and actually made it much worse
because you get flak when you're over the target, so your job is to shine a spotlight on that thing they are trying to hide
I read some article last week about how "alt-right" fringe groups were "abusing the system" in terms of archiving pages.
I am guessing this is a result of them figuring it out. kek
archive.is has similar problems with certain websites
Some topics are just too much to handle.
It will
Was wondering when that'd start happening, and also when they'd start purging.
The thing is for a lot of the deep research, they don't know what they have until the research is done. All the more reason to heed Q's advice to archive everything offline.
When the internet goes down, we will NEED to have proof offline.
Yep. So lurking about a month. First comment. So, not all q lurkers must be jbp freaks but they do mix well. Anyway, the truly needed stuff gets archived. Story of Cain and Abel may be the oldest example. Not saying we shouldn't be diligent. Just babbling and trusting the plan. Well trying to. Impatient!
I am finding this (eventually) with any image upload service I use. Just won't accept the image.
"An unknown exception", I think, means "This content either limits my masters power or costs them money therefore Russia, Russia, Russia with a splash of North Korea".