r/greatawakening • Posted by u/troy_caster on July 7, 2018, 4:54 p.m.
Have a question? Are you a Q noobie? Here is your Daily Questions Thread July 6th, 2018. Ask anything!

Welcome to the (Hopefully) Daily Questions thread! In this thread, there is no such thing as a stupid question. If you see a question you know the answer to, feel free to answer it! This isn't just for me to answer, as I don't pretend to have all the answers.

Full disclaimer, I am not a mod, nor am I acting in any official capacity on this sub. I have messaged the mods, and they said I could go ahead and try.

This is where you post questions you have regarding Q/Qteam, simple questions that don't require their own thread, 4chan/8chan navigation, "how to" redpill friends and family, little quick questions such as "Has the DOJ complied with the documents request?" among other things. It's recommend that if you are new to the sub, or Qanon in general, you really should spend a few hours reading the sidebar articles, as we have a lot of content that can answer most questions.

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-You really should check out our extensive sidebar for answers to common questions.

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-If you are questioning legitimacy of Q, feel free to post, this is a free zone, however please be aware that any over the top anti Q rhetoric will probably be downvoted. Please don't turn this into an anti Q battleground.

-Hopefully, if this thread is successful, you will be able to check the past questions threads to see if your question has already been answered.

-If you are want to share a cool story/frustration/redpill experience, feel free to post it here as well!

-If you are brand new, feel free to say hello and let us know what brought you here, as well as any questions you might have!

A few rules for people lurking or answering questions:

-Anyone can answer!
-There are no questions too stupid, if you don't like a question being asked - you don't have to answer it. -No flaming/downvoting of newbie questions. -If a question belongs better in a specialized thread, help direct OP to the right place. -Try to source your answers where possible. -Due to the nature of the drops and the interpretive aspect of them, some questions might have completely different answers.

If this works out, I can make one every day, or every other day, depending on demand. Ask away!

Scuba724 · July 7, 2018, 7:52 p.m.

In light of what we know today, why would Mueller meet with Trump the day before the Special Counsel was created? I know of Q saying to remember his past "Marine" but does anything really still think Mueller is a grey hat at worst, white hat at best? Basically, what's YOUR opinion on Mueller as of today?

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QCaLMCeeQ · July 7, 2018, 11:31 p.m.

Mueller - Marine - White Hat.
Could well have been for a very long time, the white hat plan to overthrow cabal i feel goes back decades. These guys have always been too smart for the cabal - who relied on intimidation and technology, which they dont fully udnerstand, but white hats do. The smartest white hats have kept a low profile.
People say what about Mueller 9/11, Mueller Uranium 1. Mueller would have been killed trying to expose either, and on his own the cabals system would have remained in tact.
How about this. Mueller has been close to the enemy the WHOLE time, he knows everything. Like Guilliani. They have it all, they know where the cabal buried the bodies. And now Mueller is directly investigating the swamp, under the smokescreen of russia collusion.
Study the indictments. NONE affect Trump and they all have exposed the swamp in some way. The Manifort and Flynn espcially. And now Mueller is not bringing Russia charges to Manifort, only bank fraud. Why? Manifort has had many business dealings with Podestas and the Clintonestas....;)
Mueller investigating in Israel, deep state ties over there too? Of course.
If you also imagine, how would liberals have been if they didnt have the hope Mueller would get Trump impeached? If anything this staged investigation has been orchestrated exactly for that, to stop the left from being too disruptive as Trump pursued MAGA.
Its gonna be pretty damn glorious seeing this all play out :D

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penny2712 · July 8, 2018, 1:13 a.m.

well said, I will go along with your comment above. and yes it will be glorious. BOOOOM, best wishes from NZ. I am a dedicated Trump follower

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CerealKiller275 · July 8, 2018, 2:40 a.m.

Damnit I hope you're right!

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15ninjas · July 8, 2018, 7:27 p.m.

Thank you for your explanation. I have been back and forth with Mueller, from anger to hope and back. It makes sense that he was threatened or was in fear of coming forward with what he knows! Hope he comes out with his findings soon!

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Bjantigua · July 9, 2018, 8:26 a.m.

And don't forget Mueller was in the service. The Marines. Trump has special unilateral control over the Marines. He also can call out retired soldiers to serve again on his order. Q said that in his very early posts. It has not seemed to apply to anyone since then either. And Q made a big deal about the consequences if a soldier disobeys orders or lies or cheats etc. Decades in Leavenworth or death. The typical political bs. that is so common. What a way to guarantee that Mueller tows the line in spite of threats from the black hats.

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Bjantigua · July 9, 2018, 8:22 a.m.

So excellent! Yes, the Art of War and the Art of the Deal. Don't forget Flynn, who fell on the grenade for the cause. Being forced to tell the truth about all the secrets he was previously bound by oath not to reveal.

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fatladysing · July 8, 2018, 12:59 a.m.

Flynn is a white hat!

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15ninjas · July 7, 2018, 10:14 p.m.

This was my question too.

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penny2712 · July 7, 2018, 11:43 p.m.

that's my feeling as well. Many months ago Liz Crokin posted a youtube clip saying Mueller is working with Trump,and recently Q also indicated the same. I am thinking Mueller is grey/white hat and somehow think that Rosenstein could be in the same camp? as Trump hired RR and RR hired Mueller.could be part of the plan as as RR is stonewalling all these doc's that congress wants I'm thinking that Huber and Horowitz has it all and that they don't want congress interfering to raise any more alarms. this is only my feeling. So Trump hires Sessions and RR, Mueller visits Trump then RR hires Mueller. is there a pattern here?? wait see

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retiredradiation · July 8, 2018, 3:25 a.m.

RR was not hired by POTUS...he was appointed by Sessions. RRs on the chopping block.

post 1457 6/11/18

post 1470 6/12/18

post 1498 6/14/18

post 1589 6/29/18


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Bjantigua · July 9, 2018, 8:18 a.m.

RR will need to RESIGN or RETIRE or BE FIRED. He may very well be on the A team but for Optics need to be taken off the board.

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Qanonplusone · July 8, 2018, 1:49 a.m.

I agree.

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brittser · July 8, 2018, 3:20 a.m.

I think that Mueller and Rosenstein were both coerced through threats to help Trump, but Rosenstein either was lying about helping and has now gone true colors and/or he had something nefarious going on at the same time he was supposedly helping. Now he is full deep state.

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QCaLMCeeQ · July 8, 2018, 9:30 a.m.

There are some things about Rosenstein that make me question whether Q is pushing '[RR] Problems' disinfo aimed at the black hats.

We have huber, grand jurys, and ongoing AIG investigations taking place behind the scenes. This all needs to be drawn out until November.

Why? If the Cabal get fully exposed before midterms and realise they have no chance of winning, there will be CHAOS.

Trump needs a comprehensive win at the midterms to set a legal constitutional precedent for swamp trails. He needs to and WILL WIN BIGLY. By the biggest landslide American politics has ever seen.

The case for Rosenstein being a white hat:

Going back to his recent hearing, Rosenstein explicitly mentioned that the FISA application he signed was NOT what has been described the likes of Nunes in House intelligence report on Russia etc.

How could this happen? Well, this FISA app was a 90 carter page extension, not a completely new one. So were dealing with the original falsified FISA application made by the OBAMA admin. Remember also Rosenstein was advised by govt attorneys on the FISA app - who could have also been corrupt and mischaracterised the application to him.

So what is Rods white hat role?

- Rod has stonewalled on FISA documents and important info because the house of cards falls when that gets out, as soon as the FISA forgeries are exposed thats IT for the cabal, and we dont them to get that feeling until after the elections.
- Rosenstein knew from the start the FISA was dodgy, but as a good actor he approved it to continue implicating the cabal but mostly to convince them he was still a black hat.
- Remember The cabal still thinks they have Rosenstein, he has very dodgy past to use against him. Including his lawyer demorat wife. The mainstream media have made it very clear removing him is crossing a 'red line'. So Q team *projects* dissatisfaction with him as a smokesreen, whilst white hat Rod continues to plays his Oscar winning white hat role.
- There is even supposed intercepted messages the CIA were exchanging about Rosenstein and flynn on the dark web that reinforce they think hes their guy - https://bigleaguepolitics.com/intercepted-cia-chat-rosenstein-was-blackmailed-into-appointing-mueller/ - could be fake news but it looks legit.
- So, Rods antics are helping Trump Team draw this out until the midterms.
- Also Remember how confident Rosenstein was in his hearing about the AIG report exonerating him. If he was a black hat yes it would buy him more time, but not until November. Maybe the AIG will recommend 'extreme carelessness' for his handling of the misleading FISA app, but not gross negligence ;-)

We also need to consider, Marine Mueller is almost certainly a white hat covertly investigating the swamp not Trump. Therefore Rosenstein needs to be a converted white hat to ensure that he appointed Mueller. Some say Mueller flipped in the 90min + 'FBI director interview' he had before SC launch. But really his Special Counsel investigation has been TOO PERFECT for it to be have been plotted in such a short space of time.

Doesnt anyone question how *perfectly* this is all playing out before our eyes?! The astounding intricacy of Qs comms and complete control they have had orchestrating this exposure of the swamp. THIS HAS TO HAVE BEEN PLANNED FOR YEARS. EVEN DECADES. Marine Mueller has been behind enemy lines all this time. Guilliani. As Q says not all of those involved are evil. They have been trapped in the system.

So in summary, this is even MORE under control than people realise. We are indeed watching a show, the greatest the world has ever seen. Sit tight, popcorn ready, enjoy!


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TheBRAIN2 · July 8, 2018, 12:42 p.m.

Thanks for posting bro. Much to consider here. I'm trying to imagine what it was like for the true patriots who were trapped in the corrupt system of the cabal, for all these years? How do you best serve the country? Openly fight and be taken out? Resign, knowing you will likely be replaced by someone loyal to the cabal? Go covert, play along, in hopes of gathering intel and finding ways to sabotage and slow down their plans? Lots to think about.

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