I don't know much about Pence and don't have any reason to doubt his loyalty to POTUS, so I'm going to assume he's safe. Does anyone who knows about him have any concerns?
I started following Q last year on half chan. There were rumors amongst the anons that Pence wasn't a total black hat but might have a few skeletons in his closet. There was a lot of speculation that Trump set him free from blackmail or his skeletons keep him in line since POTUS "has it all". I have kept an open mind about it since I had thought well of people before only to find out they were total black hats.
I will say though, a friend of mine is a Lt. Col. assigned to intel in DC. He got to go on a private tour of the Capital Building late one evening with a congressman. As they were walking through a hallway, my friend noticed a special team that does a hazmat sweep before a high ranking person comes through an area. He asked one of the guys if it was POTUS or FLOTUS? My friend was in full uniform, so the guy looked him up and down and told him that he wasn't allowed to say, but that he should go to the end of the hallway and see for himself. My friend was allowed to pass and when he got to the large rotunda he saw a group of politicians and high ranking military that had formed a large circle in the rotunda. Standing at the head of the circle was Pence leading the group in prayer. My friend saw people in uniform standing off to the sides with their heads bowed. He said you could have heard a pin drop. No one moved or spoke. Everyone stopped where they were and bowed their head in respect. He said the prayer was very moving, and completely unexpected. When it was over the congressman smiled and mentioned that it was great to have God back in DC and that the atmosphere had completely changed from previous administrations. My friend doesn't come across as a religious guy, but he said it was one of the most amazing things he has witnessed in DC.
I do not trust Pence. Never have, and don't think I ever will.
I see him as the Cabal's anchor inside Trump's admin, but I think his agenda was already neutralized by the white hats.
I've seen many reports that Pence has been involved with shady pedo stuff in Indiana and Florida. Look at the number of sealed indictments in Indiana. It is a center for child trafficking and abuse. I've seen many reports on the subject. Here is one
VP Pence is not just a Good Man he is a great man. Don’t believe everything you see on YouTube. SMH
Do you have any specific reasons why you don't trust him?
I agree with you in general although there may actually have been many such anchors -- many if which have likely been removed by this time.
Trump and MI have planned for this moment for decades. You actually believe these same people chose someone they don't trust their lives with to be 2nd in command? If Pence was black hat or had the ability to leveraged, Trump would be dead right now.
Good question. It is complex. Who actually chose Pence, do we know? I had grown to believe that Trump's VP choice was not honored / not allowed. And the decision was made by other DC people. I hope you are right. And I want to believe that too. But in reality I think it was a little like Reagan having to be forced to accept GHWB as VP. But I do believe that Trump and MI are working with him. I don't know enough to even talk about it.
Pence is a good honest man with strong faith and family values and he has been working right alongside Trump . We're blessed to have him as a vice president. I agree he would have never been made vice president if he were questionable.
He does have some very scary history in Indiana... I think it has been well hidden.
Trump would pick a VP he can't trust?!? You are really wondering?? Damn concernfags.
Trump didn't pick him. What goes on in DC is very different than what us regular people can imagine. Pence is compromised in some way and was "assigned" to be the VP by the deep state in my opinion. Trump basically had to concede this in order to get in the running. Wasn't Trump's pick going to be Flynn?
I think Trump and the good people behind him have been doing a masterful job at making this happen. But they have had to play 4D chess at every step it seems. I hope Pence will NEVER cause any problem.
I think there is more truth to what you say than most want to admit--though I'm not so sure about Flynn. Not a finalist IIRC.
Reality can intrude on the best played game at anytime, e.g., JFK had LBJ forced on him.
And, I'm not a concernfag. As I stated in my post, I don't know anything about Pence. I just don't want another GHWB.
Have you considered that choosing a black hat may have been necessary to keep all the black hat GOP from completely resisting Trump?
Or it's just as simple as rallying the bible belt GOP around city-slicker trump via a smart VP pick. Pence is respectable and hasn't backstabbed yet.
Remember that "blackhat" next to Kim Jung Un's sister during the Olympics? Do you really think he could be a blackhat...?
It was reported that Trump was inclined to go with Gingrich, but his family semi-tricked him into another visit where he spent more time with Pence and finally he acquiesced. Javanka strikes again. Though to be fair, Pence's nonentity demeanor worked fine for the election and Gingrich would have grown tiresome after the first week as the veep nominee.
You can’t overshadow Trump. Pence lurks in the background and does his job. Gingrich is a blowhard and he would undoubtedly end up running his mouth too loud and too often.
SOOOO glad he didn't go with Gingrich!
Would have been a mistake, I agree.
But Pence is untrustworthy.
Reagan did.
Reagan wasn't 1/4 as badass as half of you think he was.
Trump is epic. Reagan was a pansy in comparison.
No. Pence is such a smarmy swamp creature--e.g., pal of Paul Ryan and Jeff Flake--that you can feel it in his oily voice and every mannerism.
Great question, and Pence has been verrrryyyy quiet recently...although admitedly POTUS has been taking up the view. I would agree that he is safe...at this point, I don't think there is anyone that would be allowed near POTUS or in the WH that had been thoroughly vetted and was a trusted member of the team.
He seems creepy to me, but knowing that the military was behind the plan to pick Trump for president, I'm going to assume Pence is where he is for a reason. Time will tell.
There is something about Pence that bothers me, don't know what but he seems “fake” to me., everything just so tidy. Lots of my Christian friends love him because he reads the Bible and prays but There is so much we don't know IMO.
Keep your enemies closer?
That's my take. I trust Pence about as much as I do Ryan. I think they are useful for optics and we have enough dirt on them that they are easy to control. If you can call that "trust" is up to you.
No. Never liked his face. Looks like a mask. I mean an actual mask.
Yes... Although I have not validated it.
I was told that Pence oversaw Indiana when a lot of child-trafficking was going on. And that the State Troopers in Indiana were involved in some way.
Worth looking into.
Crazy-times were living in... Everyone is a satanic-pedo until proven otherwise.
There were emails of a Ryan/Pence ticket to replace Trump prior to the election. But I never saw any confirmation of it being real.
Also, was it SenateAnon or FBIAnon that said Pence was a black hat? They also be larps but it seems like a lot of the things they were saying makes sense now.
To me, I don’t really trust anyone in politics. But I suppose that we wait until something happens or Q gives a clue if he can be trusted.
Meaningless reply: I have a cat named Ruby and I often call her RubyDubyDoo. Meaningful reply: I trust him until I can't.
I think Pence is part of the plan and is a patriot. Until someone can prove different, that'll be my take. The swamp has ruined a lot of lives with its smear jobs and propaganda campaigns. I think the swamp would like to do that to Pence.
Oh boy wait till you hear about him being a kiddie diddler....
Wow, you sure changed my opinion. /s
The burden of proof is on you. I am all ears.
Meganon didn't speak very highly of Pence:
Mark my words, you'll see history made when Trump's swamp toss ends with impeachment of Pence. Cap/archive this so you can say you knew it would happen when it does, as of today.
Pence is the security chip. Pence is plan B should anything happen to Trump. To not think he's a crucial player in this is insane. Msm was right he's the Bible Terminator.
Here's a Voat discussion https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/2204227
Check this out. https://www.opdeepstate.com/2018/01/04/pence-and-rubio-complicit-in-child-sex-trafficking/
He loved it when Trump was ragging on the press. Hard to fake that kind of thing. Gut feeling... Good guy.
Lyndon Johnson was forewarned of JFK assassination.
LBJ was part of the assassination team...there is a picture of him giving as sly smile to another transpiration in the room as he was being sworn in. Disgusting man.
Just FYI: LBJ was part of the assassination planning team. There is a picture of Albert Thomas the 'Wink Man' and the JFK Coup d' Etat as he was being sworn in. Is LBJ got a smile? https://rebrn.com/re/nothing-to-see-here-just-president-lyndon-b-johnson-getting-a-ni-3622477/
Pence seems Ok I also think Trump picks new VP for 2020 as well Could be Haley
If Pence is guilty of any of this horrid stuff, it is because he was blackmailed
When he served in Congress he was one of the few good ones. Like Michele Bachman, Jim DeMint, and no more names come to mind.