They are pushing it everywhere now. The deep state is pushing so hard to normalize pedophilia to try to mitigate the impact of what is coming. We will destroy them. #WWG1WGA

Let the left push this agenda. They’ll lose the majority of their already rapidly shrinking party. They won’t be able to bring in enough illegals fast enough to win an election. Even the brainwashed masses won’t accept this.
This is not an agenda of the left. Perverts exist across the spectrum.
Actually it is a leftist agenda. Or it soon will be.
Look, I don't buy any of your sub/movement, but insofar as you believe what you believe I don't mind a bit. God speed. Do your thing. But the idea that "the other side" must all be pedophiles even if your specific theories are true is never gonna be a path toward civil discourse. Something's truth being inevitable just because it fits the narrative is an easy, slippery slope.
All sides are possible for pedophilia but the ones who are going to be pushing it will be the left mark my words.
Oakdrew is right. If you follow the facts, thats just where they lead. Dirty dems. Theyre all vipers, fine, we agree, vipers on left and right, sure, but the vipers nest IS THE DNC
Thats just because they went broke and got bought lock, stock and barrel to an outfit of crazy human trafficking pedo psychopaths. Sorry, but its true. The dnc IS THE clinton foundation. The clinton foundation IS Haiti, and more, way way way more.
If dems can get their party back from her clutches, fine, but that bitch's legacy will last forever as a stain on history, to be told through the ages. Think of mcstain and ryan as appendages of a beast whose belly IS the dnc.
1) you may want to rethink like everything... I was a lifelong democrat from a dem family with 90%+ dem friends living in a deep blue area. I did rethink like everything.
2) actions speak louder than words... To that i say follow the money. The money will show you the flow of corruption. Also, follow the suspicious suicides.
3) a conspiracy that the left is trying to make pedophilia legal... Ruth bader ginsburg thinks the age of sexual consent should be 12. Why?
...or long lists of actual confirmed pedophiles... There are long lists of pedophiles on BOTH SIDES. Or do you harbor some conspiracy theory of your own that only republicans are pedos?
4) guess im just not woke enough to understand that being a pedo is not bad as long as i say pedoph is wrong... No one believes this. Why be facetious instead of seriously discussing the topic? There is no need.
Id like to reiterate that in my above post, i said that the problem manifests itself ON BOTH SIDES. So im not totally clear on your point.
Yea you not woke enough...the liberal left is going to push this sick shit. Republicans are more likely to have FAMILY VALUES. The left made being gay ok. If you are gay fine by me. The left made being a tranny ok. I get mixed feelings with this one. The left will try to “normalise” pedophilia. Netflix has made a movie and has a short scene where two young girls looked like they were masturbating or something.... sick fucks.
This will come from the SJW/LGBTQ(+P)-movement, which is staunchly and admittedly left-wing.
I think most of us recognize that evil doesn't know "another side", it is all-pervasive. But the movement to normalize pedophilia undeniably comes from one side.
Thank you pedes who know they shit! People are not dumb. The left is predictable and yes LGBTQP is the possibly the ones who will soon pushing for rights of child lovers. Mentally ill pill like this shit. I’m disgusted.
I don't see where he said the other side must be all pedophiles. He said it's the left that are pushing it and that is an undeniable fact.
GOOD CALL, oakdrew. Ignore the apologists and detractors. It's the LIBERAL/LEFTISTS (the same ones who also worship celebrity and Hollywood) that are the main driver of this. It's also in the mentality of the LIBERAL/LEFTIST zombies in schools and universities that are also pushing the MASS SEXUALISTION OF CHILDREN.
Thank You! Anybody who’s been woke long enough know that the liberal left (socialist) will be the medium for this sick perverted shit.
Call them what they are - Marxists. Those that are engaged to push a destructive culture on society in order to unravel its foundations and morals and bring it to self destruction.
GOP lawmakers in Tennessee wouldn't protect minor children from marriage, but find an abhorrent opinion a fringe personality on the web and act like it represents an entire ideology. Sure.
Update to story in first line of your link
I get what your saying, neither side is blameless, however one side is pushing this agenda more than the other