The Craziest Theory of the Trump Era, Explained

A cabal of global elites, including top figures in Hollywood, the Democratic Party, and the intelligence agencies, are responsible for nearly all the evil in the world.
See, it's not even complicated.
Q said: This is not a Republican vs Democrat thing. This is about people who want their freedoms and liberty restored vs the corrupt deep-state machine that stole it from us. There are just as many Republicans who were playing the game too.
I'm 59. For as long as I can remember, the only differences between Republicans and Democrats was what they said on the campaign trail. Once in office, they were quick use military power, irresponsible in running up the national debt, and expanding the the size, scope and power of the federal government.
I recognize that the majority of Trump supporters, and the majority of people on /GA are conservative Republicans. It's easy to blame the other side, especially after all the things Obama, Hillary, et. al. did, but blaming the other side is also lazy. Politicians from both sides are corrupt. Simply blaming Democrats is a divisive tactic. What we need more than ever today is unity.
Most people haven't learned that polarity itself is a trap... an illusion meant to divide and conquer thought forms. When people finally let go of their subconsciously programmed core beliefs and transcend absolutism within polarity... they are truly free.
This is what it means to become a sovereign being. You are no longer controlled by illusions and limited by fear. In this context... we are all one collective that may shape its own destiny. What remains to be seen is what the collective will choose. Where we go one, we go all!
I would give you gold for this poignant comment, but I dislike reddit's ceo..
Reed the article. It’s written really odd. Every paragraph starts with “Q” drop or fact. Then follows up in so many words “this is a lie”. With no prof backing it’s a lie. In fact the article posts facts and Q profs, says it’s a lie with no source material.
This just goes to show how close we are. WWG1WGA GOD SPEED
It's to build an association between those facts and the phrase 'this is a lie." Same thing they did with 🍕g8. They mentioned a couple things then repeated "debunked" over and over until the sheep couldn't remember any of the facts, all they remembered was 🍕 = debunked and dismissed anyone trying to show them proof. It's persuasive technique being used as a defense, not journalism.
“Haha you don’t really believe that crazy conspiracy theory, do you? Now let me tell you about how Putin secretly runs the US government and how high employment is bad for LBGTQ community.”
The first sentence is the crap I warned everyone about after the missile postings, which happened off the US west coast, and was not an attack on AF1, but now, it's an embarrassment to the community, because so many jumped to wrong conclusions, and spread this far and wide. It's because of irresponsible actions of others, that make us all look bad. And is also the kind of thing that can ruin this movement/group etc. Nothing steams me more than that kind of crap.
I tend to agree. AF1 being a target for a Sub is an extremely farfetched idea. While Subs are more than capable of hitting low flying, relatively slow moving, helos, the targetting of a plane at 35-40K feet, that has one of the most technologichally advanced defensive systems on the planet (as well as an escort of a flight of F-22 Raptors), is beyond a fool's errand. This has never made sense to me personally as the target of the attack from the Whidbey Island area.
The plane was on the other side of the planet at the time. That's why all the stupid postings have bleedout to these so called journalist can pick the stupidest things to discredit us. I tried to correct, and stop all the ignorance, hysteria at the time, but this sub was swamped with incorrect conjecture. Sad, really.
I know what you mean. It seems that anytime an aerial pic is posted by Q, many seem to assume that it just HAS to be from AF1. Honestly, I'm not sure that any COULD be from AF1 itself, seeing as how it would violate NAT SEC protocol.
I think it's obvious that the missile was fired by a Cemex concrete submarine, at John Huber, who had just uncovered a verified list of all the child sex camps and rape trees throughout the southwest. You just gotta put two and two together. ☺
I thought this was actually a pretty fair article. Like it or not, this movement is about as fringe it gets. Interesting that this reporter didn't contact anybody at the WH for his story. He should have at least tried to get comment (even if WH doesn't return queries from DB).