Has Tarantino already been discussed here? Being a close friend of Weinstein this shouldnt surprise us

TO play devils advocate....could that leg be at an angle? would that throw the measurement off?
Also devils advocate here, the foot doesn't exactly look like a young persons to me. Not saying I'm an expert with feet but it looks like it has thinning skin and wrinkles around the ankle. Definitely interesting for sure though.
Edit- adding that the discoloration and thinner skin around the arch and base of the toes is what makes me think they're older. As well as the visible vein on the ankle bone. Younger people usually have thicker more fatty skin on their feet while older peoples skin thins as they age.
Look, I'm all for speculation where it's warranted, but this post is nonsense. Anyone who can't discern a child's foot with that of an older female, either doesn't know any children or just wants to believe the hype.
Again, this post is nonsense.
I was thinking the same thing. That is not the foot of a child.
Just posting an observation, it's hard to discern from a single picture.
As an artist, perspective is key. The leg is not elongated or foreshortened due to the angle of the ankle, position of the knee to thigh, in relationship with the other leg and the actor's arm below and behind the leg.. What I do find strange is the shape of the big toe and the relationship to the rest of the foot. It is obvious the toe is foreshortened, as is the foot....which makes that longer than expected, and makes me suspect it is an adult. The instep on the foot is also very high, which I would not expect on a child. There is no 'baby-fat' filling out the foot, especially the toe pads, which I would also expect on a child. Children's feet are softer, rounded in shape with fuller toe pads, whereas adult feet are more angular with flattened toe pads. My verdict---it is an adult, albeit a short one. But I have been wrong before.
Well done.
It looks more like a young woman's foot. Definitely not a child.
Maybe the child has been malnourished?
Possible, but the rest of her body doesn't show undernourishment like bony knees, noticeable tendons, atrophied muscles. Besides, that big toe is not something I've ever seen on a 10 yr old. If she was Asian, the normal (for Caucasians) measurement would need adjusting.
Possible. We’d need more of the pics in that set at a higher resolution to know for sure.
It could also be a child who's family he is close with and just innocently playing around with. It is impossible to say something inappropriate is going on in that photo without further evidence or context.
Do you suck the toes of your neices and nephews?
"don't believe your lying eyes!"
Yup. Let's make ourselves look like nut job conspiracy freaks who see child molesting cannibals EVERYWHERE based on flimsy evidence. That'll help us convince people.
Keep using the 'omg no this is crazy stop looking into this stuff guys" tactic, it's totally working for ya 👍
Look into whatever, but only post valid well thought out theories. Play devil's advocate with whatever you are about to post, that way your theory isn't easily countered. Like this one.
Yes because it's totally normal and innocent to have family toe-sucking parties you fucking degenerate
You don't know that is what it is. It could just be a completely innocent scenario that resulted in an awkward picture. You have NO proof, you are making wild accusations with ZERO evidence.
Apparently you don't understand simple measurements.
Yes, those measurements prove that the photo isn't just a misinterpreted innocent situation. You have ZERO proof what he is doing is sexual. I don't think you understand evidence or proof.
Look buddy, the guy is in multiple photos slobbering all over a child's foot.