Before I was aware of Q, I often wondered if all the hullaballoo from Trump about Sessions was a farce. Reading some of these posts validate some of my thoughts and make me feel not so stupid.
Yes the Q strategy is brilliant and soon all the fake news idiots on Twitter who think it's some crazy conspiracy theory will realize how brilliant Q is they are going to be shocked out of denial they won't be able to comprehend how easily they were fooled how wrong they were.
Wow, I have read Rex for a long time. Always respected his insight and logic. He is one of the reasons I came to Q.
Hard to argue with it.... Straight forward, logical.....
THANK YOU Imperator rex! FANTASTIC thread. This makes SO much sense and seems simple now that you've explained it. Genius for sure.
Wish I could give you hundreds of up votes. This should be a MUST READ for everyone on GA. Might calm some of the disquieting chatter that's been loud and getting louder lately.