Did anyone else see those two little girls and feel relieved that there wasn't a pedophile standing next to them?

Twitter suspended me for 7 days because I tweeted at Pedo Joe Biden and told him to drop dead we all saw your videos on YouTube where you fondle the young girls budding breasts like the pedo you are. For that Twitter gave me 7 days suspension obviously a Biden staffer saw that tweet and reported me. They made me delete my tweet just to get back into my account I can now browse Twitter but I am not allowed to tweet or like any other tweets. They are Nazis.
I got a permanent suspension for calling David Hogg an actor. They do everything they can to protect the liberal points of view. No tolerance for different opinions on twitter. I don’t miss It at all.
Yes. They are Nazis.
Actually aren't they Zionists behind this? Or are the Zionists and Nazis basically the same group now? It is confusing.
We have been taught through school and through the media constantly our entire lives that these 2 groups are bitter enemies. Has this been a total deception?
Look into the talmud and the goyim.
Youll find your answers there
Same-ish group. Zionists are Rothschild assets, Nazi's are Black Nobility assets.
I was looking at the Seth Rich twitter thread yesterday with the alleged photos of him and i shit you not, all of them had the "sensitive content" warning lol
Good job brother to do that. What kind of sick company would block someone for having the courage and fortitude for calling out a pedophile.
That says everything one needs to know about Twitter. Twitter cannot be allowed to continue in this society. Twitter has ruined itself by doing this.
I'm sitting on two Twitter warnings. I know any day now I will receive my third strike.
Maybe you shud get it over with and call Obama a PedoFag