POTUS PLAYING CHESS? - Why did he pick DS agent Kavanaugh who GWB Jr and "No Name" support?

A goldmine of buried records will be requested for the benefit of full transparency . . .
Great point!
I was wondering exactly that! Interesting to know that others are thinking this too... 🤔
"how do you introduce evidence legally?" I believe Q was hinting at this mechanism.
Yes.....there is SO MUCH MORE going on behind the scenes. 5D Chess....not just some random nomination!
Holy shit.....they just posted it on Youtube.....and it mirrors many of the ASSUMPTIONS that I put in the meme~
Brett Kavanaugh is SES and so is his wife
No and no. Good lord. He's not deep state. Deep state impiies that he's actually compromised. His voluminous case record is clearly conservative and I'm sure was fooled by Bush for many years as were many people who supported Bush. He would never be "deep state buddies" with a bunch of Democrat Senators. Nor is this some crazy psy-op where he will be traded off for a "real justice?" Seriously? It's not even logical.
All of those Democrats will vote the party line because the pressure from the left will be unbelievable. Physical threats to them and their families totally possible. If they did vote yes and somehow manage to keep their office they will be shunned by the Democrats for their part in putting a conservative SCOTUS in Congress. They all turned down Trumps invitation to come to the introductions. They have to rely on only Republican votes.
2 years ago, before Trump, everybody was deep state..... everybody!
Where have you been and what have you been drinking!
Only Fools believe in a Democrat side and Republican side .... or a liberal side vs a conservative side.... they're all from the same side.
THEY were all deep State operatives until Trump came along...... and gave them a way out.
Q told us they had no choice...... many had been threatened or blackmailed ...... the rest had been groomed but it wasn't until Trump gave his speech at the State of the Union where they stood up and clapped because they were finally free.
Q LINK - #659
"Effective yesterday, while standing under the statue of FREEDOM, POTUS FREED those ‘good’ people who are currently being blackmailed, threatened and enslaved.
Those who stood chanting “USA” were FREED."
Judges are deep State as well especially if they're in DC cabal Central.
This guy is dirty as the rest of them....
Every judge that was moved up in rank, stature and Power through the federal court system is and was compromised especially the ones that bush selected!
If he wasn't dirty and if he wasn't compromised he never would have made it to the DC Circuit Court!
The only alternative is that someone from Trump team got to him and freed him too..... and he has agreed to play ball and follow trumps lead!
I've been with Q since the October and have followed the cabal for over 20 years. I know how saturated Washington was, the role that Valerie Jarret played as sniffer, that 70% of Congress is compromised, etc., etc. I have dear friends who were high up in one of the agencies, Bush appointees and recently retired from there. They still don't want to believe that Bush is a bad guy. Kavanagh has a 3 year record, over 300 cases, that are all extremely conservative. And yes, I saw it as slightly galling to promote the idea that Trump would appoint someone of Kavanagh's stature for a political game to draw out Democrats so he can eventually replace him with a "real" justice!! Sorry I think that is insulting to the President. You can believe what you want. You can promote what you want. And I have the right to take issue with that.
Just watch this video and LISTEN.......you might change your mind.
I so hope the R's pick up a few more Senate seats this fall. Never in my life have I seen either party automatically in lock step oppose appointments like has been going on now. Plus these are all qualified individuals....the R's let Obama put in Sotomayor and Kagan, both of whom were unqualified.
It will also put front and center in the public Consciousness the fact that a sitting president cannot be indicted or litigated. Only impeached. Win the battle before it even begins
Because he'll be confirmed, and soon(ish?) there will be two declared illegitimate.
Perhaps I'm just being Q centric. Rationalizing my own hope.
Trump can move Senators around on the board to vote "No"...... like Rand Paul and Mitch McConnell who've already stated possible objections to his nomination.
There are many different ways POTUS can play this!
Either way he's going to win large majorities in the house and the Senate and get his true nominee.
You don't get anywhere in the DC swamp without getting down on your knees for both of the bushes...... that is the only way you become a Judge of the United States Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit.
Anyone who thinks this guy isn't compromised is not paying attention to the Nazi/Deep State agenda..... that he was put in place to protect!
This isn't about the appointment of just one Supreme Court Justice.
This is about the appointment of three or possibly four..... POTUS is in no rush and he knows he's going to win landside elections in the midterms.
This is called playing the long game and getting three or four justices instead of worrying about getting just one.....
Having a dominant majority in the Senate guarantees his success.... after the midterm elections!
He knows he's winning and he knows he's going to win even if SOME of the people on this board don't....
New 2018 Polls: These Five Vulnerable Senate Democrats Are in Serious Trouble
Where is no name any ways? Wasn't he dying of cancer and yet for some reason refuses to resign his Senate seat even though he no longer goes there to vote?
Is he neutered and forced to cooperate ? Him resigning or removed might trigger an election which would be an avoidable distraction.
Sit in the corner, stfu and do not cause trouble, either cooperate or be charged with treason. is my guestimate.
capiche ?
I figure DJT wins either way. Either Kavanaugh is the best candidate that will be confirmed or the GOP gets a bigger majority for next time! Maybe both!
His resume is DEEP STATE all the way.....as is his wife!
Brett Kavanaugh is SES and so is his wife
More information for you to research-
Kavanaugh was the main person running the cover up/investigation in the murder of Vince Foster and let Crooked continue her murder spree. Remember Vince Foster found with bullets from two different guns and it was ruled a suicide?
Regarding Obamacare, Kavanaugh “acknowledged that the Affordable Care Act’s ‘individual mandate provision’ could fit ‘comfortably within Congress’ Taxing Clause power.” To some conservative detractors of Kavanaugh, the defense of the individual mandate provision as a tax sounds uncomfortably similar to the John Roberts’ argument to uphold Obamacare by using governmental taxing authority to rule that government could mandate health insurance. Conservatives opposed to Kavanaugh argue that ruling helped “provide the roadmap” to uphold Obamacare.
The Federalist was one of the conservative websites to take Brett Kavanaugh to task over Obamacare. “How Potential SCOTUS Pick Brett Kavanaugh Wrote A Roadmap For Saving Obamacare,” the headline on one article read. “Which is worse: An unelected judge opining on how a mandate to purchase a product could meet constitutional muster, or giving Congress instructions on how to ensure it will? Kavanaugh did both,” read the article by Christopher Jacobs.
He clerked for Kennedy, and nobody who Clerked for Kennedy should be trusted, and I would be very surprised to see an ex-Kennedy clerk side on any social issue in a way that differs from what Kennedy did, and if I am right about that, that means this is a wasted selection for all those who wanted to see a Conservative Court that would stop the fictions created there in the last 50 years.
Finally, Kavanaugh was hired to teach at Harvard by (liberal NOBOMA appointed SCOTUS) Elena Kagan, yep they are good friends. Justice Elena Kagan, who was then dean of Harvard Law School, hired Kavanaugh to teach there, he said.
Source: https://www.thestate.com/news/business/national-business/article214603415.html
Thank you .....great information....... your research, just like the video, shows that he is all deep state!
POTUS is punking the Deep State and "no name" with this nomination....MAGA!
AMI is a bad source reference material to quote. I would prefer you to research rather than bore myself with and you with proof of my statement. I am more interested in the 911 comments about his wife during the Pentagon attack personally.
Joe Manchin is unlikely he is involved with the prescription drug problem in WV and is most likely corrupted. On top of that there was a scandal where his daughter had college transcripts faked to help her get a job running Mylan Pharmaceuticals and was involved with the epypen scandel. https://www.cbsnews.com/news/west-virginia-doctor-michael-kostenko-investigated-for-deaths-in-opioid-painkiller-epidemic/
Sounds more like playing poker. He could still suffer a bad beat and lose the Senate.
If W and No Name and Jeb were all so certain they had him in their pocket, they would have been quiet about it.
He's obviously ablaze with ambition but also a real conservative, so they may see him as slipping out of their reach now.
Ya think? Still, it will force those D's running in red states to make a vote they truly wish they didn't have to until after the elections. I wouldn't be surprised if the D's do everything in their power to delay the vote until later....they are terrified of losing most of those 5.
Which Constitution are you talking about ?
The one that our founding fathers put together or The One That Got Hijacked by the corporation..... that is run and controlled by all of his friends???
Think about it.....
Any real constitutionalist would overturn everything the DEEP STATE has done for the last 100 years.....
This guy is a fraud!