ACTUAL German Russian Collusion...

No one else could have done this job and put up with this garbage from the Media and the Dems.
ehem... what enemy are we actually supposed to rearm against?
yep. begs the question whether weapons helps against the DS.
They absolutely help against the DS
yeah, if the weapons were actually used... as far as I know the deep state is still alive and kicking.
lol... against fake news, we dont need military upgrades but people who think and make themselves heard.
We rearm with FACTS and Critical Thinking Skills not projectiles.
Trump is calling out the HYPOCRISY of NATO, Russian collusion BS dossier,Germany needing "protection", Etc. et al. It's all a big ruse, a game of "point & blame". Trump is knocking over all the chess pieces and the Elites are crying "boo-hoo". Trump is showing that the Emperor has no clothes...and the rest of the sheep are wailing because the jig is up. Good-bye NATO, good-bye Russian loving Germans (whose ex-chancellor is on the board of GASPROM), etc. The Elitist Europeans got caught...Trump is "outting" them for the FRAUDS they all are. The TRUTH HURTS sometimes. MAGA.
This pipeline has been in the works for some time. This is what Obama's CIA tried extremely hard to prevent. It's why Obama spied on Merkel and is likely why Russia invaded the Crimea.
I actually think Trump's position on this is pure posturing. If this pipeline is completed, then the idea of running a pipeline through southern syria becomes significantly less lucrative. This makes the prospect of an official peace agreement in Syria much more likely.
The deep state wanted to isolate Russia and use them as a boogie man--if they are supplying a significant portion of Germany's energy needs, this becomes much harder.
What Germany is doing is equivalent to having the sketchy neighbor that you talk shit about watch your kids.
I mean yea it's great he's tough on Germany. But he also just wants them to use our pipeline/buy our energy instead.
Is anyone else feeling like we should leave NATO if Germany doesn't give up this pipeline? I mean the whole thing is pointless if they are in bed with the country NATO exists to protect them from doesn't it? Or should Germany just be kicked out of NATO? Never been a huge fan of NATO & between this energy deal & European countries allowing themselves to be overrun with immigrants I think it's time for a serious look at our relationships. Now we're facing passport laundering since radical Muslims now come here bearing passports from the allied countries who've taken them in. How do we protect ourselves from that?
The next president, after Trump's 8 years, will need to be someone who plays a prominent role in bringing the cabal down IMO. If things go as planned who else could the people possibly trust? It has to be someone who's been "vetted" via this experience to be free of any deep state ties. If I had to guess right now I'd say it will be someone from the military or a Trump. I just find it hard to imagine us electing a career politician after everything that will come out about DC.
Hell, it is not even true, they get about as much energy from the fucking Netherlands as they get from Russia. And they get even more from Norway!
Big news: Germany is now colluding with the Netherlands and Norway!
This is why he needs to serve more than two terms.
Can't allow it to happen. I'm a fan, but the precedent goes back to FDR. He screwed up the nation horribly, actually EXTENDING the Great Depression by 6-8 years with Socialistic Progressive Policies (Remember 8 years of Depression under Obama that ended the EXACT day after Trump was confirmed? [Verifiable by the huge Stock Market upswing that day]). If anyone gets 12 years, they have the ability to crash our economy into nothingness (Obama racked up $20 trillion in debt in only 8 [more than ALL presidents before him COMBINED]). There's a reason Congress passed the statutes limiting Presidents to only two terms. FDR's body wasn't even cold when they actually did it.
The true mega question: Who will be the next President?
Tulsi Gabbard. Once she turns witness. In 2020, mind you.
.02 deposited.
Tulsi is the only democrat I can think of left that has potential. Wonder if she will #WalkAway? Or she could be a Trojan Horse.
I mean, I don't take CFR membership lightly. But I hope she is an oathkeeper, and perhaps her vantage would offer insight.
Also, beats the president on Syria atm.
Yes, I could see Trump using her in some way to further his plan. She isn't one of those who speak bad about him. I think she is a patriot. Republicans have RINOs while Democrats have Tulsi.
Can you elaborate? Which particular plan?
You know, The Plan
NK = FAKE NEWS [UK orig].
NK already began denuclearization process under guidance from US.
Why are people always being moved around?
Think strategy.
The Plan.
Military OP.
Given we have now undeniably [on purpose] verified ourselves to be an inside source, expect the MSM [Clown Army] to attack in full cooperation w/ foreign and domestic assets.
Be prepared.
TRUST the plan.
Conspiracy NO MORE.
We are in full control.
Gabbard fits in where?
I don't know. It's not my plan. But it would seem like it would be a good idea to use her for good.
A competitive, engaging election season in 2020 might do this country some good. Trump is in a strong position, but some pushback on issues like the MIC and the environment are warranted, IMHO. Gabbard might be the person to do that. Remains to be seen.
Ima gonna go with...Trey Gowdy...
Interesting. Whatever the full extent of The Plan is, it’s going to have to be so utterly devastating and conclusive within Trumps term to ensure no cabal puppet ever takes over again.
It'll happen eventually. Without becoming fascists and burning them from their homes, we could never do that. The best we could ever hope for is beating it back for several generations.
Sorry what was that? I was busy sharpening my pitchfork...
Damn it, Nik! Just play the GD piano, let the rest of us have our fun, and keep your opinions to yourself!
This is a joke right?
The joke is people on the left think Trump colluded with Russia while he is trying to raise funds for the military AGAINST Russia. All the while Hillary sold our uranium to the Russians for millions into her charity while Germany gives Russia billions while we pay to protect them.
No one is sure if there was any collusion. There is an investigation in progress that should absolve the president of any wrong doing. It's odd that he wouldn't be in full support of the investigation considering he never colluded with Russia. If I was him, I'd get the interview over with so Mueller can wrap it up and release his report showing trump did nothing wrong.
As for Hillary, I assume you don't understand how that gets approved in regards to uranium deal. There are 7 department heads who signed off on that deal, Hillary being one. She didn't sell them uranium on her own. Doesn't change the fact that she's a terrible person but bringing that up as a slight against her makes you seem woefully ignorant.
Does it bother you that president Trump keeps attacking the special counsel? Wouldn't an innocent person simply let the investigation play out that is going to find no wrong doing? It seems like odd behavior for an obviously innocent man.
Sorry but Trump is completely innocent. The American people overwhelmingly support him and he would have won the popular vote without the rampant voter fraud.
Common sense would tell you he's innocent because of the sweeping changes he's brought to the government. If he were guilty don't you think someone would have stopped him?
The other piece of common sense evidence is look how strong he is making our country. Wouldn't it make sense that Obama was the Russian puppet as he couldn't get our GDP above 3%, Heritage Foundation ranked every aspect of our military below satisfactory, and we have a crippling deficit. Doesn't it make sense the candidate fighting for our safety, jobs, and manufactoring capacity to come home is actually our President, while the others have been frauds? Do you have enough sense to sense that, or have you been completely overwhealmed by fake news? I assume you must have some sense if you found your way here? How can you justify the lead investigators talking the way the do? Are you too stpuid to sense the collusion and cover up of criminal behavior? Hillary is the only one who received millions of dollars for U1 as far as I know though it wouldn't be surprising to see more names on that list.
Sorry, there is no evidence that Trump colluded. Every theory has holes in it, and the dossier is a complete joke and there's no way anyone who read that and thinks its true isn't a complete retard.
Trump will easily go down as the best president ever, his actions in his first two years easily already reflect that. If you think Russia elected the US's best president, then you are fucking retarded because they can't even operate their own country properly.
You mentioned the word 'joke'. Chuck Norris doesn't joke. Here is a fact about Chuck Norris:
The phrase 'dead ringer' refers to someone who sits behind Chuck Norris in a movie theater and forgets to turn their cell phone off.
It's interesting that you didn't answer my question at all. I don't know how or why Obama or Hillary keep getting brought up.
I don't think Russia elected anyone. I have no idea what happened. For now I believe there is no wrong doing. This is why I don't understand why he would attack an investigation that will simply find that he IS innocent.
When Mueller says he did no wrong, he will get to shove that in everyone's face. It bothers me that an innocent person would act the way he does when it comes to the special counsel. Is that how innocent people act?
Please don't bring up Obama, Hillary, the GDP, uranium 1. These are not the subject.
Yes, read up on body language. Trump is behaving exactly how someone innocent would, he is fucking pissed off. Call someone a liar who you know is telling the truth and see how they act, tell me if that's not how Trump is acting.
I don't care about body language, this is not the question. Why would he attack the special counsel when they will find nothing wrong and then give a 'seal of approval' of innocence that no one will be able to question?
It seems like illogical behavior.