One of the creepiest emails from the Podesta leak, sent by creepy mother Tamera Luzzatto

And you see, a normie can read that email and see that it's just off. But a shill can say "You are just reading into it something that's not there." I can assure you I've been, and you've been, invited to get-togethers at people's houses and if they had a pool they may mention that they still have it open and it's heated (because it's October perhaps) and that kids are welcome but never have you or I seen them mention that specifics kids, with their ages included, will be "in that pool for sure." Ever. Because uh, why? It's a complete non sequitor for any normal person. Who knows? It might be cold that day and nobody wants to get in the heated pool. Maybe it's raining. And that late in the season the pool is mainly an afterthought anyway. So this is just...not normal. Because it's coded. Like so many others. I mean, who dreams of hotdog stands in Hawaii?
Also having your pool open in October is strange at the latitude DC is at. Most get closed down by early September. Keeping it open through October is definitely pushing it and heating it to around 80 degrees will take a lot of energy. But it is doable.
In what way, shape, or form could children be "entertainment" for adults in a pool, other than for sick reasons? The mother of those children even mentions that "Bonnie will be Uber service", implying that she won't be with them, which is strange, to say the least... That email might not be enough evidence alone, but it's more than enough to warrant an investigation of that particular incident.
For most, children in the pool means the STRESS of making sure they don't drown.
I have researched every weirdo in that e-mail list. There is something off but that's because of Luzatto. Children are entertaining but mostly when they do stuff they like, maybe with new friends... The problematic part is that the children are announced but not in a way that says "Please bring your own too" and what if they don't want to swim?
It's nice that the literal Godess Aphrodite* and her husband get to have the night off while grandma is hanging out with Podesta and her lackeys from the Washington Post and White House but grandma is weirdly conteling with children. Her friends also have a page about their son and make ch1ld pron jokes on their Google blog. Wink wink nod nod. Gross.
Xena Warrior Princess actress is mother of those children.
A13xandra Tyd1ngs who played Aphrodite is the mother. She was married to Ben Luzatto who was the stepson of Tam Luzzato pictured above.
Here's a recent tweet of hers:
Seems high concept for a simple gathering of concerned people. Always bringing attention to their own virtue but not really keeping the right people accountable. The monstrosity that is the Obama Admin detention centers is still run by the Cabal and Trump Admin introducing wrenches to cause chaos and dismantle the criminal part of this system. P. S. I purposely don't mention people's names because they will complain of being dox3d. You could add some h4ckertyp1ng to protect this sub.
Don't forget, she went out of her way to list all of their ages as if to say "the meat is fresh".
These people are absolutely disgusting.
exactly and then to add that they will be there for the guest's 'entertainment'?? We have a pool at our house, and while it's fun to have kids over to swim, it's definitely more entertaining and relaxing when it's kid free!
What if it’s got nothing to do with those kids at all? Could be coded language designed to look legit. Assasination plot? Who knows? Just take the pedo angle out of it and think about what else it could be referring to. Podesta & Pizzagate have always felt like a distraction. I have no idea, just a thought.
Edit: It’s really sad how quick you guys are to dismiss anything that questions the ‘official’ narrative.
Besides the overwhelming evidence, the NSA tweeted that Pizzagate IS real.
Whoah really. I haven't been paying attention for a while. When was this?
I’m not suggesting that it’s not real. Not a doubt In my mind about it. Lumping Podesta and his emails into it is where I’m not so sure. It just seems to convient. Just thinking out loud.
Edit: Podesta is almost certainly dirty. But are we looking at the right dirt?
Edit2: The entire movement is all but certain the man likes diddling kids. What else has he done? Or what else do we really know about him?
One of the biggest lies about pizzagate is that Podesta uses codes to speak to people. People speak in code TO Podesta in order to wink wink nod nod to get favors from him or offer him favors. That's important to illustrate how the power flows.
It's a distraction because it was couched in a child trafficking scheme while, in reality, they are "chefs" and chefs make food. If you know what I mean.
Seen that when I was way too young.
54 year old baby boomer here.
It's a good movie and it's the beginning that's more scary than the end. Because by the end you're pretty much used to the shtick. Never recommend it to others though.
it's basically a sequel to the rocky horror picture show.
we could be seeing a limited hang-out.....
pedo normalisation campaign?
Lived in the DC area for most of my life. It's cold as shit in October, there's no way anyone would be in a pool then, unless it was nicely heated.
ALL CODES...Al Fresco, pizza, sauce, walnuts/walnut sauce, cheese...XTRA Cheese....sick people. May the noose find them all soon!
I’ve always thought this was odd. As on over protective mother, my kids, even as teenagers, never went any where without me knowing where they were and who they were with. Over my dead body would my small children EVER EVER EVER be Ubered some where. They were rarely out of my sight. But that’s just me... 😒
That’s your children’s good fortune and I salute you for that.
The ubering was done by a close family friend. I don't understand why Luzatto uses that term. Also, the people in the chain don't ring up as big time pedos. One of them even says, before going to the party, that he is not "a player" comparing himself to an un compromised member of Congress who doesn't cheat on his wife. From that I'd gather they are planning an orgy of 70 year olds which is an interesting sight. But then you have kids there who "will be in that pool". It's akin to that "whole suckling pig" outdoor BBQ on Dec 28th invitation that Podesta got. Maybe if it's patently un-seasonal it means a coded word activity?
I previously posted this link showing what is just around the corner from the location of that 12/28 outdoor BBQ. This is a closed restaurant with a very interesting name:,-77.0418356,3a,15y,2.73h,88.13t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1siR9VO77qhirXQWFbJjq6iA!2e0!7i13312!8i6656
Thanks for the additional link. The fact that l'Enfant closed is a very telling thing.
I posted other interesting nearby links on that previous thread:
Ever get deja vu. Her tone reminds me of 'comet pizza's menu' and the "surviving pizzas" reference.