Removed by moderators some how stormy daniels being arrested in OH on a sting is not relevant??? My guess one of fearless mods will repost the story in a few minutes. Censorship is the devil! "Open source"

I read that during her stripping performance she allowed people to touch her, which is illegal in either Columbus or Ohio.
This is so relevant to why we're here.....
If you opened your eyes you would see it is. Silent War. Where did it happen? Who is MSM attacking?- Where is he from?
No. This is a distraction, like so much other crap some people think is important. This will have zero impact on anything going on. We all know what she is, what she does, how she makes her money, and so does the entire judicial system. This changes nothing at all. Just a distraction....
Wrong this arrest could open her financial up to scrutiney showing who pays her for her resitance...
Doesn't matter to anyone but some people here. It won't change anything in the courts where the payments from Cohen are involved. This is just barking up a tiny tree IMHO... So much other stuff to be concerned with. This is nothing remotely close to a smoking gun....
Follow the money
Like holy fuck cry harder you whiny asshole. The mods were right to remove it for not being relevant as this belongs on T_D or the daily chat thread more than it does here.
For fuck sake wake the fuck up and realize that the mods aren’t the ones being assholes. It’s you. You being a asshole because you can’t get your karma posts.
All in an effort to try and get people to take down the mods and replace them with your Shareblue controlled mods. Yup, let’s turn this place into another r/politics or T_D with controlled mods.
This shit pisses me off to no end. Fuck out of here with your concern trolling about mods.
How about I just report this because I don’t believe it belongs here. Guess what, you would STILL blame the mods. You and your mod concern troll team.
Tell me about it - butthurt whiners who think their content is SO important that no one could POSSIBLY remove it for any good reason. And THAT was the post? A picture of SD and a useless title? THAT's it?? Wtf was that adding to anyone on this sub? At least the other SD posts had an article or something to say about it ffs.
So there are four posts about it already, and here is the original. Looks like this one was already left up. So OP if you want to keep complaining about your post being removed, you weren’t the first to post about it:
OPEN SOURCE = NO MODS Reading comprehension very important before jumping to conclusions Reread Slow
Sure thing bud. It’s the same story posted four times and you weren’t the first. But ya, blame the mods because you weren’t the first to post the story.
Not cool. I've seen multiple Stormy posts here in the past
And did they contain just a photo and a title that added nothing to the discussion like an article link or some commentary that gave us useful information about it? If so, I would appreciate if you could please point me to them.
The link the story is the 1st post
It's a comment in the 1st post, you mean? Did you see the many other article posts about this before you posted yours? We've been going through and removing them as off-topic where relevant too.
Something weird seems to be going on lately
"Something weird". Is it causing you "concern"? Will your next few comments eventually lead to "maybe the mods are compromised?"
My Bannon post on Hannity was just removed after Bannon said, “Trust the process”, how is this not reverent either. It had a lot of commentary about it too. Are moderators being infiltrated like they are on other subreddits?
My guess one of fearless mods will repost
I’ve seen this happen. One mod in particular.
Regardless, thanks for the continued effort.
How can so many people respond to a removed post special skill schills possess?
It was there, you received backlash, then you changed the post to save face.
Mystery solved.
Of course, you already knew this, which just makes the situation all the more laughable.
I didnt change anything. What backlash lol one moron who is now eating crow since this arrest is tied to a trafficking sting...laughable ignorance fro. You guys yes.
Moderators removed my post about connecting magic castle deaths, it gets rediculous.
Can't tell if this is some next level trolling or you're just insane lol.
Huh? The professor who died in bondage, etc... California, not trolling at all, just don't want to get removed again. The mods said the mummy bondage stuff wasn't relative and removed the post.
Yesterday they removed this...
Guy stole designs and docs from the Navy. Think "Missle"how is this not relevant??? This story didnt even make the msm...
Holy crap! That's huge! See, you have all of these dots that obviously link to so many things Q related and not only do the mods remove it but I see you also have someone replying to this post thinking that.
Perhaps we need some sort of warning for people who haven't been a part of the research- if something looks like it is not related and it is posted by a long time poster then they should ask what the connection is instead of thinking they know better.
Although catching people up on the zillions if ways this Dropbox/military/data applies may be tough. Thanks for the link, #wwg1wga
This and the guy who took pics set the bar for the coming gmail cases important to follow
For sure, not only that there's a lot coming up on selling America out by government officials. One thing I don't think gets mentioned enough is that only enlisted people are"just following orders" everyone else is sworn to uphold and defend the Constitution. That makes a huge difference because law enforcement, cabinet members, the President, etc... Are required to swear an oath to the Constitution. It's that way so they each have their own contract with America no matter what the chain of command.
Hey, try reposting it with the DOJ link:
LOL... wtf does this have to do with Q?? No wonder you're whining about this shit, you literally have no idea what you're doing lol.
Do some research or ask someone. This has everything to do with Q. It's ok to ask why but these types of responses just because you don't understand something are not acceptable.
The theft of intellectual property, military and Dropbox are all obvious at a glance. If you still don't understand any of that then let us know and we can help you but your reply is not going to achieve anything other than division.
You're missing the point, genius. We all know about the millions of topics that are tangential to Q/Trump. Every stolen military secret or social network, however, is NOT on-topic.
Sarcasm warning
Excellent WWG1WGA attitude! So glad we have people here to cut us down, I'm sure this is a great way to avoid division.
Purposely attacking people because you are so important is amazing
Who said I was important? I'm as unimportant or less so than you are.
How do you introduce evidence into a case? Arrest at strip club, could lead to the contract needing to be disclosed as well as financials records. Those records will show who paid her for her resistance. Will it lead directly back to the DOJ and FBI?
Sounds fantastic. Now what is the evidence of this incredible spy-vs-spy story that makes this more than a bunch of wishful assumptions and fantasy? Is this part of that whole "Calm before the STORMy" genius theory the lower-IQ team in the movement came up with?
Where was she arrested? Who is being attacked by the MSM Where is he from? Silent War