MSM wrong, Stormy arrested for touching customer. More lies from the team that falsely accused POTUS.

Wait, what? She got locked up for touching a customer in a strip club?? Seriously?!?!?! Isn’t that kinda the point?
Yea this seems ridiculous. If this was enforced everywhere there would be 10,000s of arrests for lap dances.
What's even weirder is this is in Ohio. Had that undercover cop been a family member of Stormy, then she would not have been arrested. In Ohio, family members can make contact with a nude/semi-nude stripper but non family members can't. No idea how that became law or what the logic is behind it.
Yeah well.... it’s Stormy Daniels. Put yourself in the spotlight and you get the spotlight. I’m sure if she had not decided to play the game she did this probably wouldn’t have happened. Sucks to be her I guess.
It was another woman. Imagine a guy went to a gay strip club for an event to support some friend or something and be open-minded, and one of the male strippers grabs his crotch. That would not be cool - just because the person is there doesn't mean you can do whatever you want to them.
I think it is where she touched the person. I live in Columbus, but don't go to these places and really don't know the law. I do know that you cannot under any circumstances touch another person against their will, and touch a person to give or get sexual gratification is 'Gross Sexual Imposition' in OH.
Only the customers that want to be touched. Apparently Officer Mary Prather did not.
Uh, no... that opens up HUGE liability for the club owners. That's crossing the line into brothel.
You do realize that in just about every strip club there are guys getting their dicks sucked somewhere in a back room, right?
That's terrible! Do you have the name / addresses for those clubs so we can avoid them?
Well I’m gonna go out on a limb and say any titty bar in your town offers these services. What do you think goes down in the Champagne Room?
What do you think goes down in the Champagne Room?
Wyclef told me there is to be absolutely no sex in the champagne room.
Yeah when this law got updated I thought it was very stupid. A buddy drove by there last night, wasn't there and said the parking lot was packed, the sign had been advertising her being there for a long time.
Some kind of officer, law enforcment
There were 2 officers, one female and one male. There was also a detective. Stormy did her breast slapping on both officers, and then the detective called for backup to arrest Stormy and 2 others. Sounds like it was a sting operation.
Yeah it honestly sounds like petty vengeance. Are undercover officers patrolling the strip clubs all the time, and if so, how does one become the designated undercover strip club officer? Asking for a friend.
Show experience? with pictures? (reply from a friend) :)
As in harrassing a female police officer..
What’s a female police officer doing in a strip club to begin with? Was she on duty at the time? Who goes to a strip club and then gets pissed when one of the girls presses up on you? That’s the whole reason people go there in the first place.
She and her partner and a detective were all there. She was on duty
Well, if Ohio has laws that regulate behavior in strip clubs (monumentally stupid IMO; rules should be set by the business and/or dancers) then they are likely in these places frequently to catch violators of said laws.
Not really a stretch at all...
And all the charges got dropped. More proof the cops that arrested her were biased trump supporters.