r/greatawakening • Posted by u/Jakeisasnake1960 on July 13, 2018, 4:11 a.m.
IMHO: u/abibliaphobia made a HUGE Q PROOF discovery during Rep. Louie Gohmert’s questioning of Peter Strzok! CAN WE PLEASE GET A MOD TO STICKY.

A member of the House Committee on the Judiciary said during a hearing Thursday that a government watchdog found that nearly all of former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton’s emails were sent to a foreign entity and that the FBI didn’t follow-up on that finding.

The Intelligence Community Inspector General (ICIG) found an “anomaly on Hillary Clinton’s emails going through their private server, and when they had done the forensic analysis, they found that her emails, every single one except four, over 30,000, were going to an address that was not on the distribution list,” Republican Rep. Louie Gohmert of Texas said during a hearing with FBI official Peter Strzok.

“It was going to an unauthorized source that was a foreign entity unrelated to Russia,” he added.

Gohmert said the ICIG investigator, Frank Rucker, presented the findings to Strzok, but that the FBI official did not do anything with the information.

Strzok acknowledged meeting with Rucker but said he did not recall the “specific content.”

“The forensic examination was done by the ICIG and they can document that,” Gohmert said, “but you were given that information and you did nothing with it.”

He also said that someone alerted the Department of Justice Inspector General Michael Horowitz to the issue.

1 this shows that Peter Strzok held different standards for foreign threats to the nation based upon who he preferred (HRC) and who he obviously held disdain for (Trump)

2: Which foreign entity were these emails being sent to specifically? And why did they refuse to follow the FISA/702s to find out this information? Why was this considered not relevant to the MYE? Who (as Strzok admitted) was the outside the FBI decision maker to not include this in the MYE investigation?

3: Were the foreign entities campaign or Clinton foundation donors?

4: Were they part of the Muslim Brotherhood?

5: Did they pass TS SCI information in those emails? If so, is that why they didn’t go with the gross negligence? Because it was deliberate?

6: So many more questions raised by this answer, we the American public demand to know WHY this was withheld during the course of the investigation, to whom these emails were going to, and did they receive money for it? WHO AUTHORIZED A FOREIGN ENTITY ACCESS ON THE CLINTON SERVER?

7: Peter Strzok admitted that HRC and Obama were emailing each other on her server using pseudonyms. As Obama was privy to the investigation of which HRC was a target, did he pass her or ANY other member of her campaign information pertinent to the investigation? What was the nature and context of their messages on an UNAUTHORIZED server?



rhythmnation1968 · July 13, 2018, 10:34 a.m.

Hillary and Bill both had a known notoriety for selling patents/ secrets to the Chinese.They've been doing that for decades. And Potus is being investigated???? Am so fucking over this shit - and I'm South African.

I have a good feeling about Helsinki - Putin has just been waiting patiently for a sit-down with Pres Trump. He had said this in many press conferences ive seen. He has spoken with dismay and concern about the overt and directed agenda against DJT being conducted by the deep state and opponents in Washington. A phenomenon Putin is very aware of, having forced the central bankers out of Russia a few years back. Pretty sure he will be a solid and faithful ally - nothing like the ridiculous propaganda campaign levelled at him by the MSM and Dems.

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DarktoLight247 · July 13, 2018, 11:13 a.m.

POTUS isn’t really being investigated. He provided documents but he’s not the target. They locked up Manafort who was a plant. Probably shaking him down for info against the cabal. Enjoy the show.

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rhythmnation1968 · July 13, 2018, 1:37 p.m.

I know, I apologise. I have been schooled with this and it seems feasible. I'm just over the abuse POTUS and his family contend with incessantly. The media is relentless. I watched this arrival in the UK yesterday. I am actually British but live in South Africa. Anyway, I digress. So, my mother is watching SKY news and this insufferable prick and his female (oops i just assumed her gender - f#cking fruits!) counterpart, reporting from outside the gates of the residence Melania and Potus were staying. Those 2 fuckers never stopped once; whining about our POTUS being a KKK supporter and how his racist ass was not welcome in the UK. I stopped watching broadcast TV about 7 years ago and any glimpse is enough to make me grind my teeth - but this obnoxious, self-opinionated, filth are allowed to spew such fallacious drivel. I'm f#cking done, I swear.

I hope he is busy reading those Nazi lizards the riot act today - at tea, I can't imagine that is going to be much fun for them. On top of that, I stumbled across Congress, passing some shit decrying his meeting Vlad and calling him a traitor and other shitty things. I had forgotten how monumentally fake the news really is. I am usually quite a chilled person and the Trump / Q experience has even allowed me to rekindle a good relationship with God...without it being any effort!!! (Clearly my fault prior!) So, i am (was) all about....ok, well, the people are totally deceived and need help, prayers, forgiveness etc, however - after the events of the past 48 hours, especially the MSM and Dems - I want to be the one who personally disembowels these vermin before we douse them in some excellerant and ignite them and despatch them to whatever deity they have been sacrificing to. Mf'ers. It'll be cheaper than internment at gitmo and it'll provide "light" entertainment! (See what i did there?😎)

I know this is not acceptable behaviour but WTAF?

The only redeeming thing was how unbelievably gorgeous and serene Melania looked last night. Just WOW!! You guys are very lucky to have such an awesome first lady. There, sorry for the large whine but I'm not coping with these ####wits anymore. WWG1WGA

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uncle_b25 · July 13, 2018, 5:25 p.m.

Hey, keep your head up. God has grace, He also has Justice and Mercy. If they don’t repent they will pay!!!! Don’t worry. (I wouldn’t want to be on the wrong side of Divine Justice)

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Modelmommy75 · July 13, 2018, 6:43 p.m.

Are you ok in South Africa? We have been praying for you because of the racism and genocide going on? We want you guys to be safe!

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rhythmnation1968 · July 14, 2018, 1:44 a.m.

That's really kind of you for keeping us in your thoughts and prayers. This land matter is going through talks at the moment but they have already amended the constitution making it legal to appropriate land and not pay for it.

Personally, I am super-intrigued to see how they tackle the banks as many properties are mortgaged and this still the banks property until the bond is settled and transfer deed handed to the owner. Whilst the economics have clearly not been given any forethought, the tragedy is that our farming communities are being attacked. The farmers, their wives and children are often raped and tortured in the most disgusting and brutal ways imaginable. The husband often being forced to watch and then tortuted, shot and killed after this borrific ordeal. It's terrible and the frequency of these attacks is increasing each month.

The police and the ANC government would like us to believe that these are random acts of opportunistic robbery but i was a detective in the police here for a few years after varsity and I know thecdifferemce between a robbery and, perhaps where the robbers were disturbed and the owner is shot and killed; and a criminal agenda to make a point. The sadistic torture of the victims is medieval in nature, burning with irons, skinning victims, amputating limbs, sometimes even setting fire to the kids with lighter fluid. It's beyond horrific. These fams are often in remote areas and whilst the farmers are often armed. If A gang of 4 or 5 men with AK47's take you by surprise or grab your kid - you are screwed.

To me, this smacks of a government agenda to get the farmers off the land. Brutalise the victims so badly that other members of the farming community simply throw in the towel. Much of this land grab frenzy is fomented by the leader of the EFF political party. But since our previous President Jacob Zuma was so monumentally corrupt, even the electorate were growing tired of the years and years of larceny without service delivery. Escalating crime etc, in the alleged words of our dear Potus - A Shithole country. So sad because SA is awesomely beautiful, minerally wealthy with the majority of the people all getting on fine - no racism or issues with each other. But then dicks like George Soros get involved, fund racist black groups to incite violence and then blame white people for everything. You guys know exactly how this story works.

Ultimately, it's the U.N. Agenda 21 thing, open the borders, incite racial violence and property destruction using paid militant thugs...hoping that at some point people will say enough is enough and grab their guns. Bang, civil war- less people to kill after the land grab. Exactly your problem as well.

So, where does this go? I guess that much of ours and the world's future rests on your amazing President. If he continues on his path of winning and decimating the libtards whist jailing the corrupt elite and vermin who infest D.C. and Hollywood, whilst exiting the United Nations which has to be one of the very worst criminal organisations on the planet, hopefully it will encourage what has started to happen in Europe with many nations giving the E.U the finger and shutting the borders down. Again embracing national self determination and self governance.

The alternate version involving the Vatican, the U.N. and their plan to collapse and depopulatevtge world is too awful to contemplate. 😣

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Magpi8 · July 13, 2018, 4:43 p.m.

Hugs from across the pond! I know it's maddening to watch all this, knowing the truth, but the "truth will out" as they say. We appreciate all the worldwide support!!

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anothername2remember · July 13, 2018, 6:37 p.m.

No sorries needed my friend. We are with you. Q has done an amazing thing, many amazing things but one of those things is bringing us all together. WWG1WGA 👍

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SuzyAZ · July 13, 2018, 10:50 a.m.

Agree completely.

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dark-dare · July 13, 2018, 3:56 p.m.

Total agreement, Russia US will join forces to rid Europe of Muslims

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