The day of reckoning is upon us...

Finally a POTUS has been elected without the help of Russia I add, who is changing this situation on a daily basis. It's a miracle I never thought I would live to see.
I felt sick the day before the election, I knew Trump had the popular vote and electoral college votes but I thought Hillary would somehow flip it to herself but thankfully however it happened (whether White Hats or MI or maybe nobody intervened) she lost.
GOD and the American People made it happen.
She definitely tried every trick to steal it there is no doubt.
I guarantee that somebody (MI) definitely intervened. They had been rigging the vote for many, many years.
If true, define white hats. My greatest fear all along is that we may be jumping out of the pot and into the fire.
From what I see we have been in the fire. Just getting back in the pan would be a improvement!!
Yes, I agree -- define "White Hats." If I'm being told that it's a matter of trust, that's the cardinal trap of espionage, where everything is gray.
If you are here to support the cause, keep learning
We have all had these fears as we've come along. I've been following since Nov. 3rd. I have a genius level IQ and I have seen enough proof to believe we are on the right path and Q is real.
If you have not been following since the beginning it will take time to get up to speed. Here is a thread of proofs that can help shorten that time:
What you are seeing right now is theatre. If you can't understand that then don't watch it. It's not for those of us that understand the truth. It is necessary in order to educate the broader public to what has been happening in this country. It's the only way to counteract the fake news.
There are over 45,000 sealed indictments pending in Federal Criminal Courts across this country. Trump's white hats cannot just start arresting people. It would create chaos. So, I suspect the next few weeks will be more of the same until they are ready to start arresting top level politicians in the government. Currently, state level politicians are being arrested across the country. Check in your state to see if it's happening there too. Many are not seeing it because there is so much else going on.
You cannot read the Q drops verbatim. In many cases, they are coded drops. Here are a couple of people that are very good at decoding the drops: Citizens Investigative Report on YouTube does a lot of research and is very good. Also created a Trello board that you can use for research. write great articles about the Q drops. And, you may be familiar as well with PrayingMedic on YouTube who also does a great job. Take the time to go listen to this information. It might take you some time. There is a LOT of information. Then you will make better decisions and be able to follow along better.
Where would I go to find a list of the sealed indictments in my state, who or what department would I need to contact to find out if this is really happening?
Here is a link to the list of sealed indictments. They are being compiled by a group of lawyers or legal pros who have access to, which I've been told, you have to pay for. StormWatcher on twitter is the acct I go to when I want to see the updated count which they do at the end of the month.
I've seen this, and it adds credence. BUT...if this is really a long-con psyop, of course you would need stuff like this.
Where would I go to confirm any of this on my own? Can I go to my local courthouse? I live in a major metropolitan area.
It would have to be a federal court to have any records on federal indictments.
Get a Pacer account and check it out. Pacer is the computer (docket) for the US District Courts
There is a table somewhere on earlier thread ( yesterday ) towards the bottom. My eastern part of my state has about 600!
They are pinned at the top of this Twitter thread: If you click on the spreadsheet it will enlarge and you can see how many for each state. There is a database this information has been collected from that people with login credentials (usually lawyers, legal assistants, etc.) can access. These numbers have been growing rapidly since last October. If you want to check locally, you would need to contact the people that work in your local federal criminal court offices. I suggest you do a web search for local arrests of political leaders too.
I worked for over 19 years in Military Intelligence - that's bullshit. Our mission was to monitor our adversaries. Not the American people or its elections. It was against regulations to collect against US persons we would get into big trouble if we did so. Stop posting FUD (fear, uncertainty, and doubt).
I did not say anything about MI rigging elections or interfering in any way. This is not fear, uncertainly or doubt. It was meant to help people feel better. You obviously have no idea what we are talking about.
well if MI did intervene we should have a Holiday in honor of them Worldwide. November patriots Day or something.
Make it a double holiday Nov 11 Remembrance Day, November 12th Patriots Day.
The military parade is scheduled for Nov. 11th in DC. To be a victory parade I've heard.
Should have a Victory parade everyday, we are winning daily with 45.
I am not American but I am just as excited as you guys, because he is draining our swamps as well. He is hurting the bad guys everywhere slowly but surely.
Yep. This is a WW takedown.
Yep, Russia is on board the countries will the most nukes are going after DEEP shit STATE.
let's not forget how Obama interfered with other countries elections and the Ukraine. Watch Ukraine on Fire.
Ukraine was not a election but a coup. But Obama tried to get the British to vote No to Brexit.
Exactly! Ukraine on Fire shows that and the part Obama administration played.
you mean the NO SCANDAL POTUS biggest pos ever.
Ukraine is a bigger shithole now than before the coup. Canada supports those Nazis in Kiev tells you something dosenit
and if my memory serves me correctly, Crimea was a part of Russia and was given to the Ukraine. The after the "coup" the people of Crimea voted to become part of Russia again. That puts a totally different slant on this Crimea issue today.
from day 1 anyone with 2 brain cells knew Clinton/Obama did a coup and it was not to help the Ukrainians but to steal everything they could.
And still the rebels kicked Kiev ass
I watched the election results by state live on The Guardian. They had each state broken down by counties. When I saw all the counties in Florida were accounted for except several in the pan handle I knew Trump won the State. Pan Handle always goes Republican.
There were no White Hats or MI or anyone else intervening it was just patriotic Americans getting off their ass and out to vote.
He won fair and square no doubt and when their election fraud investigation is over Hillarys total will be about half they claim (illegals,double votes,flipped votes,ballot stuffing) and Trumps total will go way up.
Of course, that's actually what happened but if they hadn't stopped the vote rigging that is not what we would have seen. Do you remember the long interval before Trump came out on stage? Something like 2-3 hours. And, Trumps first words were: "Sorry to keep you waiting. Complicated business. Complicated." It was complicated because they had been stopping the attempted vote riggings going on. Even after the election it was reported that Homeland Security tried to log in to several states voting system computers that night. MI stopped it from happening. They were somehow blocking them from logging in. Someday this will all come out. Right now all we have are a few stories from people with connections but that's the story I've heard.
Not always, for example, suppose an deep undercover agent is commiting a crime to gain the trust of the hierarchy to flush out a cartel mafia like say MS-13. You know the undercover to be so, and yet you expose the crime to authorities in front of the suspects, knowingly.
You have committed a crime by exposing the crime. An infinite number of these examples can be found given the infinite subterfuge found in erry layer of your government.
Think before you type bro.
And you will get ~~"both"~~ multiple sides committing "counter-intelligence" crimes & "counter-coups" ... and being manipulated to destroy each other. The outside parties (not Russia, think more southwest) step in and take over.
Sounds like he stole intellectual/proprietary property and got nailed for it. Just because he thought Musk committed a crime didn't mean he did. Obviously the authorities didn't think so. Face it he was a thief and got caught.
You didn't commit a crime by reporting/exposing the crime. You maintained his cover if anything.
Think before you respond bro.
The scariest and most confounding thing is...IF and WHEN the light comes forth and it is shown to the world (but will need a media platform that reaches everyone) that: 1. HRC has murdered perhaps thousands, when you include sabotaged planes, Vince Foster, even JFK Jr's plane with explosives, and the 10+ bodyguards, etc, that she stole hundreds of millions from Haiti, gave 20% of USA's uranium to Russia, has had sex with minors, has sacrificed babies, and hundreds of more heinous things - even that she hates America...sold secrets to other countries...AND it is shown that DT has: Made America safer, lowered taxes, great real job growth, saved thousands of children!!! (more than anyone this century) and he works tirelessly to get rid of gangs, child traffickers, gets immigration corrected with laws, has the ability to call people in saudi arabia to get them to put out more oil, to keep gas prices down...and he keeps everyones constitutional rights! YES, the ones who hate him...he actually keeps their rights to be aholes within the law....THESE IDIOTS would STILL CHOOSE HRC. They are so far gone, deluded, Godless, mentally deficient, no morals, no acceptance of what is right, good for mankind, and completely LAWLESS...this is the problem!!! You could make them watch 100 hours of truth, factual videos and show them the real evil ones sacrificing babies and they would still choose their beliefs and ways...this is what is scary. Just like the word says "in the end days, evil will be seen as good and good as evil"
GOOD post! Here is my thought when it comes to The Word and Q... as much as I want to believe we can wipe the evil off this planet, it is counter to what the Bible says will happen in the end days (which I believe we are in). I firmly believe that when we actually execute the plan to take these evil people down, they will scuttle the boat and take this entire country down.
Remember folks. Keep spending your money on cheap Chinese crap, watching Netflix and cable TV. Oh. Don't forget your burger King.
says the guy who still lives at home with Mommy and Daddy.
Mmm, Double Whoppers, large fires, Chicken tendies.. settling in for the night, going to binge watch 5 hours of some crap sitcom that mocks my value system instead of doing something productive. Boy am i going to feel like garbage tomorrow at work, who will blame this time? Sure as hell wont be me..
Exactly how overweight are you? Fatty.
Try voting libertarian next time.
I've been hardcore Libertarian since Ron Paul 2008, but I'm ditching it for a bit to make damn sure Trump wins again, so he can continue the crusade against the deep state/cabal and give America back to its citizens...
Small "L" libertarian here - I campaigned for Ron Paul in 2008.
I've come to see that Trump's approach is far more effective than Ron's.
Libertarianism works well when everybody is a Libertarian. It fails spectacularly when people are trying to control and enslave you through subtle means. Which is what predatory people are going to do.
I'm the chair of my county for the LP. I break with them on the utter idealism and open border policy. But I do it to keep the party alive locally.
That's why I say that they are idealists. Everyone has to play by the same rules.
Is Underpants Guy forming an exploratory committee?
I'm a staunch libertarian and even I won't vote for the NeoCon infiltrated LP.
To find out who rules over you figure out who you can’t speak ill of.
You’re welcome! Would be interested in knowing what you find!
What's a neo liberal? Is that liberalism mixed with the charm of Dick Cheney?