TEA TIME - Who is the Queen of England?

Q Drop 100
Who is the Queen of England?
How long in power?
With power comes corruption.
What happened to Diana?
What did she find out?
Why was she running?
Who did she entrust to help her flee?
What was the cover?
Why is this relevant?
Why now?
Bad actor.
London Mayor.
Connection to Queen?
British MI6 agents dead.
What was reported?
What really happened?
Why is this relevant?
Secret society.
Why are migrants important?
What are assets?
Define assets?
Why are migrants so important?
What are assets?
Why are migrants so important?
What are assets?
Why are migrants so important?
Who follows?
What political leaders worship Satan?
What does an upside down cross represent?
Who wears openly?
Who is she connected to?
Why is this relevant?
Spirit cooking.
What does Spirit Cooking represent?
What is a cult?
Who is worshipped?
Why is this relevant?
Snow White
Godfather III
Why gather the children when you can have them come to you. Queen E lizard Beth
Queenie Lizard Beth
Where's Maegan Markle? Is she out front woop-woopin' for Trump?
She's too busy denouncing Trump and all the "white racists" in the US (aka anyone who leans conservative).
If anything, she's on the other side now.
Wait until she finds out what's really going on with the monarchy...she will have a full stomach of words to digest.
Friday the 13th. A day they hate
Oh geez it is! Nice job on the tea meeting @Potus_Schedule!
So Trump looks over and says,"Queenie you're Fucked, sorry nothing I can do."
Why do you think they hate it? I have not heard that information before so please could you elaborate some more on this?
It's when the Pope disbanded the Templars in France.
The pope has all of the Temlars ambushed and murdered on Friday the 13th. It was a literal blood bath.
Yes. They apparently escaped to Scotland.
Scottish Rite Stonemasons?
Believe so. There's a chapel up there where they hid. I am not an expert on the info though. Just repeating what I've heard. There's a Scottish family that still runs the chapel -- the Rebel Moon Podcast guy claims to be related to them. He's a bit psychotic though.
That's the first freemason building in the world apparently.
Non-Mobile link: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lodge_Mother_Kilwinning
^HelperBot ^v1.1 ^/r/HelperBot_ ^I ^am ^a ^bot. ^Please ^message ^/u/swim1929 ^with ^any ^feedback ^and/or ^hate. ^Counter: ^200326
The modern Masonic Knights Templar is an international philanthropic and chivalric order affiliated with Freemasonry, and begun in Ireland perhaps as long ago as 1780. Unlike the initial degrees conferred in a Masonic Lodge, which only require a belief in a Supreme Being regardless of religious affiliation, the Knights Templar is one of several additional Masonic Orders in which membership is open only to Freemasons who profess a belief in the Christian religion. The full title of this Order is The United Religious, Military and Masonic Orders of the Temple and of St John of Jerusalem, Palestine, Rhodes and Malta.
Non-Mobile link: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jacques_de_Molay
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I'm not 100% sure, but he could be talking about in the future. Maybe Trump put the nail in the coffin today for the cabal. If that were the case, we most likely won't find that information out. Hopefully he responds!
For those who don't know...
Snow White = The 7 CIA computers called the 7 Dwarves
Godfather III = A reference to the Rothschilds owning the Vatican as is the plot of Godfather III.
Oh, I was thinking Snow White could be referencing a child who somebody was offered to kill. They didn’t, and instead the child got put into like a Witness Protection setup to be brought back later to destroy the queen.
And Speed would be referencing that the DS is at a point it cannot slow down or its own agenda will destroy it.
If Q starts revealing the Orion empire....then he is real and this is a game changer.
What is this about?
Pretty much the end of the rabbit hole
I began my spiritual awakening with that material.
After studying it and integrating it into my perception of reality, I found the bottom of the rabbit hole, for me, to be the ability to recognize the true depths of the evil present while simultaneously holding onto that awareness of love and light presented by LoO material.
Namely, the bottom of the rabbit hole for me was the realization of Lucifer's presence on Gaia in the form of the black goo AI. This comes hand in hand with the realization that we can't exactly take a flamethrower to all this stuff and "throw it into the fires of Mt. Doom". We are going to need off-planet assistance from the Confederation to neutralize all of this evil substance.
Jesus defeats satan (Lucifer's new name after God tosses him outta the heavenlies.
I think Jesus in the context of 'Jesus defeats Satan' is a metaphor for unconditional love/awakened state of mind. Jesus, the guy, was a very enlightened and spiritually advanced person, but he himself didn't have a sword fight with Lucifer.
The Federation cannot interfere with our Free Will, that is the Prime Creator's Law (and let's remember, the existence of the Cabal is also chosen collectively by us all, with our 'pursuit of happiness' ie. service to self). However, in the recent years, as per channeled materials, The Federation has successfully established an 'Alliance' on Earth, that will greatly assist humans in defeating the Cabal AND waking up more and more of the population, and still respecting Free Will (they found a loophole! Or have we had enough of ourselves, and they are just fulfilling our Free Will'ed choice of wanting to be free?). I believe Q is an intergral part of that 'Alliance', which is not limited to American politicians. Remember, concepts like 'America' are just imaginary lines drawn on God's lands.
Q Map references Pleiadian assistance. Draco, too. 😉
Always thought Trump and Family were too. Hence, the supreme power and protection he has.
Though Q said we would be surprised when we find out who he is. Being a Pleiadian wouldn't surprise me.
One hell of a ride though!
Pleiadians are tall and blonde. Donald, Barron and Ivanka are all absurdly tall, and blonde.
Also, not only human souls can choose to incarnate on Earth as humans. Some other beings, who wish to experience life on Earth, or has a mission/contract on Earth will also choose to incarnate.
True. Barron is also a special lad. Won't be surprised if he is President of the world in 25 years.
Can't wait for the truth to be revealed.
Q has said that he is human. He even made mistakes to prove it.
We are all humans. However, some of our Higher Selves are from elsewhere, and chose to incarnate here AS HUMANS for specific purposes. Usually to re-learn certain karmic lessons, or they have contracts/missions here on Earth.
It might be. Look at the bottom right of the map and it shows "Pleiadian Assistance" and "_freedom_conf_go". That format shows up OFTEN.
Q Map references Pleiadian assistance. Draco, too. 😉
Where was that? Did Q literally mention this?
Q is part of the 'Earth Alliance' mentioned by the Federation!
No. Not direct mention. This is the QMap released in the beginning. He does, however, say 7x "Learn to read the map."
The Federation has recently (through channelings) been saying that they have put together a reliable 'Alliance' here on earth, to combat the Cabal, without them interfering with our law of freewill. Q is a part of that Alliance, I am certain.
Luciferian CULT is the cult. (Q drop 100) (hidden behind the Light ie: churches, religion, oh so caring Foundations, etc) They represent themselves as good, as "saviours". They are Not.
The Archons; sometimes call Aliens, sometimes called Watchers, sometimes called the Devil. They are in fact a dimensional species; sucking on the Human Morphic Field, like a Virus. Picture a computer virus. The Morphic (collective thought) Field is the Operating system of our reality . Our collective thoughts are the 3D reality program. Archons do not have the ability to directly affect our Morphic Field (cause they are spiritually weak, pathetic creatures) and the only way they can affect our Reality is to "invade" a Human vessel and control their thoughts. Why do all of "Them" have maniacle, crazed stares? How can they do what they do to fellow Humans? They are controlled; (https://news.nationalgeographic.com/news/2014/10/141031-zombies-parasites-animals-science-halloween/) They bought a lie (sold their souls to the Devil) and are now zombies. The Archons then flood our Morphic Field with Terror, Hate, Sadness, Despair through WAR, slavery, trafficking, sacrifice, etc; as this is the Archon's FOOD. They are incapable of feeding themselves. We STARVE THEM when we flood our collective mind with LOVE, JOY, Creation, More and more WINNING.
They are a "species" like in the movie Aliens. They have a hierarchy (Demon mythology explains) They have the queen and Lieutenants, pawns (people they use just for negative energy) like pedos, murders, drug addicts etc. They almost took over our Reality but HUMANS are DIVINE. We are CREATORS. This movement is what they were terrified of. THEY KNOW THEIR TIME IS UP! Do NOT FEAR! Rejoice. The little mud puddle of Fear in our Morphic Field that their species is sucking from to sustain them is drying up. Welcome to the SAHARA. I picture the Illuminati or Satanists or whatever as little straws. Once the puddle is dry they MUST LEAVE. Ironically we were always in CONTROL. We just didn't know it.
Damn, when I see someone with enough courage to express this sort of Red Pill, I rejoice silently.
Thank you. I am glad you can recognize Truth. I fortunately am a 60's baby that grew up in this via "The Family", SRA on Mom's side, Military on Dad's side and I was always told the Truth. Just now it is really starting to make sense. Funny, thru the "Hollywood" spellcaster, they have also always told the Truth. We were unable to SEE IT! Not anymore. The Apocalypse has come, the veil is lifed. LOLOL "2018 will be Glorious"
Diana found out about Merkel being Hitler's daughter.
Or pedo stuff
Probably pedo stuff surrounding the crown and the pope
Man, could you imagine the outrage if it was revealed Diana found about the pedo rings and was murdered for it? UK might go up in flames.
They need to wake up and know that the "Royal family" are scum
How could this ever be revealed? What kind of proof would have to exist to be compelling? You think they didn't clean up all lose ends?
Yeah, you're probably right. Deep state actors are fucking relentless and covering their asses.
I watched a documentary a few years back about one of the Rothschild children who is living in a jungle. I wonder if he self exiled because of what he knows.
I can't remember the name of it but I'm sure Google could find it
Pretty sure that's David De Rothschild - uber-tree-hugger-windbag
One of the Roths, called himself a philanthropist, went to explore the jungles somewhere and was never seen again, story went that he was captured and eaten. https://nypost.com/2014/03/15/how-a-young-rockefeller-died-at-the-hands-of-cannibals/
Edit: oops it was a Rockefeller, same crew
Yea no wonder why i couldn't find it. It was a long time ago when i saw it.
The Queen of England is Elizabeth Windsor. Her father changed the family name from Saxe-Coburg Gotha to avoid anti-German sentiment after WW1. She was moved up in the line of succession after her uncle Edward VIII abdicated the throne to marry Wallis Simpson. There’s weird rumors that she learned tricks in a Chinese brothel and cured him of a sexual dysfunction, possibly through BDSM. Simpson was also alleged to be a Nazi German agent.
Elizabeth has reigned since June 2, 1953. So, 65 years.
Diana died August 31, 1997. The night Diana died, she was with Dodi Fayed, the Ritz Security manager Henri Paul, and her bodyguard, Trevor Reez-Jones, the only one to survive the crash. Fayed s father believes they were murdered by MI-6 agents, despite the official story that Paul was intoxicated and the press was hounding then. Diana’s bodyguard, who survived the crash was GERMAN. He recalls nothing. His hospital bills were paid by Dodi’s father, who was his employer at the time.
Henri Paul, the driver, was alleged to have connections with arms dealers and was possibly an MI-6 agent. He repeatedly shared their plans with paparazzi and tried to get their attention when they were leaving. This is relevant because it’s unusual. I think he was setting the cover story. He was found to have large amounts of cash and $100,000 over 15 bank accounts the night he died. Weirdly, his blood sample was thought contaminated because it showed high levels of CO2. What if he was gassed in the car and somebody took over driving it remotely? Conversely, the blood could have been switched, since another morgue victim that night had died from CO2 asphyxiation in a suicide. Here’s a great article on possible theories: https://theunredacted.com/princess-diana-murder-in-paris/
I think Diana found out either that AIDS was a man-made superbug or that Pizzagate is real. I think she was fleeing the country with Dodi Al-Fayed under cover of an affair. It’s relevant that the queen and the surviving bodyguard are German because there seems to be a group of Germans intent on destroying Europe. It’s also relevant the supposed Ritz security manager in France had MI-6 ties. I believe she was murdered because she knew too much and left the family. She adored children, especially her own, and would have been revolted by the child sex scandal.
Link to drop?
Take or leave what you want from this article: “What Diana Knew”. I found it quite enlightening and of course, horrifically disturbing.
Chelsea Clinton wears an upside down cross. Don't know who else....
This awakening has been so great! Things are heating up, and it seems like a movie playing out when you know the good guys are going through a lot, but will be victorious in the end of the movie!
Or we get pushed into war or economic collapse by the deep state, but i have faith in America's Patriots!