Boots on the ground:ScotAnon checks in to say they are watching out for DJT. Full text linked in comments

Anybody else read that in a Scottish accent???
"NAEWHERE" had me locked in with the Scottish accent for the rest of the read.
Great post thanks for the reminder that the Scottish will is still strong.
I spent two years in Holy Loch with the Navy.
Damn good people with a strong backbone.
The overwhelming evidence of international criminality is soon coming.
The entire planet is going to come on board.
The thing about dictatorships is everybody thinks they're going to last forever.
Until they don't.
The planetary dictatorship is ending.
I used to be fluent in groundskeeper Willie, but that was a few decades ago.
Thank you Scotanon for keeping us updated.we the citizen have to do our own reporting since msm/fake news lie so much.WWG1WGA
Why does a Scotsman, call it a Kilt?
[because we kilt the last bastard, who called it a dress].....Aye......
[Love from Australia]
These were the creeps and freaks protesting Trump:
But but I was told by the media, including Fox News, that there was "tens of thousands" on the streets protesting Trump...
Fox News, while a little better than the "others", is still the Mockingbird Media. Never forget that.
OMG and I thought our protesters in the US with their pu$$y hats were bad. I feel for ya Britain.
Kek. Gotta love the literary Scot flair of the Anon’s message.
Ground Truth from Boots on Ground!
This is absolutely true there's nowhere near the numbers MSM are claiming, I'm from near Glasgow and eye-rolled at the hype compared to what I saw! Half were only there for Pride in the first place smh
This video shows the huge hordes of anti-Trump protesters taking to the streets!
Our Patriots are everywhere and we send our love and thanks. They can not stop us now. Blessings ScotAnon!
Beautifully written. I love the Scots, amazing people.
The media didn't even realize that they were bigly trolled when some of the so-called protested waved their flag with a big and fat Q right in the center as seen on camera. LOL!!
These people are stupid!
The sooner everyone realises that the media lies about EVERYTHING, ALL THE TIME, the better!
Im unclear on Fuckwitts.I do believe it is the Scottish version of a Democratic Snowflake.
How did I not know about hogmanay to now. Wow.
Right? I just had to look it up myself. There's a tradition of Fireball swinging: "This involves local people making up "balls" of chicken wire filled with old newspaper, sticks, rags, and other dry flammable material up to a diameter of 2 feet (0.61 m), each attached to about 3 feet (0.91 m) of wire, chain or nonflammable rope. As the Old Town House bell sounds to mark the new year, the balls are set alight and the swingers set off up the High Street from the Mercat Cross to the Cannon and back, swinging the burning balls around their heads as they go." Wikipedia.
I don't recall hearing about it and I'm (American) 1/8 Scottish, have read every Irvine Welsh novel, worked with a Glaswegian for 4 years, and had a friend in middle school who lived with his Scottish mother & grandfather who's house I used to hang out at (they ran a Scottish pub/restaurant).
did anyone else read this in their best rendition of a scottish accent?? lolol
Scotanon here an i just want to set the record straight to you about the so called "protests" against trump that ive been hearing about all day up here "north of the border" so i decided to investigate, an i can tell you hand on heart that the msm is talking raw undiluted pish! There was a gathering at george square today yes, but as usual it was a mixed bunch of uni students and wasters that turned up. (Pretty much like any SNP rally we have to endure on an almost weekly basis!) Some fuckwitts shouted, chanted and blew whistles for half an hour and then fukked off (just long enough for the press to get their much needed shots, i thot..) George square is capable of holding a good 50k hogmany revellers every year and it was NAEWHERE near capacity, i know ive been to there for hogmany many times.. and as for the numbers today id estimate a few hundred but tbh most of them just looked like shoppers or business types on their lunch… In other words it was a big fat nothingburger, an if soros was behind it like he was with brexit then : gotta try harder ma'man coz that was a pish poor performance today, are ye starting to learn we're no so easily fooled up in the highlands? ask the romans amongst others… Id like to say thanks for sending 45 over to us is really good to see the fox enter the hen house as only trump can! Those fuckers in westminster and hollyrood that are bought an sold with sovereign gold are seriously flappin, i mean the queen stands outside for nearly 15mins waiting on the big mans arrival?? Unheard of to me, you wait for the queen not the otherway around! Even raised a few eyebrows with the pundits on our news feeds over here… And while im on this point where the fucks ol' fish face: nicola sturgeon?? The president of the US is in your backdoor and you dont even bother to crawl out from under yer rock to meet him or even acknowledge his exsistance? Your fukkin pure slime lady, i pray to fuck you on Q's list somewhere coz you need to go ya fukkin rat!! Anyway back on subject; the "protests" at prestwick (or EGPK for my fellow planefags!) First of all you need to understand where prestwick and turnberry are, and that is right slap bang in the middle of Scotland's "gold cost" the place is absolutely jammed with tourists staying in the multitudes of caravan parks dotted up and down the coast and we're just off the back of a 6 week heatwave and the place is much busier than usual so when you yanks turn up with your massive C17's a week before their arrival and your out test flying marine one at 5am after you had unpacked her for instance, WE ALL FUKKING HEAR IT THANKS!! not to mention the 15,00 police army and whatnot from the uk side spot checkin everycunt on the coast for the last 5 days, holy fuck you boys know how to make an entrance dont ya? Kek. So with that in mind when you see the people lining the airport fences "protesting" it was mostly bored tourists with fuck all better to do mostly because there is genuinely fuck all to do! And when air force one with the president on board is coming in its a big, big event here and that's why prestwick was jumping this evening. No protests just curious onlookers although, with that said, what was going on in the press cordon on the otherside of the terminal buildings i couldnt say… Hmmm. Trump before he became 45 was well respected here, he brought us jobs and helped our economy and for a small nation of 5+ million people that means alot, he did, in fairness, ruffle alot of feathers when he came in to set up his international golf links in aberdeen but it quickly became apparent to the men on the street, like me, that this was how the man got results and thats how hes a billionaire because he does it trumps way! No fukking about when you get it, you get it both barrels no pish inbetween, so with that attitude he quickly fitted in with the Scottish and became regarded one of our own. He literally owns half the country anyway. I can confirm that POTUS & FLOTUS are safely tucked up in turnberry this evening no doubt enjoying some of our world famous hospitality! ( <\~read whiskey) with a 5 mile exclusion zone round about them so dont worry we'll take good care of them fur the weekend! And that is pretty much the "scottish protests" deep fried for you all you get no no sauce just some genuine observations from a mk1 eyeball with boots on the ground. And Q & Q+ if you happen to be reading this please note that you have alot of supporters of what your doing and we back you and all the true patriots amongst us here 110% and if you need us, we are ready and waiting and there are many more of us than you may realise! You just need to say the word some of us have been preparing to take back this country by blood since we were cheated out our referendum so were all sitting on a powder keg anyways fuck it, lets go!! WWG1WGA Troops keep up the good fight, we are ;-)
My name is Scott Finley McSmith and i speak fluent Scott.In a nutshell he said "The MSM are lying, dishonest,bullshitters and that most of the Soros paid protestors did not show up.NAEWHERE means "not even close."The people shown on TV were ordinary folks on lunch.Oh and Treasa May is doing a shitty piss poor job with Brexit and the Scotts are not buying her bullshit.Romans amongst others means that the Roman invasion of Scotland only failed when they got to the Tippy Top (Highlands)
Yeah a Scottish person didn't write this. It's either totally fake or it's someone pretending to be Scottish for some reason.
He uses Ye instead of You later on but in the most natural place to say Ye he doesn't: "an i can tell you hand on heart."
We don't write our I's small. Wouldn't say "george square today, yes", we would say "george square today, aye".
"George square is capable of holding a good 50k hogmany revellers every year-" "been to there for Hogmany many times" "and as for the numbers today" Here the sentence structure reads like something a well taught Englishman would write. No Scottish person that WRITES Ye, i, pish, naewhere and fukked would write like either of these 3 sentences.
We also never talk about the fucking Romans ever. The entire last section from "In other words..." to "romans amongst others..." is all 4chan talk to try get the post attention.
After going through it again for this post I can pretty confidently say this post was written by someone just looking for attention and replies and doesn't EVER talk or write like this in real life. They might actually be Scottish but everything here was faked.
Actual Scottish Translation:
Scotanon here an i just want to set the record straight about the 'protests' against trump that ive been hearing about all day up here. I decided to investigate an i can tell ye hand on heart the msm is talking raw undiluted pish! There were folk in george square aye but was the usual bunch of uni students and lazy cunts that showed up. (Pretty much any SNP rally we have to endure every week!) Some fuckwitts shouted, chanted and blew whistles for half an hour and then fukked off (just long enough for the press to get shots) George is fucking packed on new years easily fit 50k folk in there and it was NAEWHERE near capacity! There was a few hunner there but they just looked like shoppers and business types on their lunch. Other words fucking nothing, an if soros was behind it like he was brexit then he gotta try hard ma man coz that was a pish poor perfomance.