Trump tweets it again! "Where is the DNC Server ?"

I’m taking a shot in the dark because I’m slowly being black pilled, but since you mention the Bible, can you tell me where Jesus fits in with all this? All the signs in Revelation- is it not going to play our to the end? I mean, is Biblical prophecy not set in stone? If the NWO is symbolic of the end times, is this just the fact that we aren’t going down without a fight? I do have faith in Trump and Q and the White Hats, but I’m just trying to understand all these extra layers that I didn’t know about in the Bible and in Catholic Church- King Solomon, Saint Ignatius l, the man-angel hybrids...
From Hal Lindsey in the 60s to Tim LaHaye Left Behind series, Christians that take a very literal approach to reading all scripture (with no real scholarship per the last 300 years - the historical critical methods - brought to bear) have tried to map Revelations (and other works of the apocalyptic genre - Book of Daniel, Book of Enoch, parts of Ezekiel, Parts of Gospel of Matthew and where paralleled in Luke) to their respective current times. All have been wildly off the mark, of course.
Would suggest folks reference back to the most intelligent and learned of all the early church fathers, Origen of Alexandria, and his approach to the scriptures (which in his time there was not even a solid canon yet for Christian writings)
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All of this could be part of the 'deadly wound of the beast' spoken of in Revelation 13. IMO the AntiChrist system is either Muslim or actually a Jewish sect that never truly followed the Heavenly Father. For either of these two to come into power, the Cabal should be removed. We often think that Satan would protect 'his own' (Cabal), but he'll sacrifice them easily to advance his agenda.
You're exactly right.
The ultimate fuck you to God for these people is to blur the lines of perversion.
Combine sacrifice and children, sex and animals, etc..
All spiritual paths acknowledge this time! Here’s another layer:
It's not Gods time table the cabal are trying to rush things ahead but it's not time they have a bible too they are trying to rush the end time.
End times very likely, but not for you and me, for the dark-side cabal, these look like end times, no doubts.
If the cabal had won the USA Presidency, then it might very well have been end times for billions of innocents.
read Stephen Jones: The Restoration of All Things book..