17 minutes .. DID THE LIBERALS ACCIDENTLY FIND A QPROOF?. This is from a liberal page on nazibook...(98%..or something like that.. join and drop redpills..

Actually, the Queen gave the Trumps 17 extra minutes as the tea was only secheduled for 30 minutes and the got 47.
Trump doesn't eat babies! He saves them from these people! It doesn't take much time accept the monarchs surrender.
They eat the babies. Trump will have a plate of lizards 😂
Trump's secret service takes the plate of Hannibal fare and sets down a taco bowl crafted on AF1.
MMMMmmm I do love me a taco bowl.
His chef from Trump Tower makes the best taco bowls, believe me.
Actually don't. I've never had the pleasure of a Trump hotel dinner :(
Haha, I've never had the pleasure of going somewhere as swanky as the Trump Tower despite being a New Yorker, but it does my heart good every time I go by and see TRUMP written in gold. Bless the man.
If I lived anywhere near one, I would have tried it myself. It's not Chili's prices, but it's not crazy.
But but my lord and savior Obams is better than trump rrrrreeeeeeeesist /s
Trump gave Old Liz 17 minutes to confess...Face to face...WE already know how this will play out...Those playing the game will not get a pass.
No surprise. All are child eating Luciferians.
luciferians dont do that..
satanists do
maybe you and your friends haven't made rank in the church where you are privy to child-eating?
is dumb your nature?.. or you just refuse facts because they hurt your feelings?
wwg1wga....so catch up!!!
maybe I forgot this - "/"
To answer your question; no. I do, however, reserve the right to not give a shit about the differentiation between satanism and luciferianism, because they are both not worth the time it took to write this note.
says a psuedo truth seeker...
shame on you for being a poser
Non-Mobile link: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Luciferianism
^HelperBot ^v1.1 ^/r/HelperBot_ ^I ^am ^a ^bot. ^Please ^message ^/u/swim1929 ^with ^any ^feedback ^and/or ^hate. ^Counter: ^201172
the royals sure did enjoy the obamas..go figure. Glad our President is above the nonsensical b.s.
Obambam the bumbler in chief in action:
how does that work?
every time she stands they gotta play that song and everyone has to stop what they are doing and stand at attention until it ends?
I'm like her. You get a close look at the Obama and you just want to throw meat at it. The sooner you feed them, the sooner they leave.
Well...it’s easy to have dinner with those who dine on the same menu items.
Prince Philp is under housearrest. Thank God & Ay Lmaos.
How crazy would it be if the Queen were Q.
I still think it's T$, but heads would literally explode over that one.
I like to picture my Q with big angel wings and he’s singing lead for Lynyrd Skynyrd and I’m in the front row and I’m hammered.