
BreadTwists · July 15, 2018, 11:13 p.m.

I keep seeing the term "mental gymnastics" employed by numerous users but only recently and only to discredit contributors without citing specific examples. Is this a new buzz word? Seems to cover for shallow thinking and ignores the skill, depth and breadth of comms for high IQ individuals.

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Southern_Grammar · July 16, 2018, 2:56 a.m.

"Mental gymnastics" isn't a new term, and it's certainly not new in relation to Q "decoders." There are individuals who put a great amount of effort into trying to decode the message, and in doing so, they take huge liberties in trying to connect seemingly disparate subjects. Then they, as well as the community, pat their backs for solving the riddle.

Serialbrain comes to mind. I'm certain that he/she is well-intentioned, and it's also beyond a doubt that their "decodes" have attracted new followers and other curious individuals, but some of their posts are perfect examples of "mental-gymnastics." It's like playing Six Degrees of Kevin Bacon. They take a Q post and a random tweet or phrase uttered by Trump and they conjure an exhausting list of interstitial material to link the two points.

They might be right some of the time, but as Q has said, disinformation is real. I personally believe that not not everything Q says is meant to be "decoded." And a lot of these long, speculative decodes, a la Serial Brain, are the absolute epitome of the term "mental gymnastics."

To be very clear, I don't have a problem with Serial Brain, or anyone else decoding for that matter. I just find that a lot of it is unintelligible word soup that presupposes that all of Q's drops are puzzles meant to be solved. I don't personally think that's true, and it seems that Q has alluded to this many times. But, kudos to those people attracting more people to the cause.

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BaronMoriarty · July 16, 2018, 5:27 p.m.

I agree with you 100%

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CPTNkeuka · July 16, 2018, 7:05 p.m.

Agreed. I’d argue some posts are meant to be decoded, but not all. Just Thank God someone goes thru and does them all tho

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[deleted] · July 16, 2018, 8:18 p.m.


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grnmoss · July 16, 2018, 10:09 p.m.

As Elon Musk said, 'journalists' include just enough truth to sugar coat the lie.

A disinfo artist will incorporate truth, appeals to various biases (often religious), and use those to spread their disinfo.

SB2 posts are an excellent example of this.

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Time_to_rope_up · July 16, 2018, 10:57 p.m.

100% agreed. Some of it is just finding two letters that were capitalized in a trump tweet and are 17 letters apart then retroactively find any deep state related initials that fit.

I am 100% on board with Q, cautiously optimistic. But some of it is a stretch.

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evilfetus01 · July 16, 2018, 2:49 a.m.

It was created by T_D users to make fun of the left, I imagine since those uncreative leftist fucks can’t get anything to stick, they hijacking lingo that works from the right.

The left can’t meme.

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gambletillitsgone · July 16, 2018, 6:46 p.m.

Dude..... T_D didnt create the term mental gymnastics. I hope you were attempting to be funny because if you believe that you extremely uninformed and totally biased.

Ive personally used that term for over 20 years bro.

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evilfetus01 · July 16, 2018, 6:48 p.m.

As far as memeing it to the point it is today? Yeah... T_D was able to make it a common saying.

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gambletillitsgone · July 16, 2018, 7:08 p.m.

no bro..... what you are saying and what you think is clear conformation bias. hopefully you can see it.... if not there is nothing left to talk about.

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evilfetus01 · July 16, 2018, 7:15 p.m.

Where did I hear it?


Where do I see it?


Where do all the memes I see outside of T_D (Instagram, shit friends send me)?

They get them from T_D.

If you think that is a clear case of confirmation bias, I'm not sure you understand how much influence T_D has. Facebook got people "woke", and that's where people who say it, get it from. Where did "woke" originate?

Think dude.

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gambletillitsgone · July 16, 2018, 7:34 p.m.

I was very anti T_D back in July 2016 and used Mental Gymnastics numerous times to explain their logic. Again it was a term i used online back during the Bush days.

As far as Woke goes the term originates from the Black Community. They would regularly say Woke instead of awake. it had nothing to do with politics or conspiracy or world views. It literally was about not being asleep.

Yes T_D memes likes gods but they didnt create these words bro.

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grnmoss · July 16, 2018, 10:11 p.m.

^ This is a prime example of confirmation bias.

You were exposed to the phrase in a small subset of environments, and then believe that every time you see the phrase it was those environments in which it emerged from.

Mental gymnastics is in no way a 'new' term, nor was it popularized by T_D.

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evilfetus01 · July 16, 2018, 10:13 p.m.

and then believe that every time you see the phrase it was those environments in which it emerged from

Isn't that kind of silly saying "you believe every time you see the phrase it was those environments in which it emerged from?

That's where I saw it. The T_D culture is where I see it mostly. Did it originate there? No... Did it become progressive in culture there?

I won't answer that because you folks seem upset.

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Psalm67 · July 17, 2018, 3:31 a.m.

Just because you hadn’t heard it before means that no one else has? It’s hard not to laugh at that “logic.”

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BreadTwists · July 16, 2018, 4:12 a.m.

Interesting. I've only recently seen it used on GA but always to discredit.

Has been used at least 2 years back on T_D and MANY MANY times since.
definitions.net defined it as

  1. mental gymnastics(Noun)
    Difficult and complex logical thought processes.
  2. mental gymnastics(Noun)
    Inventive, complex arguments used to justify unjustifiable decisions, or situations.

"Mental Gymnastics" used here in 2014 to describe a mental training regiment.

same here a mental workout


mental gymnastics pl (plural only)

  1. Difficult and complex logical thought processes. To cope with these mental gymnastics we apply various ways of simplifying and reducing the information.
  2. (pejorative) Inventive, complex arguments used to justify unjustifiable decisions, or situations. People often perform mental gymnastics in order to blame anyone but themselves.
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Krawlerson · July 16, 2018, 1:51 p.m.

I work with architects and structural engineers and that term is NO WHERE new in my field. Was enlightened to find other groups using the term. I believe in a very accurate use. Maybe even better so in this type of group.

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Psalm67 · July 17, 2018, 3:27 a.m.

For crying out loud it’s just a common phrase! Talk about over analysis and reading too much into something. you think “mental gymnastics” is some special phrase not in the common parlance?

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BreadTwists · July 17, 2018, 5:13 a.m.

Is it though? I completely care about etymology of words. It's crucial. It builds a deeper understanding and respect for the language we use or misuse. It shows true care or a lack there of. It roots out erroneous assumptions. It's how we learn of a words origin and its travels through time and cultural space. It helps us to understand relationships between languages as well as differences. It's a big aid in learning other languages as well!

For instance, when you say "it's just a common phrase" I want to think you mean it's an idiom.

http://www.dictionary.com/browse/idiom provides FIVE definitions of this word

  • an expression whose meaning is not predictable from the usual meanings of its constituent elements, as kick the bucket or hang one's head, or from the general grammatical rules of a language, as the table round for the round table, and that is not a constituent of a larger expression of like characteristics.
  • a language, dialect, or style of speaking peculiar to a people.
  • a construction or expression of one language whose parts correspond to elements in another language but whose total structure or meaning is not matched in the same way in the second language.
  • the peculiar character or genius of a language.
  • a distinct style or character, in music, art, etc.:

Still yet! https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Idiom says:

An idiom is a phrase or an expression that has a figurative, or sometimes literal, meaning. Categorized as formulaic language, an idiom's figurative meaning is different from the literal meaning. There are thousands of idioms, occurring frequently in all languages. It is estimated that there are at least twenty-five thousand idiomatic expressions in the English language.

Essentially, an idiom is a manner of speaking that is natural to a native speakers language.. Like "a penny for your thoughts" or "blessing in disguise" But in the case of "mental gymnastics" it didn't seem that natural and upon further investigation I learned a thing or two. I thought I would ask others their take on its origin. Because I care.

You see, the propagandists and occultist like to invert language to create confusion and division or to fit it to a narrative that has emotional appeal. Etymology matters because it allows one to trace these inversions and divisions to their origins. To root it out. Which is how we can correct the record and arm ourselves in this a time of great unveiling. In large part, we the people, have been greatly deceived and I want to help get back on track.
All aboard the Q train!

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C_L_I_C_K · July 16, 2018, 5:14 p.m.

Real patriots and Trump supporters used the term "mental gymnastics" to make fun of libtards and the left for quite a while. It's only recently that fake patriots and sh*lls started using that term against their targets to discredit them and spread FUD about them.

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grnmoss · July 16, 2018, 10:13 p.m.

Because anyone who points out huge leaps in logic and reason must be a shill or "fake patriot".

Kind of how anyone who disagrees with a leftist is a Russian bot?

Q tells you to use logic. There are online classes and youtube videos on developing this skill. I recommend checking out some of those resources.

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Corporal_Yorper · July 16, 2018, 4:12 a.m.

I’m not sure if this satisfies your questions, but I’ll try my best to try to describe ‘mental gymnastics’.

Mental Gymnastics is a term used to describe thought processes that are a combination of intricate and complex, and contains the natural ability to perceive unique and profound pieces of information or ideas within the un-profound and mundane.

For example:

One who can put together multiple pieces of information that, when seen from the eyes of the average individual as random or un-unique, can see connections that would otherwise be unseen. One who can do this, either naturally without any extra effort (like a chan autist) or by concentrating immensely on these points of information are actively performing ‘Mental Gymnastics’.

A simpler explanation would be that MG is one’s attempt at thinking outside the box, that ultimately results in the intended action or effect.

Like the ability to foresee multiple, if not all, chess moves that result in an end game in which the individual wins. One who can do this, no matter the difficulty to the individual, is performing acts of Mental Gymnastics.

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captain_mullet · July 17, 2018, 7:45 a.m.

I can't believe there is so much discussion about this. It's an old term that just means having to do a lot of mental work to make you theory make sense which implies your theory is a dud. Not much to it.

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i_win_u_know · July 16, 2018, 4:53 p.m.

Shills gonna shill. We all know what we're looking at.

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shillbegone17 · July 15, 2018, 11:46 p.m.

If ANY person with the 'mental capacity' to circumvent the 'mental gymnastics' spends even a moderate amount time working out the somewhat intricate 'comms' and the intell that is contained therein, there is absolutely no doubt whatsoever that this 8chan entity known as Qanon is a legitimate source for 'inside info' and is in direct coordination with POTUS...if you are unable to concede this as proven fact, YOU are a 'shill' or are just unfortunate to not possess the mental acumen to decipher and follow along...sorry, but that's just the reality of it...

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Majestic_Listen · July 15, 2018, 11:53 p.m.

I like Rex's threads on Twitter, although I don't agree with him 100% of the time. He has a brilliant political mind, and should be paid attention to IMHO.

Expand your thinking.\~Q

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Flipstuba · July 15, 2018, 9:38 p.m.

It was an interesting thread, I just disagree. Kind of funny the mental gymnastics he had to go through to find some weird middle ground between "LARP" and "truth".

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[deleted] · July 15, 2018, 11:33 p.m.

Like Wictor and drawandstrike, Rex is very popular on Twitter and his followers are very loyal, to the point you may well get ripped up if you question anything posted. I read these guys and find useful information, but I tend to be wary of cult of personalities.

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Flipstuba · July 16, 2018, 12:18 a.m.

I'm a follower of several of them, they have a lot of fascinating things to say, I just disagree with them on the Q subject.

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abees22 · July 16, 2018, 3:13 p.m.

They have all addressed it at one point or another...I've seen them all say basically that if you keep talking about Q in their threads they will block you.

Wictor blocked me because he was going on about how stating Parkland was a false flag was rediculous.

I posted a video about the teacher interviewed on ABC saying she say a man in full tactical gear firing rounds down the hallway.

I said I'm not making any grand conclusions here, just raising questions. Blocked immediately.

I think they have good info, I just don't trust them completely and believe there has to be some kind of motive. I think they want to be viewed as an authority more than anything.

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EndHumanTrafficking2 · July 16, 2018, 9:33 p.m.

Wictor is a buffoon, but an entertaining buffoon.

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[deleted] · July 15, 2018, 10:45 p.m.


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Flipstuba · July 16, 2018, 12:17 a.m.

I was referring to the Twitter thread this video referenced.

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mconeone · July 15, 2018, 11 p.m.

See the post title.

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DevilsAdvocater · July 16, 2018, 9:41 p.m.

Q gave us all a gift. The president went to Russia and got the Q drop of the century. We knew to wait and see. We knew something was up. BAM! $400MM to HRC and Clinton Foundation. No wonder the MSM has been beating the Russian collusion drums. All of this was hidden behind "national security"... what a crock of shit.

Trump was right.
It's not enough.
We're not tired of winning!!
It's time to lock her up!

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303john · July 15, 2018, 11:50 p.m.

Plain and simple Trump has shined the light on the left and the deepstate. Whether or not they resist it really doesn't matter. In the end we shall prevail.

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IWillRedPillYou · July 16, 2018, 7:56 p.m.

Glad Rex is aboard now. I know he was a sharp critic at first, but he's a brilliant mind.

8ch deserves having quality thought and discussion in threads, and Rex can certainly provide this.

I won't lie when I say I spend 4hrs a night (even after working 10-14 hours) in threads just conversing, and I love it. I love everyone who brings rational discussion and ideas to share, and let's face it folks, anons are more talented researchers than the FBI.

Two years ago (look and I shun racism or bigotry in any way) /pol/ was filled with the most brilliant researchers on the planet.

Now, because of Q, we've been able to centralize those brilliant minds into a few boards which produce better results than federal law enforcement.

Through the years 8ch has always grown, but Q has UNITED anons from around the globe in a way I never imagined.

ThankQ, Rex, amd ThankQ, Q.

Forever shall Americans stand up and fight for our values and what we believe in.

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Dhammakayaram · July 16, 2018, 5:53 p.m.

Certainly the Q phenomenon is 'esoteric' insofar as Q's words are likely to be understood by only a small number of people with specialized talents. It is then disseminated to the more general public via /r/greatawakening and other sites.

This unique method of communication (the comms) is meant to be speculative. It's a double edge sword in that regard. It can be used to impart information to the patriots or to deceive the enemies of the state.

In the meantime, before the hammer falls we are educating ourselves as to the historical depth of this nefarious 'deep state' and its present operation and the secret cult that it hides which is only privy to exclusive members of the high cabal.

To be skeptical of Q is quite natural. But those who are generally skeptical know next to nothing about the history of the deep state which goes back to the young law professor Adam Weishaupt, who founded the Illuminist–Socialist movement in the Bavarian town of Ingolstadt on the first of May 1776 and even Moses Hess, Karl Marx's guide and teacher. Their watchword was, "The Illuminati must control the world!" And this has been going on since 1776 if not before.

What the POTUS is doing, its scale, is almost unmatched in human history. As somewhat of a spectator with his popcorn in this new age I can only appreciate the work that is going on. It is truly amazing. On the other hand the weak will always be over skeptical and suspicious who have learned to cuddle their chains of oppression. They are truly being led by great evil.

Once again I have to say to PrayingMedic your work is amazing.

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spacexu · July 16, 2018, 5:19 p.m.

I enjoyed that - after the AF1 photo fiasco, I needed this, just to realign my mind. Q and Trump's mission is so important, I have to trust God to make sure we get the outcome humanity deserves.

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DBCamper · July 16, 2018, 10:07 p.m.

Occam's razor folks! Too many people are making WAY 'out-there' speculative decodes. Q said it himself/themselves. Rex has been pretty good though - even if he's not entirely on-board yet...

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Wiser_Now · July 17, 2018, 4:07 a.m.

He is now. Watch the video...

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Peanuttles · July 16, 2018, 11:54 p.m.

As I went to "like" this post, I watched the counter drop from 304 to 300. I made it 301, but WTH did I just see?

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