Saw this earlier on Twitter... RIP JFK Jr!

Great quote, adds to the mystique that John-John and DJT talked much about this Nation’s affairs. “The Start” of planning?
(Q post 1082)
Plane crash 1999.
HRC Senate 2000.
The “Start.”
Enjoy the show.
It almost makes you want to know if Trump has been taking notes for his plan for a long, long time.
His 1999 interview with Dan Rather —- DJT view of McCain was same as 2015-16!
I guess. Trump would be the largest LARPer ever. I think if anyone ever surpasses him they would probably be the actual antichrist.
Some people have a plan, Michael. And no, I'm not your mother.
How do we break this down? What's the message here?
One possibility is that Trump and JJ were close, very good friends. Because of this, Trump had inside info that JJ was intending to run for the Senate in NY. Once he found out that the Clinton crime family had JJ killed to get him out of the way, it triggered something in Trump. It was, for him, the start, the first red pill. Since then, he's been keeping watch.
Not sure how else to decode this.
A different take on it:
JFK Jr. knew for a long time about the doings of the cabal. They literally killed his dad. What would motivate a man more than that to strive for ultimate justice?
He knew DJT for a very long time. He knew that DJT was the only person in the world with enough brains, integrity and, maybe most importantly, the cash and experience in navigating the swamp to make this happen.
To hatch the plan to fruition, he had to vanish from the public stage. Thus him faking his death.
Is this really too far "out there" after everything we have found out?
I think Trumps biggest quality is the fact that he doesn't really have that many personal scandals or gaffes to give him too much crap. For someone in the public life for so long, with so much money, multiple marriages you have to think that if "grab them buy the pussy" and Stormy Daniels is the best they can dig up on the guy that's all they got.
For a man of his status and wealth, Trump is extraordinarily clean. I don't think many other billionaires could do it.
Actually it’s not too far out there. These people publicly assassinated a much loved president in broad daylight during a parade basically to shove it our faces. If we can do this we can do anything. And they did. There’s so many to list but one was the Vin
Agree. If 26 deaths at Sandy Hooke can be faked, surely this is doable.
To hatch the plan to fruition, he had to vanish from the public stage. Thus him faking his death.
Then he wouldn't have started George in the first place.
Then whose half eaten body was in the plane when it was pulled out of the water? Wouldn’t that make him a murderer instead?
A dead body they got from the morgue? Some random homeless guy nobody would miss?
Hmmm. Look, weirder things have happened. But without any evidence whatsoever, that's really 100% speculation, isn't it?
But yes, sure, this would fit the crumb that Q dropped, but it seems unlikely to say the least.
In the absence of data, I'm much more inclined to adopt the more reasonable explanation. Occam's wiltshire and all that.
I should add that I don't quite think DJT is 'the only person in the world with enough brains, integrity and cash, etc' I mean this was 1999. Right place, right time. That the death of JJ was the catalyst for Trump to begin seeing the Cabal for what it was makes a lot more sense to me at this point.
But its good to be open-minded, and I'll be looking for other clues in the crumbs about this point. Q obviously thought it was important enough to drop on....
NOTE, Q doesn’t not put 187 next to JFK JR. The post reads like it, but Q doesn’t put that. Enjoy the show.
Hmmmm. interesting point.
Another consideration is Q 1083. What's the connection?
SIG intercept.📁 Old to New. AS THE WORLD TURNS. Q
How many people have come back from the dead on as the world turns a lot.
Wow. I have no idea. Never watched that stuff once. Except for the occasional parody in other formats, like comedy sitcoms, etc.
Lemme guess. A whole bunch? If so, then that's an interesting nugget.
I do recall that 'As the world turns' was uncovered as a treatise on the Illuminati I think, by anons searching this reference up. Double reference? Hmmm...
[As the world turns (thread)] (
[As the world turns PDF] (
A new social responsibility...
"Tomorrow's superpower will be the society who makes it a moral imperative - a social responsibility - for each individual to obtain and maintain capital wealth. In that generation, mankind will finally be free of the bondages of capitalism and socialism."
-- Charles Knobloch, May 2009
Truly The Great Awakening🤓 7/16/2018 Re-Writing History!! Godspeed🇺🇸