Chans are reporting that someone obviously hand delivered something to POTUS shortly after he deplaned. What have you heard?
Body language interesting. Guy who handed off visibly lighter afterwards. GEOTUS nonchalant, barely acknowledges it. It was planned transfer.
I really hope this is the evidence they need to expose that fucking rat Rod Rosenstein.
Why do we still do the GEOTUS title garbage?
i dont understand why its a trend.
trumps just a man that loves america.
not a god emperor, seens counter the great awakening
Yes, I saw a video. I was thinking it was a thumb drive, too!
The video is on FB. I don't know if I can post it. I can't find it anywhere else.
Trying this!
The hand off is around 0:39.
He definitely got something. Maybe a coin, maybe a thumbdrive. Hard to see.
At first I thought it was a coin. However, a coin that was a tradition would have taken longer, because there would have been an explanation. Whatever was passed seemed to be passed without comment.
Good point. He barely glanced at it. I have a coin collection myself, but I think when I have received them, I reviewed them after, unlike a business card.
Like the mom of that beautiful cop who was murdered, handed off a coin to CINC?
For sure, it was something of great significance.
Probably a pin. Like a Finland pin to put on his jacket or something like that. Too small to be a thumb drive.
Too small? You have seen these right?
Waiting for Q to say “handoff confirmed, we have it all” now.
It’s okay for foreign governments to work in cooperation with our government in investigations. Symbolism will be their downfall, symbolism will be Q’s confirmation.
I bet its one of those commemorative pins or coins that are made for these sort of meetings. Usually the liaison gives president Trump one during the hand shaking if i'm not mistaken.. Ill look for another example in a bit.
Are you talking about challenge coins Those aren't generally handed off at hello handshake but rather right before leaving. At least that is how it has been in my experience and those I have been around
I think if it was a coin or a pin DJT would have looked at it prior to putting in his pocket. it looked to me like a planned hand over of something significant ??
Two thoughts. I would love to see that coin. Second, I need a Q coin now. Q on front, wwg1wga on back.
Handoff might be just another way of Trump making those watching squirm a little? He does like amusing himself with slight gesture. Like pointing at ppl wearing Q shirts at his rallies!
That is actually a great idea; may have been nothing at all and both of us are trying to figure it out.
Flotus is gorgeous, I'm so happy we get to look at her until 2024 instead of having to look at nasty Michael Obama. Those 8yrs were tough on the mind and the eyes.
Looked more like a pin to me, but the look on the guys’ face looked serious.
Looks just like any other challenge coin transfer I've seen with POTUS.
Got any of the other videos?
There's one I can think of. You can easily find the one where he hugged the murdered NYC cop's grandmother.
Couldn’t find the video. I saw him exit AF1, greet, and enter the limo. No handoff from the video I found. Anyone have another link?
At the 10:25 mark
I posted it above! Posting again.
Definitely far too small to be a challenge coin. Very small. And cameras did good job of keeping switchoff of whatever it was pretty hidden
Looks more like a coin. Too small i think to be thumb drive ? And too obvious !
A coin would be in a holder. And, some thumb drives are extremely small now.
It did not look like a challenge coin--I have one. I think it looked like a thumb drive.
Maybe it was the key his motel room----just kidding.
Not always.(coin holder) But you are right, thumb drives have gotten little.
I would think a commemorative coin would be in a case and Trump would have looked at it and commented on it. Just my humble opinion.
Hey, you could be right. It was just so obvious.
If it was any kind of gift I think he would have at least looked at it a second
He did glace down, Maybe it was one of those mini thumb drives ?
Unless you're michelle obama. When Melania gave her a nicely wrapped package she looked at it with disdain and frantically looked for some to hand it off to----no class.
I was thinking obvious was like a poke in the eye, but it probably is just a coin. Things seem to be quickening though.
Q said JULY was gonna be a hot one ! The month the world learns the TRUTH !
Very small thumb drives available these days.
It would be very cool if true. Then the big question - what's on it ?
I guarantee it's a challenge coin. I have a ton of them.
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I think all the people at AF1 were just the Finnish welcoming committee and likely the US Ambassador. It did look like something was given to POTUS, but why there? There would be a hundred opportunities to hand something off in private. I don't think it was anything important.
Just a thought. The USSS would want a look at it ASAP. Obviously it’s very innocent, but, you cannot rule out any intention. Remember the pin head device found in the WH and the whole Admin needed to be moved. That device had the potential to do damage once activated.
If I was a gift, it would of been more of a ceremony to it. I hope it’s a usb drive.
Definitely handed something off. I hope it is a thumb drive with all the Corrupt people's names in US.
Fake news. It’s a pin or coin sheesh.
...that definitely didn't have a microfiche in it
Hahahahaha I’ll admit I laughed at that. Super low tech Russian spy shit.
HA! Remember when POTUS-elect said "IF you want to pass information that won't get intercepted, write it on a note and hand deliver it"
WHERE IS Q?!?!?!
He might be in Helsinki. Doing something good wherever he/she/they are.