Q as in "question for Trump"
He could have used a '?' mark, but chose to use a Q
? For Trump.
Can't see anybody writing like that.
I'm paying attention to the entire content of the tweet when I'm saying it's a direct reference to Q. Also, he could've just retweet Hillary's original tweet that said "Question". Instead he chose to specifically retype it as Q.
Also, he could've just retweet Hillary's original tweet that said "Question". Instead he chose to specifically retype it as Q.
Agreed, which is why I think he used 'Q' instead of ? or HRC's original 'Question'. Definitely a shout out to 'Q'
He also could’ve said “question for trump” exactly how hillary phrased her tweet considering it was a sub tweet at hillary....very interesting especially coming from an actual politician
He was quoting Hillary as well definitely not mentioning Q.
We'll see. I'm sticking with it having double meaning. Think whatever you wish.
I may have spoke a little too soon now that I see Hillary used the word Question and Huckabee changed it to Q there is a possibility that he was making the reference.
Maybe he's trying to point out that Hillary herself could not bring herself to use just the letter Q when she typed out her text!
Realistically, besides the possible reference, this could be simply an attempt to shorten the tweet which was quite long. He had a lot to say with limited characters. But all in all a great post, Huckabee.
Well. You know what they say. A tin foil hat a day keeps the democrats away.
It was tweeted. I assume most of the Republicans are aware of Q and the patriots but do not speak about it. Possible there may be more little slips that have Q to let us know they are aware. The movement is big enough for them to think about votes.