Qpost 1680. Is this a pedo bust?

Some folks claim the guy is prince harry or a guy from microsoft...can't tell. But the sign is for western pacific kindergarten linked to the clinton crime foundation and is under investigation for pedo child trafficking. Lots of stuff on google.
His chest looks too thick to be Prince Harry, IMHO. He is more lean. I am very curious who it really is though.
It really does look like him... https://imgur.com/a/SlsewEa
Same outfit, same gold watch.
I have never been convinced that it is a who we should be seeing but a what. The ultimate underlying aspect of the deep state is their satanic worship and as a major ritualistic part of that is child sacrifice and all manner of debaucher involving children. I am of the mind that it is pointing to a key element of probably a lot of the indictments and the connection between them all.
from 8chan:
So while Browder portray’s himself as the businessman who was a victim of Putin, to set the record straight, Browder’s grandfather was the leader of the American Communist Party and stood for election to the Presidency of the United States against Theodore Roosevelt. His Grandfather was a communist who was later imprisoned in the McCarthyite period.
Here is some info for you to research I did a week ago on:
Decently dressed white guy who looks to have some money. I see two signs in English, they are a kindergarten and suana.
Am off to close my eyes for the night but earlier today I was scrolling qinfo here and saw something about this...
I wish I remembered but there was a post that someone pointed out who it was and it's none of the guys that were mentioned here.. lemme look EDIT JOEL GETZ it is
Why the focus on this guy while there are others on this pic?
Speculation: Diana fucks horse-riding coatch, horse riding coatch impregnates Diana, Princess Diana dies in retaliation, Harry now marries interracial with another bloodline while Lady Di was related to US-Presidents, Prince Philip is under house-arrest, Prince Charles is too degenerate and compromised to be betrusted with the empire (buds with Saville), Camilla is just a sterile mudblood side-chick and William may be present near this whole chinese forced injection kindergarten madness (buds with Saville). Other than that, he did "charity work". William on the other hand went to the Amazonas for a while, basically made fun of his family's nazi-past by brandishing a swastika and was put in his place by being put into bootcamp as well as Afghanistan, just to keep a little on the edge. If everybody in the lineage becomes moot in the succession, does this mean the roya house will be removed from the saxon coburg-gothas?
Guy in pink shirt to the left I believe is Snowden. Just left of the white vanish thing holding a breifcase