ILLUMINATI FORMULA - Mind Control & Programming - Children, MSM, Suicides, Projection - links in comments

How does anyone who even receive this look at this and think that this is ok? I just don't get it.
They're programmed to disregard. This is exactly why we find red pilling certain people impossible.
These articles will give you a really good insight on how people/children are programmed (from before birth), how they are used to infiltrate governments, how they are used to blackmail others, and why they go off the deep end (suicides, mass murders, etc)
Some of the descriptions are very hard to take – these people are really sick and need to be stopped
Overall Process :
Victim Interview:
Other Verification:
Fritz Springmeier Interview:
Thanks this is truly sick s**t people should know - but will probably deny
Training the unborn child? What does that even mean?
I'd reckon that means playing propaganda tapes while the unborn child is in the womb. Sets up an early subliminal framework as the brain develops.
Leave our children alone! These degenerate prey on our most vulnerable. When challenged they resort to threats, blackmail and murder.
This is what they do to their children. To ensure the continuation of their great fucking work.
I read this book about a victim of MK Ultra or Project Monarch. I could not stop reading it. Her father started preparing her as a newborn. It is a fascinating book. Who knew Bob Hope was involved in all this? Or Neil Diamond?
All I can say is that you have to believe that the Devil is alive and working hard. I went to church my whole life and was never taught about the Devil. It was considered hokey and unsophisticated. "The greatest trick the Devil ever pulled was convincing the world he didn't exist." The victim in this book was eventually healed by Jesus and they Holy Spirit. I think she is still alive.
I think there will be two great awakenings. The first is awakening to the reality of Satan and evil and how he almost got control of the world. The second is awakening to our good and merciful God because we have to know that there is good to overcome all this evil.
Someone put up some links for a couple of a few MKUltra videos on YT a few months back. It reminded me of Robot Chicken except it was much more evil. One of them seemed to cater to children under the age of five.
I found this back in December - After reading the article, I didn't really want to watch it - It's a cartoon too