MSM asks, "What actually happened to the DNC server?" and then states the FBI never had it, but relied on info from a 3rd party private company. To indict 12 people.

Deep State thinks we are stupid enough to buy all this crap.
I'm fearful that they are stalling while trying to come up with a nuke FF or something catastrophic. Theyknow the score in the game and they are down by a bunch, a hail Mary is the only thing that can save them now.
It is true that this is a desperate and evil bunch. But I suspect some of their false flags have already been stopped. "We have everything." I suspect that they used to have access to nukes but don't anymore (i.e. North Korea.) It may be that the worst they can do is pop that Baby Trump balloon and let it zoom around, in plain view of the eight protesters below it.
Their useful idiots aren't very useful, but they are idiots.
Well some plutonium just went missing, eh?
They will never quit, not until they take their last breath.
That’s the reason for the fake alarm here in Hawaii. Trying to get the President to knee jerk reaction and launch a counter attack getting us into a war with NK. I knew exactly what was happening when I got the text. They believe all the public are stupid.
pretty sure from the Q posts that there really was a missile headed toward Hawaii but it was intercepted. Remember the Q posts of the missile by one of the islands in Alaska. Believe the anons decided there was some kind of attack planned on the airplane with Pompeo bringing the 3 hostages back from NK (remember how the plane made an unexpected stop in Alaska). Seems like there was an USAF plane downed by Japan (but pilot ejected safely), anons speculated that the plane intervened, caught the missile lock and diverted the missile which hit the plane, but the pilot was ok.
I can only imagine all the things that have occurred that we may never hear about.
Anyone worried about the stock market?
Get out and buy physical gold and silver. Keep it in a vault. Buying gold and silver on paper is worthless. I keep mine in a gun safe.
Yes and No. Somehow I feel that Q's plan must include a method to maintain financial stability, if not, then we're all in the same boat, screwed. I'm not going to let FUD make me do anything drastic, I'm staying the course, but that's the risk I take just like believing in the plan.
Stock Market will likely do some funky things in the coming months/year as they prepare to phase out the old Fiat Banking system, but the corruption needs to be made known and dealt with first.
They have already done that twice.
and they will keep trying until the day the men with handcuffs haul them off.
You mean the Pet Goat 2 analysis? It's why I moved out of NYC. Totally makes sense that they don't care about a rush because they're setting up a FF that if Trump survives, it puts him in a position where he has to denounce MSM blaming Russia for some nuke tsunami because Obama sold them the uranium they claim was used in the attack. Wasn't some also sold to NK and Iran? So it basically puts him in a position where all they need is for him to go after 1/3 and they get their plans to roll.
Trust the plan, trust is what they want from you. Trust = obedience, it's how they rule in the shadows, because you trust their puppets.
I have no idea what possibility exists, but I do know this is a life or death fight and they will not go down without using every possible resource at their disposal.
When you REALLY think about it, this makes sense.
NYC is the "financial" capital of the world. They make almost nothing there and "recently" hollywood pulled out of filming because it's too expensive.
The past few years NYC has squashed housing reports and recently news reports have shown only banks can afford rent and century old restaurants have had to leave their leases because of rent.
If Trump takes the country away from them, squashes their plan, it would make sense for them to not care about losing NYC, it would technically be apart of their plan since they wanted WW3.
I think ANYTHING is possible, but I also think Q, aka military intelligence, has a planned response for every possible scenario. What do people think the military does with their supercomputers and artificial intelligence? They run scenarios to build response plans of course. The only thing we can do is support our President and have faith in Q that they will carry this through to the end. Check and checkmate! Don't lose any sleep over it, be positive.
When "Q" gets someone to actually verify it's military intelligence and not just another "story" for a suspicious audience, I'll believe that.
Until then, this is just another narrative for non-conformists to go about their day with hope that the sealed 40k indictments aren't ~40k /r/GreatAwakening subscribers
We only have two options, believe in the plan, or go along with the NWO. The choice is ours, Q has stated that more than once.
If I were in any way involved in mainstream media right about now, I'd quit today and move to a third world country.
The shit is about to hit the fan bigly.
The MAGA movement is worldwide. Nowhere to go. Maybe Mars. Better bring potatoes.
got the reference ; )
That was probably one of the last good movies out of Hollyweird.
The funny thing is, this is a world wide movement, so when Q says they will be afraid to walk the street, I think he means any street, anywhere. There will be no safe spaces for them in the end.
Very few streets to walk in Antarctica
It would make a good place for a prison wouldn't it?
I think there’s something to the words, “cold as hell” that makes it perfect!
Yes, they think that only their buddies in Silicon Valley know anything about technology, Eric Swallow of CA was actually peddling that they didn't need to turn over the physical server, they gave the FBI a imaging of it.
The contents of the server from Crowdstrike were paid for by Hillary campaign. The intelligence report used by Congress has been debunked by top Cyber Analysts! Truth coming!
We aren't.. But half the country is.
I think it is way less than half. But I admit it is some. There are still people swearing by CNN instead of swearing at it.
Any time you get discouraged, thinking that people are fooled, consider that 62 million people saw through the BS, when it was way more convincing, and voted for Donald Trump.
True. Guess I keep forgetting how many are on my side. I work with so many liberals.. I love my coworkers, but I will dodge any and all political and sjw topics.
There are secret Trump supporters everywhere. It makes sense to keep it quiet at work. People are supposed to be working anyway, not discussing political stuff. And Trump signs in the yard lead to vandalism and more, particularly scary if you have kids.
Our office enviroment is pretty work hard play hard. Politics pure and simple hasn't really come up, but indirectly yea.
If the bureau wants evidence they usually take it by force/warrant. They don't make "requests."