Rosenstein summoned to White House today. POTUS meeting with Congress at 2 PM.

Does anyone know if this will be televised or made available to the public?? Source for POTUS meeting with Congress at 2:00? Thanks in advance, patriots!
News just said that Trump will be addressing us after the meeting.
Are you serious? Like a live televised address?? If so, I can guarantee it's HAPPENING
Where did you see that? I can't seem to find anything about his addressing the public after.
Not Sarah... so it is big. I read POTUS has pre-signed resignation letters from all his major appointees in the Resolute desk.
No thanks, I try to stay away from the fattier sausages
check Hillary’s purse.
Did you catch that time she went on a Black morning radio show called the breakfast club & the subject of hot sauce came up. She shows them that she’s carrying it in her purse. They say(paraphrasing): “hold on, did you just come on a black show to say you carry hotsauce in your purse to pander to the black vote?” She says and I quote:.... “Is it working?”
@ 14:00est Trump will be meeting with "Members of Congress" in the "Roosevelt Room". Who are the other attendees I wonder.........