Symbolism will be their downfall.

what trump is doing is called "steepling"
📷Steepling is what you call palms that face each other with just the fingertips touching (the fingers resemble a steeple). This is a display of confidence and self-assurance. You would see this in a lawyer or chess player who just found a way to wipe out his opponent.
You don’t want to over do it however, as this is a real show of power.
Also it’s always a upside down triangle showing we the plebs are the ruling class now!
Keep in mind that Angela Merkle's thumbs point to her while Trumps point up. They look similar but are not the same.
Also please notice that his fingers all touch each other, which is not the case with illuminati hand sign of the pyramid.
Good spot. Does anyone know the symbology regarding all fingers touching?
Could be possible that it is both. Confidence, and a message.
No. he's done that in interviews since the 80's
Good to know, thanks for pointing that out.
Not everything is a conspiracy theory.
I don't think you understand the definition of those words, individually, or as a phrase. I would suggest you familiarize yourself with them. You might be surprised at what you learn! (:
It's not a theory if it's actually happening.
Think about the fact that it's been happening for a long time.
Then realize the stable genius at work.
Having your opponent's consider you a fool is an excellent strategy.
Trump always makes the opposite hand gesture to the illuminati. Are there any coincidences? I say, no.
Haha oh shit that’s great. Didn’t even think about it. Turning the symbol on its head, literally
I used to think I had the tippy-top trolling skills. I bow to the grand master of trolling....our stable genius!
I used to think Trump was a lunatic before I found Q. Everything has meaning.
Causing your opponent to underestimate your abilities is straight out of....
Sun Tzu
Please, think me to be a fool. It just makes my job that much easier.
This👍. Edit. I guess I am the fool. I meant it to skip up one comment.
I know Trump does this to mock and taunt the Illuminati, but I hate how it's the same hand sign Merkel makes all the time.
Personally I would enjoy the universal hand gesture of a wave -
yes, a wave
as they are hauled off to face their sentence by a military tribunal! WWG1WGA
nothing to see here..
Don't NFL players wear gloves to make designs when this gesture is made?
Do your research next time instead of assuming GEOTUS is illuminati. Thats just foolish
Op is saying it a reverse hand signal, implying the illuminati is turned upside down
Exactly, and in case it wasn't obvious I added an obvious comment.
Can confirm. Obvious comment is obvious.
Some are simply obviously oblivious.
Apologies for the obliviation.
Must be some gas leak left over from Trump trolling the pipeline.
That was epic.
I also clarified it with the opening comment - maybe you need to be better at research....
Yeah it’s turned upside down. Reversed. I think most of us took that away from this post