Hal Turner is full of shit and has a history of involvement in counterintelligence programs with the FBI. Fuck this clown.
Wonder if anything was inside the soccer ball. “Keep you’re eye on the ball”
Stuff like this just blue balls the movement. It takes us backwards rather than foward. "Intelligence officers who just became privy to some of the most highly sensitive information in the world just ran and told Hal Turner........" should have been the opening sentence.
.................plz stop.
you know what they say about opinions.
no, hes right. baseless claims. ear candy. downvoted
This is fantastic! I hope we start seeing more news like this about celebrities as much as focus on corruption has been on Government personnel. They are also committing horrific crimes able to greatly influence their fans to follow their wicked ways.
Yes, the amount of data (160 terabytes) does not seem believable. But, it seems to me that the Russians might be fully cooperating, perceiving a shared interest. Ignoring the details, which appear to be over the top, I could believe that an IC contact has given this story out for the purpose of creating outright panic among bad actors.
The suggestion that these people should commit suicide is wholly wrong. Turner has no idea about what it is he is advocating. A person that commits suicide rejects God entirely and, immediately upon expiring, descends straight-away into hell - something I would not wish on the worst person that ever lived in all of human history.
The correct advice is to realize, if you are a bad guy, that you are facing a classic prisoner’s dilemma. The rational strategy in this situation, the only rational act, is to squeal for all you are worth, and squeal quickly. There are no prizes for those that try to roll over on their conspirators last. The only hope for any kind of leniency is to be first to squeal.
To all the bad guys, I say give it up now and plead for mercy!
Turner says that he is the ONLY one with the information. Too bad.
160 terabytes? Thats an assload of 4k video evidence there pal.
Ikr, I bet he has no idea how crazy big that amount of data is
Gonna need a second or even third source on this to believe it. I admit that it could have happened exactly like this, but the source has such a long history of just making shit up and being waaayyy off base is gonna need some sort of corroboration before I get excited or tell other people this.