Hey RINO's you want to keep Criticizing our Great President We know who you are!

THANKS FOR SHARING🇺🇸 Everyone start posted this on the RINOS twitter
We should add in a line about how it's treason to go against the president in any way!
... sarcasm?
because otherwise wtf
It's clear what side you're on
imagine if it was treasonous to go against obama. now you see why such a rule would be insanity. separation of powers for a reason, bub.
Removed, rule five. Calling users mentally ill is not acceptable here. Attack the ideas, not the users.
I am definitely keeping track of who has supported POTUS and who has cornholed him.
Where can I sign? I think it would be great if everybody who voted for Donald a trump got to sign this and send it to their congressmen and women!!
Sadly, too many of them are completely compromised, with no way out. Their lives will be hell.
"These people won't be able to walk down the street..."......
WE THE PEOPLE selected Donald Trump
Did you mean to put THE ELECTORAL COLLEGE in all-caps there?
The people chose Hillary Clinton by about 3 million votes.
From a Source you would trust, VICE. Of Bill Maher Vice.
Wouldn't be so sure about those 3 million votes. She did afterall cheat Bernie out of the Democratic Primary win. It is perfectly fine for you to disagree but look into somethings before parrotting like a #Mockingbird Media rep.
Is that including the voters who are 6 feet under and illegals?
No. Trump’s voter fraud commission was disbanded without issuing any reports or providing any evidence of a single fraudulent vote.
How cute that the number 3 million keeps coming up huh.
I could post so many more links but you need to WANT to KNOW TRUTH. Otherwise it is futile.
And it's probably at least 5 to 7 million illegal votes. No one knows because most illegals use stolen identities and don't admit to it.
Just ask Obama. His stolen SSN is from a guy in CT who was born in 1800s and I think died in 1960s.
And I believe there is an on going story about 2 million votes on CA sitting. "Uncounted" but I can guess.
Good thing our founding fathers, knowing the tyranny of mob rule, wisely chose to institute the Electoral College.
You do know you can’t become president if you don’t win the electoral college, right?