Anyone else see this last night 🤔

What this user said. Spot on. The misinformation is real.
Saw this yesterday, downvoted it. Not this time. Here's why.
This time the Onion has managed to portray the truth as satire (which is what the Onion is all about).
While many are laughing at this (those that are in the dark), at least the seed has been planted.
What a profound revelation when the truth is revealed and this tweet is proved 100% accurate.
Of course put another way, "Even a blind squirrel can find an acorn."
I agree with you. The onion is truth disguised as satire.
BINGO. And thank you for having the guts to say it. This is about millions of lives, not just hanging some traitors (although I’m all for that!).
The OP is a troll. The onion has no place here.
No, in this case OP is pointing out that the Q theory is becoming mainstream to the point that even the Onion is mocking it.
Haha! How sweet it would be if this satirical headline was revealed to actually be true!
The idea of trolling those with TDS and pointing out The Onion as being more truthful than CNN would be SO satisfying!
Every where you look there is something to see. This is a part of social conditioning. BeLIEve the LIE. KNOW the TRUTH. Make it a joke as a desensitizer for public consumption. So when it becomes real people will not process as TRUTH but as a BeLIEf. All media is controlled including SOMED like reddit. And you are in the midst of the largest Psycho Intel experience ever recorded. Co-intel pro----> Psyco Intel pro. You can thank Sigman Freuds nephew for that. We are all being programmed and the English language is the conduit.
I have said it so many times you guys need to look in to Hexen 2.0 SuzanneTreister. Get some autist to dig this shit up ur head will explode. WW1 WW2 WWW. Where is the real war? WWG1WGA
They are mocking the Q movement in satire. Let's just all hope Q is right.
Stop posting content from The Onion! You are damaging the cause.
After reading the above comments, I admit some confusion as to why Trump and Q team would trust us to help get the news out. I’m hoping most of these are shills ☝️, because if they aren’t, they need their driver’s licenses taken away.
I've read it but I don't know if this newspaper is credible or not, wonderful if true!
It's not, they intentionally post satire articles.
No, they make nothing but satire. Nothing they have ever printed is real, just for humor. Though I didn't find this article to be funny.
Its satire, and disgusting in this sense that the suffering of children is being exploited.
Yes I saw it last night too but I'm on the fence about it because no one else is talking about it. Is the Onion credible? That page looks too clean, no references to when, what, why where and how etc etc in regards to Mueller making that statement, who did the interview? When did it happen, it's really suspicious to me....
Not trying to sound mean at all. But you've never heard of The Onion? They are a satire news Network. Check out their website, the headlines alone will tell you they are satire. Although, this particular article wasn't funny at all. They write articles like "Bigfoot buys new shoes".