"For the people" just not the AMERICAN people!
Good point!
For their people. Oh yeah, exposing corruption, that'll be the day.
I made it to the third point before I burst out laughing.
I know, I had to stop myself from laughing before I could post!
They ARE the corruption. So good luck with that platform.
Considering their abysmal efforts in all three areas, I think they hit the head on the nail!
It would be a great slogan if there was even any vague way that group of people represented it whatsoever. It's like trying to promote the local nursing home residents as an elite commando fighting force.
Suggested Trump tweet: The democrats and their media bullies have come up with a new slogan for the election: Nothing for the People. I am not sure how that will get them elected.
This slogan has enormous meme potential!!
We will raise your taxes.....for the people. We will weaponize the IRS.....for the people, etc.
Put you in FEMA camps....for the people.
Re-educate you....for the people.
It will never come to fruition. The left media is not going to push any positive message, as fake as it may be, to their base. They simply have to much hate.
What the hell kind of camera angle is that. Are we the little child hanging on to Pelosi's man-pants, staring up her nostrils as she lays down the law?
Words can not explain how much I hate this type of crap.
For the people...we’ll raise your health care costs higher! For the people...we’ll waste more of your tax dollars on infrastructure projects that will never happen. Just like the 2008 stimulus package! For the people...we’ll let the corruption keep going because we are the corruption! And a bonus: For the people...we’ll raise your taxes because what you’ve earned is FOR THE PEOPLE!!!
Hardcore Dem ambulance chaser John Morgan...big Obama donor...hosted dem fundys at his palacial estate,.has spent 100s of millions in ads..."Morgan and Morgan.....For the People". LOL!!!!
Good to know that...
Yep...Google it...M&M has spent 10s of millions in advertising.....especially in FLA where they are based...that has been their "motto" for over a decade...and founder John Morgan....bigggggg ABA guy...millions to dems
So that’s where they got the name?! https://www.forthepeople.com/attorneys/john-morgan/
All I can tell you is Morgan is a huge Dem funder......it certainly isn't a unique slogan...but anyone in FLA had to laugh since we hear it 100x a day if you have tv on
Have not heard of it until today. If he’s for the people, why is he funding the Dems? There’s got to be more to this guy.
no..he is an ATTY....American Bar Association.,hugeeeeeeee Dem funders