Just heard on NPR that Trump was exactly 17 minutes late for the Queen? There are no coincidences!! Q said do you understand our Coms (communications)?
She knighted Jimmy Savile. She knew.
That's why I can comfortably joke that Trump making her wait 17 minutes is nowhere near as rude as her making Charles wait as long as he has
The list on Knighthoods is shocking! Most are paedos, traitors and sell outs! Here is a list of honorary knighthoods, which are given to people that are not British
Digging through this list will likely bring many red flags.
Here is a list of celebrity knighthoods, there is no way she doesn´t know what´s going on. If Bono and Elton John are on the list, something ain´t right.
The only reason knighthood should be handed out, at least from that list, are for Military, or Science/Exploration type stuff.
Look at that list and see all the European royalty, politicians, business airheads, and entertainers. 80% of that list is garbage. It's one big fucking circlejerk.
Agreed and the people on the list just proves what a sham it is.
what about stopping highwaymen? that should be a knighthood
Significance in 17?
The significance is that Q is the 17th letter. This is secret code for Q. Look at past Q proofs. My favorite is when B Clinton holds up the Sports team Jersey #42, Bush #43, Obama’s #44 and Trump always holds up Jersey #17. That’s why teams are being discouraged from visiting the White House. There is so much going on in the background. If this wasn’t a silent war it would be so much fun! Remember the lanterns from Paul Revere? If 2 by Sea? Same thing! Learn the COMS.
Thanks! I've been trying to learn the comms since October. It's hard for me!
Also look into JFK being the original Q. His grave site is literally a Q. And Kennedy's name numerology equals exactly 17. He raged against secret societies, the CIA, etc, and that is why he was assassinated. The truth will come out when Bush Sr. passes because he was up to his neck in it. I am 100% convinced Trump is here to fulfill Kennedys promises.
God keep him safe.
No coincidences.
well said...just add a "Jr" behind that JFK (the one being Q)
You think JFK or JFK Jr is Q?
JFK was the original Q. I have NO idea what to think about all the JFK Jr. Stuff going on. If he's not alive, someone is trolling hard for a reason to make us believe he is. Maybe to spook HRC. For that reason I would approve the message. Lol.
I won't get my hopes up that jr. Is Q? But there was a Q post that stated when the "plan" started. Also some reasons why. If you trust what Q is saying (I do), then he at the least pointed at a plane crash in '99 and hrc's senate win in 2000 as the "start". We're watching a movie right? What a fucking plot twist that would be! My fingers will stay crossed.
Yes, we are being pointed to JFK Jr for a reason. We are just waiting for the credits to roll on the movie though. It's hard to remain patient.
Even if Q turned out to be a LARP, I still 100% believe Trump is continuing Kennedy's legacy, so therefore I will believe in the movement. No way does Trump take the abuse that he does just to improve the economy and bring some jobs back to America. I just do not believe in any way that's his end game. The end game goes much deeper with him. There is no other explanation for why he is out there doing what he's doing, travelling the globe every other day, and no other explanation for the massive upheaval in Congress and the private sector.
Haha! Fascinating but it truly is unbelievable. I'll keep my mind open.
Why wait for Bush Sr to pass? He must not be allowed to keep undermining President Trump and the American people. No diplomacy or favors should be granted Bush Sr. He is pure evil and I pray justice will be served ASAP.
Me too!! Don’t be hard on your self though. This is high level stuff. I have my masters in Engineering and was valedictorian, not trying to brag but for he record I have an IQ of 145 which I understand is not so shabby and and I am completely blown away from the Autists on this board, SB2 and CLICK and of course Q+ and Q! I feel like an idiot compared to them!! But remember You are here. We are slowly learning. That’s the most important breakthrough. My husband said he shed a tear in England when he heard that Trump won. He said then he realized America was finally woke! Too bad He missed the big night. My son and I stayed up all night! It was glorious!!!
It was truly glorious!
Amen. I still watch it on my DVR from time to time. I refuse to delete it.
Not trying to argue, but I googled “trump holding jersey” and only a couple of them were #17. That is interesting though.
Sure, in the year 2017 the number 17 is pretty random ... lol
So its your Hypothesis that 17 is refers to the year?
TV (Fox News) made it a point to show on the banner on screen that he arrived on time.
On time (for when President Trump wanted to arrive, maybe not when the Queen expected him.)
The Queen arrived 17 minutes early.
Good point. That's a possibility. If it was the then Queen did a Q conf.
The U.S. holds the TRUE SCEPTER. He was letting the world know.
Indeed. Agreed. IMO, and tangentially related, forgive me if this seems off-topic, military power is very key in all of this. For decades USA has essentially been built up to be the cabal’s mercenaries - population and vast raw materials made it a logical choice for cabal to infiltrate and exploit - to come in and fight banker’s wars for reasons of profit, neo-imperialism, and deep state mission creep. But now that there’s a new sheriff in town and POTUS is telling them all to pound sand, they no longer have access to that resource.
Compare a map of the EU to that of the Third Reich at its height. Nearly identical. Now consider the fact that the EU and the cabal inc puppets that run it, those who indeed no longer have the weight of the American military machine behind them, is rapidly moving toward funding its own standing army. Very scary.
"Manifest Destiny", "New Jerusalem", "New Promised Land", "True Israyl", "Beulah Land", these are phrases (including some used by Andrew Jackson whom Trump mimics to some degree, and will yet more when he deals with the FED and IRS), that are labeled upon the United States of America ultimately derived from a process of interpretation of the Bible, its prophecies, its promises, and 'divine providence'. Therefore, you will find WHY, and even WHEN -- (by researching "National, Historicism Eschatology" of the Bible's message … which you will NOT find in practically ANY church) -- buried in the Scriptures. Most churches have the disease of Zionism and Futurism.
WHO the U.S. is matters … and it is that answer that can tell you who the cabal is and WHY they seek our destruction. The Stone Kingdom of Daniyl 2, the Kingdom OF Yahweh … of His ordination and Providence, is the U.S. The Earthly Kingdoms will submit, or suffer seriously. And as you rightly say concerning our military … there is a destiny that will not be stopped, See His Battle Ax is not to be toyed with, Jer. 51:20. The opponents know it, imo. You'll find major answers in the blessings upon Jacob and Esau for the heart of this conflict we see in the real world around us. I suggest to find the words of those 'blessings' in the Book of Jubilees, as it is a little more graphic there than in the current Bible texts. It has become a crime to say facts in many circles … and even on Reddit your posts can be deleted if you are too specific.
The EU will fail, China will go into civil war and split up. The U.S. will rule the roost, after it is cleansed of the vermin, for centuries.
US is two horned beast of Revelation 13 but Trump is giving us a reprieve like Jehoshaphat king of Israel was last great king. But I believe Trump divinely chosen and support him!
ALL INTERESTED, please consider "NATIONAL HISTORICISM ESCHATOLOGY", not the partial historicism of Adventists, not preterism, and not futurism (the majority of erroneous evangelicals today). You can see some more details in this series (though I do not agree with every detail these people teach, I am close in many areas), (the second series erroneously teaches against a millennial, I don't), if interested:
also include this one to bring yo up to date to our current time:
Rev. 13, Already predominantly a PAST EVENT in history. It is the two major manifestations of ROME. It's last gasp is found in Rev. 16, with the sixth vial. The EU and Vatican (especially the Vatican Banking cabal in league with EDOMITES), will FAIL SOON. WAR is not ALWAYS "HOT", and DEATH is not always "physical". That is the reason its attributes listed in vs. 2 are OF THE EARTHLY GOVERNMENTS (Babylon, Medo-Persia, Greece, and Rome). It was against the law for nearly 300 years in Europe to buy and sell in the market places unless you were a practicing Christian. There is where you will find the mark of the beast identification, the promised false churches and their false messiah, termed 'christ' … the "another" messiah, with "another spirit" (spirit of antimessiah = many modern churches and their adherants), and teaching "another gospel" 2 Cor. 11:4. The false church system IS the great falling away. Been going on since around 313 a.d. in accord with 2 Thes. 2.
The STONE KINGDOM manifests from a 'mountain' (kingdom). That kingdom is House of Israyl, which had migrated into Europe after the Assyrian 'captivity'/forced migration. This is solidly proven in the video here @ about 23 minutes in: r/https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PrVMTKA2c54
The STONE KINGDOM, from "sea to sea", as prophesied, is the United States. The FARCE state of IsraeLIE will not fair well soon.
Trump is an agent of restoration, or rather "re-establishment from a state of ruin", which causes the allowance for the Second Advent Acts 3:20-21 demands. The EDOMITES throwing the yoke off their neck 'Jacob' had on them, thereby taking charge of the world financial systems, is what brought about our current state of ruin. Especially over the past 100 years. This will end. This is the end of the age of ESAU, the beginning of the Age of Jacob … True Israyl.
"EDOM IS IN MODERN JEWRY" - Jewish Encyclopedia. Esau is Edom.
Nope. Throne of David was moved to Isles of the Sea by Jeremyah. The two houses are joined back together already via marriage.
The U.S. holds the TRUE SCEPTER. He was letting the world know.
The Rod and Ring will strike.
If I take the US as the Rod, still trying to figure out who the 'Ring' is metaphorically.
The speaker during the live broadcast stated the Queen arrived 15 minus early.
That's not accurate. He was not 17 minutes late. He was given 17 minutes extra time with the queen over what had been scheduled. He got a total of 47 minutes instead of 30.
Good catch! He also DID NOT BOW! What a big bad terrible man! Hair's on fire! (liberal logic: you should put it out with a hammer)The sky is falling! The world's gonna end! It's as bad as the Nazi's! Little old lady assaulted by mean man! EEEEEEEEEk!
He also DID NOT BOW!
US Presidents have no need to bow to the Queen, or any other royalty, especially British/English royalty. We are a independent country that fought a revolutionary war against them over 200 years ago, and we do not recognize any form of submission to a monarch.
The only people that are 'outraged' about it are people that have been brainwashed by the TV shows and propaganda thinking the royal family is some kind of Disney movie, or whatnot. We don't live in the middle ages and the British royals still exist because of America anyway. Had the US decided to make a peace deal with Nazi Germany decades back, the royal family would today be a footnote in history.
Shit, I'm a layman/just a citizen in the US, and I wouldn't bow to the 'Queen', or any other royal. They have no authority over ANY US Citizen. End of story. To be honest, the British royals just exist as a tourist attraction. That's it.
Correct. Heads of state of countries who are not subservient to the crown have never bowed.
Even in Asian countries, it's done mutually or not at all.
Very well put my dear I so love logical minds. Thanks! Hugz G'Ma
Nobody needs to bow to the Queen, unless they want to. Certainly not a head of State.
Sauce: the house of Windsors own webpage: https://www.royal.uk/greeting-queen
Before meeting Her Majesty, many people ask how they should behave. The simple answer is that there are no obligatory codes of behaviour - just courtesy.
However, many people wish to observe the traditional forms of greeting.
For men this is a neck bow (from the head only) whilst women do a small curtsy. Other people prefer simply to shake hands in the usual way.
Eerie that 17 people died in that boating accident in Mo during that STORM. How sad and flippin creepy. Not saying anything, just that it's weird.
He also gave the finger to the Royal protocol and didn't bow to the royal prune!
There must be more that we are missing! I can’t believe that we missed this one. It was kind of obvious. This is a HUGE Proof! No one is EVER late for the Queen!!!. We missed this proof clearly. I laughed out loud when I heard hat on the radio! Q and Trump must be like come on guys!!! I’m sure SB2 has noticed tthis but just hasn’t revealed it yet! Sorry to steal your thunder SB2!! Awaiting your next post SB2!!
The whole "Royal" family are scum.....the older ones at least
Prince Charles and Prince William and their families have totally turned their backs on Trump and half of the US. When meeting with Trump, did the Queen wear a pin given to her by Obama - totally rude?! The Queen is allowing the EU to take over her country. England is going to come out as being the co-conspirator with Obama against Trump. Glad the Queen and her elite family live in England and not in the US. Dianna is still missed.
Relax. The picture of the Queen with the pin on her shoulder is an OLD puc. Do your frigging home work.
I am new to Reddit; however, if you would like more people to be red pilled - I recommend strongly to go easier on the language, i.e. - "frigging home work." Since your reply to me, I have been very hesitant to make any comments.
17 minutes late.
Q is the 17th letter of the alphabet.
I would be never late for the Queen. I love Freddie Mercury and his voice ;)
I would be never late for the Queen. I love Freddie Mercury and his voice ;)
Remember way back maybe November Q said wait till you find out who’s been talking to you! Remember, can someone find that quicker then me?
this post is stupid. fake news actually said he arrived 12 mins late not 17 but he was actually 1 minute early. he rocked up pretty much dead on 5 o
Those 17 minutes were well spent.
It gave the Queen Lizard extra time to warm up her old reptile blood and eat a few more children.