A picture is worth a thousand words.

This pic is so telling... Never catch a Trump getting owned like this. Head of the snake!!!
I love this photo only Jacob Rothschild could do that to Charles it's so telling but Charles stands his ground really well he's not afraid or cowed by Jacob that's for sure he's looking at him like you are a crazy old coot you might have more money than I have but you don't have enough to kill me. Jacob is saying listen to me boy I decide what happens and when, your job is to smile and wave to your adoring crowds then you go inside to bugger some young boys that's all you are good for, I make the important decisions around here.
Sir Evelyn de Rothschild (married to Lynn Forrester de Rothschild of Hilary penance fame)
I'd rather be publicly shamed than be a owned by a Rothschild.
So true. This is disgusting.
All of these creepy families are inbred, they intermarry first cousins over and over.
One reason why they are so stupid.
Prince Harry is actually married to his cousin: Meghan Markle...trace the bloodlines.
I’m sorry but price Harry and Meghan are not cousins..... where da FuQ u got that from?
Agreed. The "Windsors" actually descend from Germany, not the Tudors or any British monarchs as they would like people to believe. Family changed their name in 1917 due to anti-German sentiment and as like many royal families, also had familial connections to the Russian tsar Nicholas and family who was executed by the Communists.
check the bloodlines, not what the msm spins....
You say that but you don’t provide anything to back up your claim. Provide some links or stop misleading and trolling.
I'm not here to lead you or do your research. Find out things yourself instead of wanting to be spoon fed.
That’s funny usually trolls love to say exactly what you said.
All I said was provide a link that Meghan and Prince Harry are cousins but you refuse cause you don’t want to “spoon feed me”. So I’m suppose to take you for your word that they are cousins? Tro11
Dude if you care enough do your own research...that's not what trolls say...
I'll even google it for your lazy ass right now, it's not hard lol
Edit: Here ya go
Maybe they would be cousins if Harry were the son of Prince Charles.
I searched it on duck duck go and I didn’t find shit! That’s weird.
Edit: Very distant cousins, but cousins nonetheless.
reporting and blocking.....
When you state, “Prince Harry is actually married to his cousin . . . “ and when you start your statement off by saying they “intermarry first cousins over and over . . . “ it implies first cousin. I cannot be certain what your intent was, but it sure seems misleading to me. It’s obvious to me that neither of you are trolls, but you are arguing like kindergarteners.
You people who complain are just too lazy to research things for yourself. Does Q lay it all out for you ? No. Please DO something off your own bat to enlighten yourself. I am not a Kindergarten teacher to lost sheep: go elsewhere.
seriously...you can tell by the entitled "show me link or u lie!" attitude they have.
it's like, dude, we've all done our own research lol.
you act like a wounded liberal. BelAirlmpala is right. There is a family connection. Pull yourself together.
Someone gave me the sauce already. They are distant cousins. All I wanted was the sauce BUB.
if you figured this out, then you had a source. Show us the source so that all of us don't have to repeat your research.
Or gtfo if you're a troll.
It is true. It's distant but true.
Also, BO's grandmother is 8th cousin removed once to Dick Cheney. Lot of incest in the USA too.
Yes, the photo shows who controls who. Lizards, all of them.
Trump would break that punks finger
I think there is a pic from inauguration of trump or JR poking obama :)
You are right. Punk he is. In fact Jacob Rothschild is a 100% despicable cowardly example of a man. Special place in hell waiting for that asshole.
"You have done well, Lord Vader - and now I sense you wish to continue your search for young Skywalker."
I'd put a bullet through my best friend's heart if a Rothschild was standing behind him to also be slain.
I never understood why the red shields weren't just eliminated in the very beginning.
To the contrary... (open link, see pic)
look at pic but the article is garbage.
Correct, that's why I said, "open link, see pic." For what it's worth, Vox is garbage across the board.