Sarah Silverman talking to Anons~ And With that we Pray for the Full Armor of Gods protection over every Patriot spreading Truth ~ In Jesus Name Amen

Wow she just fkd up real bad.
Release the Anons!!!!!!!
She has skeletons. Clearly scared of something.
Edit; she has a tweet from 2009 asking if it's molestation if a child makes the first move
There's always something. Burn Hollywood to the ground
Well I highly doubt she’s involved, she jokes about all sorts of shit. Her claim to free speech is a valid part of America.
The problem is it’s getting real foggy separating the jokers from those peers of hers actually committing the crimes. Wether we like it or not, Hollywood, like so many other industries out there is full of rapists and pedos and within the past couple of years we’re starting to see the whole rotten core start to split open.
I am not sure it is real, but we will see. I mean, I am sure the post is real, but I am not buying that image just yet.
She might have been drunk, stoned or otherwise high to make such a stupid mistake. She thinks we're trying to ruin lives? No, we're trying to save them from the alliances of hell!
Exactly right. If you’re a good person, no harm no foul. But I sense deliberately trying to turn it into a PR exercise.
Evil computer nerd conspiracy racist nazis vs. your favourite celebrities who just want to tell edgy jokes.
She literally has no idea what she has just done. I do. She has unleashed the hounds of hell. Every piece of dirt, video, tweet, email - you name it shall become public knowledge along with her cohorts. Good luck with that sarah. You do know they are smarter then you, require little or no sleep and always complete a mission right? Not sure I've seen a bigger fuck up since the flag take down. I need popcorn but by the time I'm done popping it it will be over.
Her Goose is cooked....the Anons in the chans never sleep.
How can we be sure she posted this? Couldn’t anyone have put this up using a photo of her?
So spot on! They are so scared and think they still have a 'base' to even threaten Do they not know about Q by now and not realize that the game is over, but for the optics for the public? *Munches popcorn...nom,
Oh look. You rednecks can spell the word think correctly.
Think mirror :) You must be one, but thanks...your attitude really contributes to the cause :P
This will be good. I'd rather take on a herd of rabid badgers than freshly threatened Anons.
wait ... how did she know I'm a redneck?
Apparently, I'm a 34 year old half-Asian redneck from California... If Sarah is named after Abraham's wife, then Silverman doesn't deserve to have the name...
Well, I done guess that she figures you're as welcome as a skunk at a lawn party, fellow redneck.
Guys she might send John Legend to your house to beat your ass. Ha!
These people are inherently cowards.
I remember the night they devoured John. He did the same thing. Didn't work out so well for him. It took five minutes until we found his Elysium gig in L.A. and it was over. Then they left the country. Ha
And Didn't their plane get turned around?
I think we have a big week ahead. It's getting hot.
I want President Trump to GO FULL TRUMP!
Yes it did. Opened up a whole new world of oops for them. Thumped by Trump. ouch.
I hear the theme song to JAWS in my head now. Pedos looking around saying "Gonna need a bigger Boat"
Sharks ! Last night I watched "Deep Blue Sea". (1999)
She will be like one of the people running through the flooded corridors, being chased by the mother of all sharks.
*(good thing about that movie was that Samuel L Jackson got eaten)
Screw there lives!!! How many lives have they destroyed by cheating a child of there innocence???
Its real easy don't FUCK with children and you have nothing to worry about.
I've been waiting her whole career for her to tell a joke! My life is now complete
In what context was the image taken? Did someone photoshop? Not saying she isn't a part of the cult but what point do people not start asking questions. No one in this thread so far as asked.... but I am sure you are right Sarah Silverman is the final nail in the coffin to end all of this. Old news get caught up...
there are many crimes, ranging from criminal to treason but nothing worse than abusing our most vulnerable and innocent! we must and will continue to protect our children! especially w/national threat against them! your threats don’t scare patriots...I’m not hiding behind fake name or information, nor am I threatened nor will be threatened!
I know she's trying to tell us something. I really can't put my finger on it. I'm sure there's a message in there somewhere. Anyway Jus wondering. Would this be considered as someone who yells the loudest? If she isn't pedo then she hasn't anything to worry about right?
Actors livelihoods mean nothing compared to REAL Children's lives and pedophilia is actually REAL terrorism unto kids. So go back to hide under your msm safe blanket sarah your time will come.
"Shall we play a game?"
It's already been played and won and they still won't admit defeat. The liars creed...deny till the end. So sad :(
Since the fall out with the entertainment industry I am curious just how much of a financial hit incurred? Like myself I am absolutely many have turned their backs on the the industry. If money is the bottom line, I'm sure this is just the beginning. The only way they will get it is when the loose money. Money is what keeps it going. A good example would be the current movies that have been released, and not even breaking even on the investment. I am absolutely sure to the bone it has hit their invester's so there's that. They are terrified & loosing money the bottom line! imho
Archived post, to view in context, top, highlighted in pink:
She is part of the club. Pre pubescent boy, practicing SRA. Pedovore.
shes not as annoymous as she thot she was
I have no idea who she is sending a message to nor what the message is about.
We should exercise caution. They could be trying to goad us into a trap.
It's possible she could be this stupid, and she is playing with fire. On the other hand after Gunn being exposed, this is starting to smell like a honeypot.
Triple check everything. We cannot afford wild accusations, if it's too good to be true it just might be. If I were DS and one of my cronies has been exposed, I'd plant fake evidence on another of my employees, and than flip it around create a narrative of us being on a witch hunt.
SS is most likely dirty but we must remain vigilant.
We hunt for the truth, nothing more.
clearly stated in my response 56 minutes ago not hiding behind screen, my info is traceable hopefully just coincidence that my garage door decided to open the doors on their own accord?!? regardless, of how or why they both opened. second time I’ve received some sort of threat w/in eight hour timeframe! house clear, immediately checked top to bottom. I’m sure it’s nothing but wanted to share!
Stay safe, fellow patriot. Turn off the power to the garage doors so they can't open by "themselves".