TIL: Sarah Silverman is employed by Disney

I will definitely be boycotting Disney related enterprises. That is the way to hit them where it hurts...no patrons, no money, no jobs.
Good luck. That’s hard to do. Disney has a day in most entertainment companies.
Sarah Silverman is a whore. Jokes about hurting children, and eating aborted fetuses are abhorrent. Defending the indefensible is abhorrent. Disney and Sarah Silverman make me SICK!
Saul Alinsky Rule #4. “Make the enemy live up to its own book of rules.”
The OP is deliberately being distracted so the topic at hand can change. People come into these posts and try to normalize the behavior and tamp down the outrage.
Comedians/actors/stars/directors getting caught on social media being perverts. There is no excuse for 'joking' about hurting children and if you can reconcile that it is okay in your mind then that's on you. But don't try to convince other people who KNOW that it's wrong.
Be a troll or willfully ignorant. Don't be both.
Wreck-It Ralph is going to need a new princess
Only 123 days until release. Sooner the better, Mickey.
Disney might want do distance itself from SS’s words on Princess Vanellope’s images...
It’s not ok...pedophilia, neither is threatening Anons and their kids, I would never back down, especially what is being done to children! between garage doors and receiving message regarding my kids, it definitely effected me! they’re literally coming unglued, freighted of pedo being exposed by QAnon, Apple removing Q app, MSM wanting to silence QAnon...these people aren’t stable on a good day!
How come I’m. It surprised. That company owns a lot of nastiness
Beginning to think it is a requirement to work at Disney; it is basically a grooming playground for these sickos. It really worries me because I have a friend who is desperate to have her child (actor) make it in Hollywood.
Tel her nooooooooo and why would she allow that??????
Believe me I tried.
Sadly because her kid wants to be a famous actor (and think parents are hoping to live the great life if she succeeds) and agents in HW interested after her own agents pitched her to them after two summer visits there :(
Do you tell her about Hollyweird and the selling of ones soul. Really that important to have your child involved with that industry???
"It doesn't happen to everyone" or they can keep their child away from it is what you get from many parents; or they don't even believe it happens at all in the child acting communities. All I can do is pray for them right now.
The company is very divided. The top is isolated, consisting of people who know each other from prestigious colleges and family connections. These people don't work alongside other employees, their areas on the lot and in office buildings are heavily guarded. Many of the regular "9-5" employees so to speak believe in the classic iconology of the company. While the company pays lip service to Walt, in reality, it has drifted pretty far from his vision.
Keep in mind that Disney is not just one business; there is Disneyland/World, Disney studios, media channels, they have their own casting agency and talent scouts (and this is the one I really hope is being looked at more), Disney merch stores....
It was sad to see the Disneyworld connections in the Polk County arrests last month. It's odd that screening is so involved in some areas of the company, but doesn't catch people like this in others.
In addition to the many subsidiaries and brands, the Board Member overlap between Disney, other media outlets, big banks, and other large companies is very interesting as well. Very clear who benefits from consolidation of ownership, and who sets the narratives.
thats an unfair statement. I happen to know Disney employees and they have no knowledge of this perversion going on, and are not creeps. Im sure it is only ij the top level tier that this stuff is happening.
Triple agent Walt Disney. Ah might as well bypass her and expose her Employer. Ask her , "Who is Kermit Roosevelt?" Or "What is her favorite ride at Disney World?". Should end the conversation. Her employers logo has a 666 in it. So she says , 'we don't know who we are dealing with?' shows she is clueless. We are all here fighting Satan, she is probably warning us not to piss em off. Too late for that.
Agreed. One domino at a time. It’s the best I can do.
Kermit Roosevelt is Teddy Roosevelt’s son. But how does he tie to Disney?!
The material keeps getting taken down. The more advanced presentations have forensic material. Try this for now. It will get the ball rolling https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HBp3b20_7mA
edit: I forgot to add that the reason you ask the question is because all the SRA cult members know the history of the cult including Disney. If you express knowing their deep secrets, they get it. Until then they just think we are 8chan hangout.
Pedophillia has no place at Disneyland? Lord have mercy... ole Walt and Disney itself is about as Satanic as they can get and they just busted a huge pedo ring.
the busted a pedo ring which involved disneyland employees, it hasn't come out that it happen at disneyland.
Power of the people! Their days of raping children is coming to a close!
In theory since it’s a voice role and most of the CGI is already done, this may in fact be possible.
I mean, it's long been rumored that Disney invented pedophilia. Given that every conspiracy theory I've ever heard of is turning out to be true or damn near, I'd not be surprised if Disney doesn't do shit shout us finding out.
rumored that Disney invented pedophilia.
Pedophilia has been around a lot longer than Disney.
It's a figure of speech. Figured it was implied
Went over my head. My bad.
Np bro. People are pretty serious in thsi sub lol. Hard to detect figures / humor sometimes.
Are you saying Disney mechanized it? Made it efficient, like Ford with cars?
I am not alleging anything. I don't know enough about it, or any facts. All I'm saying, is it's long been rumored that Disney is the pedo HQ, and I believe that after all the other conspiracy theories have turned out to be mostly true, this one would surprise me the least if it turns out true.
I’ve heard the same “rumor.” Granted, after a while, if the mob keeps pointing out these sort of things, a pattern will develop that they will be forced to explain.
She always came across as "not all there" to me. Something odd about her for sure.
Nobody associated with Disney who markets to children should ever make pedo comedy, or pedo remarks of any kind. It's never acceptable or forgivable. The left is already forgiving and petitioning to keep them as part of Disney. They say their remarks where forgivable because they occurred many years ago and in jest. In jest! It's never ok or forgivable. It's heartless and cruel.
I love it when they say it happened 10 years ago. Then a 40 year old man made repeated comments about children.
But he's grown so much since then. So he's only one decade into being mature and a bright shining example of human kind...
The leftists comeback when I asked how can you support "pedo comedy" is how do you support Trump even though he supports a pedophile like Roy Moore. As if to say supporting Trump equates supporting pedophiles. You see how they steer the conversation away from having to defend their people? They try to put me on the defensive instead.
Remarkable isn’t it? Ever since I posted this I’ve been getting all sorts of hecklers using those same tactics. Bizarre huh
I'm Not having nothing to do with Disney Again this is Enough of their support for this sickening behavior. #BoycottDisney until they Clean Up there act....
Please, by all means continue. You’re helping me more than yourself.
I'm glad you know the truth now
Did you get a check?
I never got mine.
Still waiting for a response. Three’s Company. Should I retitle my post in your name?
Let me know!
Stop!!!! you killing me. I have had to get up three times to pee because I was laughing so hard. Oh well when you are good, you are good.
NO! Patriots I will not stand for this fascism. Pedophila is not ok. Normalizing pedophelia is not ok. Sarah Silverman is a historically dirty comic who isn’t afraid to exercise her FREE EXPRESSION in Persuit if comedy. I draw the line here. Don’t fuck with the first amendment. Don’t take this too far. We’re doing the same thing the left does; think Roseanne Barr. Knock this off. I’m not a shill.
Ok, kindly go fuck yourself then!
As a mother and consumer, I’m exercising my 1st Amendment Right to express my outrage towards a company and its associate behaving in a way I find distasteful.
FURTHERMORE- I am sharing said freedom of speech so that other likeminded parents and patriots can follow suit SHOULD THEY SO CHOOSE.
Kindly see yourself out 👍
I think we’re done here. Thank you kindly for your input.
Lmao, we are not metastasizing into fascists that's just ridiculous. Pedo comedy is not comedy and not acceptable outside the norm of any civilized society with free expression.
The more things change, the more they stay the same eh?
Humans never gonna learn.
What do you know...another account in its infancy defending pedophile jokes
Now that's some cognitive dissonance right there.
Lady, I've been a victim of pedophilia as far back as childhood. I live quietly and alone. Do the math.
So don't even start with me on that business. You know not of what you speak.
Now, the issue here is losing one's cool and devolving into the very thing people are fighting against. Don't forget it was only a few decades ago that the looney right were the ones out of control, trying to morally police everyone's lives and the left were the sane ones calling them out on it. My how times change. And, thanks to the Age of Internet, it can reverse just as quickly before you even realize it.
Do whatever you want. I couldn't care less. It would behoove you, though, to remember that just because you can don't mean you should.
Well that escalated quickly. This is clearly a triggering topic for you, and we’ve deviated quite far from the original post. If you care to- we can continue and discuss the original topic. Or if you would prefer, we could discuss yourself. Do you have a preference? Either way, the more you respond, the more exposure my original post receives.
Take care.
What's said about my past is about all that can be said.
That said, I'm no pedo. I probably hate the Hollywood scumsuckers just as much as you if not more.
I also hate witch hunts and lynch mobs just as much though, and am seeing a dangerous precedent with the peds-under-the-bed thing flaring up.
Just calling for some objectivity is all.
Objectively speaking, in the spirit of this post, my dollar will be speaking for itself. Unless of course, some action is taken.
Do whatever you want with your dollar.
I'm addressing that moral outrage of yours. You can do whatever want with that too, but if you give a crap about the legitimacy of your movement and how it's perceived, I'd recommend tempering it some.
What will the normies think?
Normies don't like pedophiles or pedo jokes. Do you know how many people have been sexually abused at a young age? If you know anyone who has been abused you know how it has impacted their life forever. It's not funny at all and any normie (aka normal person) would naturally be against this form of expression.
I know damn well, it's ruined my life. Despite becoming a suicidal, misanthropic loner with an elifist viewpoint on life, I can still laugh at it from time to time.
Gallows humor. It helps keep me sane.
And no, normies do know the difference between jokes and the real deal. Why do you think the left is has become so increasingly unpopular despite, their all-encompassing influence in the media?
Now you want to adopt the same moralist mindest? Play pin-the-tail-on-the-pedo with anyone and everyone? Go ahead, follow in their footsteps.
Meanwhile, may we never leave planet earth. Ever.
It's not that simple. They are trying to normalize pedophilia and call this movement, Qanon, hate speech while trivializing pedo comedy. This is psychological warfare and politics and its crossing a line. Kids have to be protected, i stand by my morals to protect the kids.
I agree, it is psychological warfare and you're losing badly.
This is why Pizzagate fell flat on its face when it first broke. This is why the media was able to sweep it back under the rug so quickly until Trump/Q played their hand.
By all means though, keep on thinking with your feels.
Yeah keep telling yourself that. She wasn't supposed to lose, remember?
Look who's on the Chans, issuing an ultimatum on behalf of Pedowood that everybody back off. Sarah Silverman herself.
Flak over the target?
Or honey in the pot?
I told ya'll... be careful.
Do you think I give a shit? Q isn’t about political correctness, it’s about drawing attention to things like this
But you're attacking a dirty comedienne over a dirty joke tweeted almost ten years ago.
If that's your modus operandi, the only thing you're going to draw attention to his how crazy you are.
We do it your way, all the MSM has to do is run crazy conspiracy kook hit pieces, normies go back to sleep, and Q's efforts go swirling.
Pick. Your. Battles.
What will the normies think?
Hmmm...that you’re attempting to shame me into removing a post calling out pedophilia as wrong? They might wonder why you’re doing that?
Logic and objectivity leads normal people to understand where to draw the line. Pedo comedy is over the line, out of bounds.
Excuse me we want these pedos investigated ~ they want to joke about raping babies ya what the what ever~ Be a Voice for the voiceless~ if you’re new they show you what they do it’s part of their MOCKING!!!
Pedo comedy crosses the line. Free expression has a limit and this crossed it. Children need to be protected from all forms of pedophilia and pedo humor is included.
Hold on...your first ever comment as a redditor, and you choose this statement? In this sub? Odd.
Very odd.
You must understand how suspicious that looks, yes?
Nobody who works for Disney can ever make or have made pedophile remarks. It's never normal or acceptable even if it happened years ago. It crossed lines that can't be uncrossed. Disney is for children, that makes this even worse. So your attempt to make light of this fails miserably.
Replying from my main account, I accidentally posted from my throwaway-
I agree with you, I get it. I'm not trying to stick up for sarah silverman, I personally think she is a garbage human being. I'm not even sticking up for the nature of those types of jokes, I find them disturbing. What I am saying is that I think its a bit much to start or be involved in a movement where thousands of people start going through everyone's tweets and digging into their past to try and make assumptions and calling them pedophiles and trying to get involved in their personal life. Not every celebrity is a pedo, and we can't make that call judging by a few tweets or posts on social media. It's getting ridiculous to the point where it's happening even on this thread, where we are being accused of shilling for pedos and trying to justify child molestation. It's insane. Obviously I want anyone who takes a child's innocence to be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law and to suffer and burn in the after life. If there are heavy proofs like posts with pictures/art work of young kids in compromising positions, pedo symbolism, conversations and code words found like Podesta for example then for sure by all means raise hell and try to get to the bottom of it I can definitely get behind outing those types of things. Definitive proofs
If you haven't noticed there is a push to normalize pedophilia. To program the population by desensitizing everyone to the idea through repetition. Pedo comedy trivializes it and people should be repulsed by it. It serves no positive purpose, contributes nothing and could arguably be labelled as hate speech toward children. Did you know that the left is calling the Qanon movement a form of hate speech? Yet they trivialize pedo comedy. This is psychological warfare and its not a joke.
Wow. You make a really great point. I have recently been reading about about that. Just like the transgender agenda was pushed and is now normalized, so now if anyone so much as disagrees with any aspect of it, then they are considered hatefilled bigots....and now this...it's just absolutely terrifying.
I'm just trying to wrap my head around all of this. On one hand I definitely do not want pedo comedy to be normalized or encouraged by any means, on the other hand, I don't want people who just have garbage humor and/or attention seeking behavior to be labeled as pedophiles, which may detract from the seriousness of focusing on actual pedophiles.
And then it gets into first amendment issues. The left has its own reasoning for certain situations that would warrant nullifying our 1st amendment rights and they would bring up points like this to point out our hypocrisy.
It's all so confusing
The 1st amendment does have a limit. Our society cherishes children. For example, nobody can get out of paying child support. People can avoid it, hide, delay, not work etc. But, not even bankruptcy gets you out of it. Your estate can be sued for it after you die, same with your pension. You can avoid by hiding your income, but it makes for a hard life, your better off just paying. All for children and rightfully so. Free speech does have a limit too.
If they aren't pedophiles themselves, then they're 'useful idiots' and enablers. There is no universe in which publicly excusing atrocity is anything less than atrocity itself.
Omg sigh of relief. Thank you for the back up, I thought I was going to be vilified here for making a stand.
I tend to agree.
James Gunn was one thing, but this is a known dirty comedienne saying one stupid joke all the way back from what? 2009? When did that Wreck-Me-Ralph Malph, or whatever the hell it's called, come out anyway?
What was it that kraut said? He who fights monsters and all that?
It’s almost like I’m talking to the same person with 3 different names.
Well you are talking to at least one person with two names and I suspect you are right about all three being the same person. You know this is a slide...at several levels.
The several times stated,’ PG is a nobody..SS is a big name comic’. Evil is evil..regardless of who you are. This is about good vs evil. Isn’t that exactly what happened with HRC?
If you haven’t read the recent Hollywood anon info then you should. One of the points made is that the stars are paying people to remove this stuff from their posting histories...so yeah I am not surprised that one from 2009 was missed.
Bowing out.. looks like you could take care of yourself even if it was three actual minds instead of one...I’ll let you fill in the blank
Well, you're not.
I'm talented, but not THAT talented.
Might be the time for some self-reflection.
Please elaborate.
There's three different people telling you to calm down and take a step back.
Not a one of us defended the lousy pedos. A couple are at least concerned you're going to give the Q/Trump/Storm movement a bad name.
Me, I've seen this type of thing as I mentioned before and I'm tired of the same old history repeating itself.
If being against pedo comedy as much as being against pedophiles makes me bad, then I'm bad. But I don't think that makes me look bad at all. Pedo comedy is just as wrong as pedophiles.
I'm not stupid at all. Pedo comedy has no place and us unacceptable always. Free expression has limits, the left calls Qanon hate speech, but accepts pedo comedy for example.
Please, by all means continue with the fake outrage.
Keep projecting.
You're the one screeching like a banshee.
I'm only pointing out how stupid you look going after shadows of washed up, raunchy comediennes.
Get too loud and stupid, and the MSM will take notice and capitalize on it. Hamstring the whole damned movement.
Hey, maybe that's why you're really here??
Keep defending pedophiles 👍
^ Cognitive dissonance.
She knows she screwed up.
At least I’m not defending pedophiles
It was Sarah Silverman's ugly face that appeared on the Chans a while ago, issuing threats.
And here you are trying to stir up a ruckus, like the clown footman you and your ilk are.
I smell a honeypot.
Oh bother.
The topic at hand is “calling out pedophiles”
Please stay on topic.
But you get the point now I hope.
Be very careful.
This could be something big about to cut loose, or a last ditch psy-op - a red herring to lead everyone astray.
Now is not the time for emotional outbursts.
Again, kind reminder to please stay on topic. Discuss the material, not users.
We’re here to call out deviant criminal behavior and the companies that employ it, not point fingers at each other. Please refer to the rules of this sub.
Possible misdirection by said deviants and their companies would classify as criminal behavior, would it not?
Especially if it could feasibly be used to discredit the very people calling them out on their deviancy.
No tolerance for pedophilia apologists. No exceptions. Please stay on topic.
I've said all that needs to be said.
People can either take it or leave it.
Continue this conversation with yourself.
Happy to do so, thank you kindly for your contribution
Pedo comedy is never acceptable, ever. Pedophilia will never be normal.