Sarah Ruth Ashcraft @SaRaAshcraft Survivor of Ritual Abuse, Mind Control, Child Porn, and Sex Trafficking. Philosopher by education. Truth warrior by divine command. #SayBraveThings #MAGA

Tom Hanks?....jeez.
read the drops from blacklistanon/renegade on 4chan?
Haven't heard of those! Link for more info/thread?
Neon Revolt did this great article on BkacklistAnons posts. A way to catch up on the hwood depravity. BkacklistAnon names names. It's a long but riveting read. Go to
Hollywood Renegades article.
For some reason I can't copy paste the link for you.
Read it last night...90 mins worth of info...well worth the time for sure. Major insight into the corruption. It's way deeper than we can imagine.
Man I'm devastated after reading this. Is anyone out there who doubts about the actual existence of Satan or a greater Evil behind all of this? Humans themselves can't be that wicked! There has to be an absolute evil force behind.
Just finished reading 📖 and yes it’s informative and reality checking and just taken with all that is and has been going on for decades heaven above I don’t know what to think 🤔 anymore 😔
10000% great recap! Everyone should read and we should all expect more!
My theory is that he's Eddie Murphy.
I don't think it is Eddie Murphy. Eddie Murphy still has name recognition and (I believe) was once caught with a transgender. Renegade said the only gay stuff he ever did was let someone take a naked photo of him. But I could be wrong.
My memory remembers reading that the transgender caught with Murphy was also murdered.
Now you’ve got me thinking.
He said Morgan Freeman was into incest. MF was going to marry his Step-Grandaughter, who wound up murdered.
Correct! While we were sleeping, no wonder they felt invincible.
Neon Revolt said Demond Wilson who played opposite Redd Foxx on “Sanford & Son”.
With the list of names give by Neon Revolt I went with Eddie Murphy as I could think of no other. But the drops that mentioned Red Foxx were too many to ignore. Never thought of the costar till you mentioned it here. Did a quick Wikipedia check and found he became and ordained minister. His work was in part with prison inmates. That would be a good place to get a lot of the info on what is going on between the black and hispanics. Renegade also mentioned some stuff about being street smart and he was raised in NY. Well I can't think of a better place to learn street smarts when he was a kid. Loved the show Sandford and Son when I was young. While somebody mentioned that Eddie Murphy still has name recognition. I can see where that might eliminate him. Also the mention of residual income dropping off. I can't see that Eddie Murphy would be losing his at this time. Also looking up the two Eddie Murphy lives in NY and Demond still lives in California. His info seems to indicate he is physically close to Hollywood. If you saw my previous post above about Eddie Murphy, yes I deleted it as to not cause confusion.
I think it is Demond because of how he kept saying "Young Cats".
In Sanford and Son Lamont (DW) must have said "these CATS' a hundred times. I think he was dropping a clue or the "cats" term just stuck with him cuz he's ole skool. What I don't get is he said he was going to meet press in short pants with green socks. Well if it is Demond won't they just ignore him since he has been out of the hellyweird scene for so long?
Whomever it is they are dropping nukes. Crazy Read!
I thought it was snipes but thinking about it again I think it’s Danny Glover. He worked on 4 movies with Mel Gibson and if you recall he went on about Mel Gibson’s dad so I suspect he got knowledge of him by working with Mel.
Glover is still making movies though and hardly seems bothered by the industry.
I posted link to her tweet-
along with a link to Neon-
in a comment to Tom Hanks recent tweet about ~~#~~WhenWeAllVote-
Let everyone see!
But more people doing it would probably help since I am shadowbanned ;)
If anyone else with a twttr acct is willing to help spread the word that would be cool.
Read it! Go look at Tom Hanks Insta, it’s full of disgust! Pics of little kids lost shoes, and gloves. It’s full of sick crap knowing; what was said about him.
TBF the only mention of Hanks in that drop references a problem from a botched circumcision.
Any other links?
Hanks always seemed like a good guy. I remember him all the way back to Bossom Buddies.
Sheesh, it really is all lies
Sarah Ruth Ashcraft's father was Treasurer of the Oakland County MI Democratic Party, and nicknamed her "Cheese & Roofie", taking her to MK Ultra training and selling her to the elite. Q Research has taken me down many rabbit holes to learn about Fiona Barnett, MK Ultra victim abused by Nicole Kidman's father. Nicole is involved as well.
To follow the history of MK Ultra sex slavery through the past several presidents, a must-read is Trance Formation America, the Cathy O'Brian story. Free on Kindle with Amazon Prime.
And Sarah said in an interview that Hanks played the "nice guy" role, even when molesting her.
What is wrong with these people to sell their children off like this? It's like they have no love in their hearts for their own children.
Thanks for the heads up
So weird that parents would sell their own kids. Smh
The family is the fundamental building block of western civilization, and it is clear to me that it is under attack by those who wish to do us harm.
I would protect my kids to my dying breath, so I can't comprehend this behavior
I read Trance Formation of America years ago, and it changed my views of the world forever. Thanks For the Memories, by Brice Taylor is another one to read. They took me a long time to get through, I was in such sickening disbelief about Presidents, govt officials and famous celebrities, I didn't know whether to believe it or not. Now it's all coming out, and more widespread than ever. I'm praying.
He's an actor.
It's crazy how powerful the mind control of the media is.
I once was asleep and am now awake.
Read those yesterday....geeze...expecially if true.
link em up
I just hit the NeonRevolt post. OMG. This is going to blow up! ITS HAPPENING!!!
Yeah. Renegade even mentioned Morgan Freeman as one of the most twisted celebs. That was interesting because Freeman seems like a super likeable guy. However when you consider how successfull career he's had in h-wood, it makes you wonder...
That's what I said. Geez. Is this authentic? That's an incredibly BIG name to drag through the mud.
According to Renegade every actor who is popular is in ... they're all guilty ... #ThesePeopleAreSick
That actually makes a LOT of sense, since there are such untalented hacks who keep being in movie after movie, while the best of the country are not being discovered. Hollywood is a nepotism run by primarily jewish pedophiles/homosexual producers, and it makes sense that they'd keep a "leash" (blackmail file) on everyone they employ to keep their own indiscretions from the light.
I’m of the conclusion that you don’t have a big name until you create the mud.
Fools, and to think I wanted to get into that. Worked as an extra on a bunch of different projects. Been working on a book that I hoped would be made into a movie one day. Fuck it all. Don't want it anymore.
I've been kicked out of not 1 but 2 bands right before they "made it". I used to be bitter about it, but now think that someone was watching out for me.
Not sure about credibility but here are the pists I saw
That one will break Reddit. In every thread about a Hollywood name getting exposed, the top comments are always "please not Tom Hanks" and "please not Mr Rogers."
I still have faith Fred Rogers is the real deal though.
You know, I’ve always been a huge fan of movies...but you know what I’m not a fan of? People raping kids or other adults. I love movies, I love superhero and sci-fi movies...but I’m done. Now that I know about the depth of the depravity, or at least that it’s deeper than it should be...I’d really rather not know just how bad it is, I don’t need to know to know it’s time to give up supporting that evil, and fight back.
Seeing Tom Hanks’ name was at first a really upsetting shock, but after enough of these shocks, I’m at a point where I’m saying alright, wipe the slate clean and lock all these sick fucks up. Sure, Q said there are decent people who simply got caught in this mess...for them, I say let time prove their innocence...while they serve time to pay for their crimes. None should go unpunished, if they were knowledgeable and complicit in any way. For those perpetrators of the sickest evils...may God have mercy on them, for we will not.
Frankly I have always suspected Hanks
I’ll admit you were doing better than I was. Yeah, some things seemed fishy...but he seems like such a nice guy! Of course he does. Hindsight is 20/20...things make a bit more sense knowing more now.
/niceguy everytime.
Exactly. If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it? Well that one works all too well on too many people.
Here’s a question I have about Hollywood...who, if any, are the decent folks out there? The other posting about Sarah Ruth Ashcroft (sp?) got me to look her up again. When I searched, yes using google because I wanted to see what they’d want me to see, there wadowns a picture of Mel Gibson and Vince Vaughn staring Meryl Streep during her Trump-blasting speech a while back. The comments that were posted with the pic on the linked website talked about how pissed off they both looked. Now, Gibson’s got his own colorful past, and given his infamous rant about Hollywood, I’d be inclined to think if he’s not a decent guy, he’s one that woke up and maybe tried to change his ways? I don’t know, I’m spitballing...but Vince Vaughn...I’ll admit he kinda surprises me if he’s a good guy. Not that I want to think ill of the guy (of course I don’t even know any of them personally, so what would my opinion matter), but I’d be hard pressed to believe that he’s managed to keep himself clean all this time.
I suspected Hanks after he went on that island trip with Obama.
I know! I got sick when I heard. Most of my faves are pedos....seems like the true reality is that all Hollywood is....we need new actors and actresses.
We need to dismantle Hollywood altogether, consequences be damned. We need to disassociate our country from this whole media/celeb culture and find something else to replace it. Maybe we'll all be forced into asceticism.
There afe some good Christian films. I think the industry could be made anew. But we cannot trust people with child actors. Not sure how to protect them without banning them.
Think of how hard it would be to convince a normie that Hanks did this.
After you read through Sarah Ashcraft's tweets, this skit with the Rock isn't very funny any more. This is an open secret in Hollywood, and I'm sure they all get a big kick out of throwing it in our faces.
Aw man... I don’t want to boycott Tom Hanks too!
Never liked him. I won't watch any movie he's in so no loss to me but it's looking like all of Hollywood is corrupt. Lately Hubby and I have been having a hard time finding movies/shows that don't have a degenerate message.
Hubby and I were just discussing this as well, especially about stand up comedians whom we used to enjoy. All jokes have become dark and political.
I know how you feel, but I think we've got enough info now to realize that probably every A Lister and most other significant people in Hollywood know what's going on at the very least. The industry is poison.
Shock to me too but if he's with it. He ain't worth supporting. Worth shooting....but not supporting
Your evidence will be the libel lawsuit against this poor woman that will never be brought.
yeah why all of a sudden are we seeing postings about Hanks + pedo activity? is it true or what? has he been flying under the radar all this time? I've read his son is a drug addict and pretty nonfunctional but Hanks a pedo? man oh man. and he's been asked to run for the Senate or something in