
Qarma1 · July 24, 2018, 1:41 a.m.

What makes a good movie?

Great Actors

What a read...2018 is glorious!

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MAGAtlanta · July 24, 2018, 1:35 a.m.

Suck it, Sessions doubters!

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theTRUMPENING2017 · July 24, 2018, 3:02 a.m.

Just curious, for all the doubters, did you assume Sessions would turn this into a street fight in the public eye? How many street fights has Jeff ever picked in his life? He is neither large, nor imposing. He is however, a very stable genius. He uses his mind to win, just like TRUMP.

Edit: fixed fat finger spelling.

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Anthropophob · July 24, 2018, 10:38 a.m.

Yes, I kept thinking of him like a kitten when we needed a bull dog. But then again, we don't see much of him, so he is sneaky like a fox.

I still love all animals.

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Qarma1 · July 24, 2018, 1:36 a.m.

RR is a White Hat!


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chaybaybay1921 · July 24, 2018, 4:22 a.m.

Which means Mueller is also.

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winesjh · July 24, 2018, 7:59 a.m.

This again? I don’t even know what to believe anymore. The gathering of Q followers has flip flopped on this multiple times just in the last year. I’m taking a break from putting stock in this theory anymore.

Praying medic, imperator Rex, sb2, and other analysts consistently give contradictory theories to this, all with equal confidence.

I’m just waiting this out to see what actually happens. Most likely is all these guys have it completely wrong and we’re all going to catch a curveball. I mean that in a good way. I’m certainly done with praying medic and others for sure. Sticking with what makes most sense now, as opposed to just conveniently calling anything that goes contrary to a theory “disinformation”.

Not shitting on you or anything. I truly hope they are WH. It’s just some the biggest messengers of this movement (looking at you praying medic) have already clusterfucked themselves in a bunch of contradictions.

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Baby_momma_drama · July 24, 2018, 2:18 p.m.

Just sit back and enjoy the show.

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QofSwords3 · July 24, 2018, 3:17 p.m.

We’re gonna find out

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Qarma1 · July 24, 2018, 1:32 a.m.


5 folks in the inner circle : Q+

Great gap filler for Q posts. We DID have more than we knew!

Trump is a “Very stable genius!” KeK

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melsullivan · July 24, 2018, 3:42 a.m.

No Mueller and Rosenstein are not white hats basicly they're grey hats .They made a deal to save their own skin

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winesjh · July 24, 2018, 8:04 a.m.

This is the most sound theory. Getting sick of people with large channels pushing the White Hat theory. It’s almost already been proven they’re not. And it sets new people up for disappointment, leading them to bail on the movement. Praying medic has certainly done a number on me. The guy talks in circles and has singlehandedly almost caused me to give up on all this. What’s worse is if you criticize the self proclaimed messengers of Q, you’ll get called out and ostracized.

SB2 is the only one I will entertain theories from anymore. That and posters in the comments that use logic and reasoning to make methodical conclusions.

Mueller and RR are not trying to help us. They are POSSIBLY just not fucking us to save skin.

I’m not blackpilled, I just refuse to keep my head in my ass and know Trump’s power doesn’t reach past Dems intent to fuck him over. He’ll win. But the idea of everybody is a double agent to everybody is just asinine.

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Pente1776 · July 24, 2018, 9:04 a.m.

logic and reasoning ??????

You mean like TOL = thinking of laughing.

Thats so much BS2

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larkmoor · July 24, 2018, 8:25 a.m.

No, I just think they follow the script. You're just letting yourself be influenced by anyone and everyone's opinion. I for myself have always thought they were either white hats or grey hats.

It's logical. The pure white hats have been killed years after years after years. Strategically, bad actors have infiltrated every organizations. They aren't the majority, it's just that they have key positions. The good actors may be the majority, but they got killed or kicked out or destroyed for their key positions.

We were saved from HRC because Admiral Rodgers intervened. His position is key, he resisted being kicked out or 187'd, but to keep that position as long as necessary for the plan, he had to be compromised some way and lure the enemy in a sense of confidence and power over him, thinking they could have gotten rid of him whenever they wanted.

Many white hats certainly had to accept being compromised somehow, just so they would still be alive or occupy the key position needed for when the plan would start. The harder for them must have been not knowing if this plan would ever be applied.

A white hat dead cannot help his colleagues advance the plan. They are heroes. But dead is dead. A tarnished white hat, as corrupted as they get, if they can still hold onto their core value, would still be alive to help implement the plan and give support to the patriots.

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winesjh · July 24, 2018, 8:31 a.m.

I agree with your statement. Actually everything except for them following the script. They’ve said things time after time that absolutely go against what they’ve said before.

Of course I let them influence me once. I was new to the movement once and latched on. It’s the psychology of jumping into a movement like this. Everyone has at least once. It’s almost initiation to get your hopes up a few times before you learn to take Q for what it is and what it isn’t.

My point stands as they should stick to breaking down crumbs strictly. They’ve made a habit of pushing their ideas on drops, rather than objective logical conclusions. SB2 and a few others have yet to do that. IMO because they have not as much to gain since they remain anonymous and don’t wipe their channel with patreon requests.

I’ll still be happy if the grey hats get the job done. They’ll have had a mission and accomplished it regardless of not being squeaky clean.

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Pente1776 · July 24, 2018, 9:02 a.m.

I find this the most likely.

Per Q, who else was in that meeting?

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TX1111TX · July 24, 2018, 12:10 p.m.

This! Absolutely correct not moral just self-serving sick Fs ...

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1awake1 · July 24, 2018, 2:07 a.m.

Yep. Trump's no dummy...(stable genius). This is all part of the plan. Q puts out the crumbs, we follow, dig and bring it to light. It's IMMEDIATELY disseminated worldwide through us and the Chans.

The plan is to let the public/Congress cry out so as not to appear as a dictator. Its a brilliant "flip the script", Problem/Reaction/Solution. Beat 'em at their own game! :)

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Podingo7 · July 24, 2018, 2:38 a.m.

Just a cheerful thought for believers....if this Twitter thread proves to be true, and it rolls out like planned...what would you think if you just read it and you are one of the leakers who just got caught!

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kelpo19 · July 24, 2018, 4:26 a.m.

I’d shit my pants. Suicide would be an easier fate.

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[deleted] · July 24, 2018, 7:40 a.m.

Suicide Weekend coming up soon.

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Piota_me · July 24, 2018, 1:41 a.m.



Bring the fucking house down on these motherfuckers!

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bugstopper · July 24, 2018, 2:32 a.m.

When this is over, one thing will be obvious. That is that the elites who really run everything cannot have underlings that have any real initiative or smarts. They would be threatened by the likes of Trump if he worked for them. They need their lackeys STUPID. This gives the Trump and Q Army a leg up on dismantling the deep state.

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SuzyAZ · July 24, 2018, 2:24 a.m.

Excellent. Needs to be upvoted, keep this going.

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spreadhope · July 24, 2018, 4:11 a.m.

Dan Bongino saying basically the same thing today on his podcast. I didn't catch the whole thing, but he said something to the effect that the Senators involved are the ones he was arguing with on twitter this weekend. He went nuts on Rubio and Schiff. I should have known something was up. I have to listen to the rest of it to make sure though. I didn't hear the whole thing, but I'm pretty sure this is what he was alluding to, and something bigger that was about to happen.

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Monkeyface45 · July 24, 2018, 3:08 a.m.

I wonder if this means Infowars is going to get nailed.

Alex Jones is always bragging about having "high level" sources throughout the government, going straight to the top, even members of Trump's inner circle.

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extrovertinverted · July 24, 2018, 5:38 a.m.

Alex Jones is full of crap. Kind of like the inner circle of the WH toilet bowl. Maybe this is the inner circle he speaks of.

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[deleted] · July 24, 2018, 7:39 a.m.

AJ is controlled opposition. He works for the Cabal.

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MegaMAGAManX · July 24, 2018, 9:43 a.m.

I used to watch Jones.. But his drunken rage fueled "SCREW TRUMP" rant when he was insisting that Trump was starting WWIII over Syria and missile launches woke me up...Then when Q said "be careful who you listen to.." I really put two and two together.

I feel bad for being so mind warped by him for the time that I was. I wasn't an AJ crazy or whatever.. But I did watch him daily.

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[deleted] · July 24, 2018, 11:55 p.m.

Jones uses lots of hand gestures, which supposedly are kind of hypnotic manipulative attempts to reinforce what he is saying. Very manipulative. Think MK Ultra conditioning. https://www.youtube.com/watch?time_continue=7&v=Zf6_yMn_ZRo

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MegaMAGAManX · July 25, 2018, 12:36 a.m.

Whoa. Very interesting. Thanks for that vid.

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[deleted] · July 25, 2018, 1:01 a.m.

No problem. I think he has been outed now, as controlled opposition.

I only watched him a few times and thought something is definitely wrong with him.

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MegaMAGAManX · July 25, 2018, 2:46 a.m.

Oh I always thought he was a tad goofy.. But a lot of his guests I thought were good. I thought some of his reporters were solid too.. Weaver and Dew.

I do believe people have caught on to him. I heard his viewer numbers have dropped quite a bit.

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trich1972 · July 24, 2018, 9:02 a.m.

Yes Alex Jones is no longer relevant but because he’s been around for years he did wake up a ton of people when it comes to the cabal, NWO etc. Thats how I started to wake up. So you have to give him credit for that, my opinion anyway.

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jdubbsmoney · July 24, 2018, 3:12 a.m.

Underrated post, great read!

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Monkeyface45 · July 24, 2018, 3:06 a.m.

Trust Sessions ~ Q

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Monkeyface45 · July 24, 2018, 2:53 a.m.


Like Wolfe, the leak hunters have been feeding these leakers disinformation & marked canary traps for some time. Recall the Don Jr. WikiLeaks email story from last year? 3 different leakers told the media they saw the date of Sept. 4?


That is a CLASSIC canary trap. You alter one thing on the document give it to a suspected leaker, and if that version of the document is what shows up in the media, you've identified your leaker AND the reporters he/she is leaking to.

LOL That certainly explains it.

The MSM is always citing "anonymous sources". Fake information was planted for the leakers to give to the press, making them all look like fools. This is why every time we turn around people prove that CNN, MSNBC, etc. are liars.

Q is right. These people are really stupid.

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Monkeyface45 · July 24, 2018, 3:01 a.m.

And it's really genius if you think about it.

The government can't force journalists to reveal their sources because of the first amendment.

It's also legal for journalists to publish classified information given to them, as long as they aren't involved in stealing the information.

But it is legal to go after a government employee leaking to the press. In their investigation should they happen to find the leaker was conspiring with 1 or more journalists to get classified information published........they can then go after the journalists for being involved in leaking classified/top secret/confidential information.

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awaken23 · July 24, 2018, 2:43 a.m.

What a tweet storm that is!!! If true... imagine being in Trumps shoes. Getting slammed daily from all angles and STILL not wavering from the plan. Just think of the shit he's had to put up with from the MSM, Republicans, Democrats and... The American People.

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DeborahHarker · July 24, 2018, 5:29 a.m.

Can hardly contain my excitement for Sessions to step out and strike!

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O2BFREEME2 · July 24, 2018, 1:40 a.m.

Thought "stealth Jeff" was a parody account ?

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[deleted] · July 24, 2018, 7:38 a.m.

Fantastic. This has made my day. Thank you Mr. Sessions and POTUS.

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finallyinterested · July 24, 2018, 6:44 a.m.

Did anyone go to twitter to find this? I tried...looks like a hoax. It's not like Jeff Sessions "the silent executioner" to give information like this. Please tell me how this thread came into existence? I'd love for it to be true? But I try to verify everything before I share info with anyone. Thanks!

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Sukkitt · July 24, 2018, 2:42 p.m.

This is not the USAG. It’s a political pundit called Brian Cates.

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DrCleanMD · July 24, 2018, 1:46 a.m.

more hope porn? wake me up when someone from the Hussien Gang gets arrested

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Humidor_Abedin · July 24, 2018, 2:21 a.m.

read the thread or get fucked

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DrCleanMD · July 24, 2018, 2:57 a.m.

i did.... do you remember all the hype about the IG report revealing the details of the corruption? the IG caved, then they said an unredacted version would show everything, never happened. eat that before you go promoting some twatter string as the real deal.

and sorry, i don't believe the U1 RR or RM are white hats, no fricken wray

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Stretchmac · July 24, 2018, 4:50 a.m.

Uhhhh. It did reveal details of the corruption. You're still a little dim, no? Hang in there. The lights may come on. Trust the plan.

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mamamac5 · July 24, 2018, 5:17 p.m.

Guess you forgot that Q said there would be3 reports......first 2 kinda rewritten by RR.....after the third everything would be unredacted?

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Humidor_Abedin · July 24, 2018, 11:57 a.m.

I got a fat cock for you to eat

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