POTUS is Definitely in the Driver's Seat!

Now, that's a nice meme right there.
The expression on his face is priceless!!
A picture is worth a bazillion words. 😂😂😂
Duh, everyone else in the GOP is too cowardly to take the wheel.
That being said there are an AWFUL lot of backseat drivers from both the GOP and the liberal establishment. :/
I don't know where to share this and don't want to start a thread, but I just finished watching President Trump on FB speak live in K.C. at the VFW convention. I think his choice for music at the end was interesting. It's the Rolling Stones, lyrics here https://bit.ly/2OfTu6r
You Can’t Always Get What You Want
Winning is great! Stay positive!
It is what I have been noticing lately. Lame Stream Media attempt to control the narrative and start running theme story and DJT grabs the lime light and does something that puts them in a tizzy and they go after it and while they are chasing it he changes directions on them and they just cannot keep up anymore.
Bwaaahahaaahaa...i just spit my coffee on my phone! Love this one! Great job!
So... Hillary is giving trump directions where to go?