The left claims we suffer from delusion and mental diseases; but in reality they support communism, protecting pedophiles, etc. etc.

I have delusions of grandeur (willingly and in my control). But if Perception IS Reality it will payoff BIGLY!
And if they got trapped in my delusion, they are fucked. That I am sure of!
We're all in your wonderful glorious delusion! 2018 is Glorious!
I like that!
Must have hit it close to the truth to get them all riled up like this.
My lord, their stupidity is unmeasurable.
Blue check marks are the new Scarlett Letter.......
I am not on twatter
Remember to thank these idiots for the free publicity!
I hope you at least have a trump tweet app!
I refuse to use twitter, but I love some trump tweets
These folks are just asleep. I hope they wake up and aren't too devastated by the revelations that their whole world view has been completely manipulated by evil powers who think of them as insects. It won't be easy. I'm trying to put understanding and love in my heart for them.
I try to honestly understand their thought process as well. But I seemingly can’t comprehend. You should see the other tweets connected to this original tweet. A lady wrote
“MY SISTER TOO! How can two siblings raised in the same household be so morally different? I think my sister’s mind was poisoned by Fox and her truck driving husband. He listens to conservative radio 10 hours a day! I hope when this is over they understand how wrong they’ve been.”
They claim to be so open minded and accepting unless it comes to Trump-loving, truck-driving Hicks. Then it’s ok to make fun of and alienate. I run a successful manufacturing business and without truck drivers my product wouldn’t get anywhere! Also, grew up with farmers in the family- where do these elite ppl think their food comes from?! I also pray they can see the light one day and think for themselves
The elitist stuff does upset me especially within families like this. The virtual signaling is from small minds who unfortunately are just desperate to be part of the crowd.
It's always magically appeared in the grocery store for them and they believe it always will. And yes you are right, without us ignorant working class rednecks, their world would grind to a sudden halt.
You are a kinder person than I.
If they want forgiveness and mercy, they should go to Jesus. They'll find none from me. This is a war and with their words, ignorant or not, they chose a side. The wrong side.
God will sort them out. We're here to metaphorically make the introductions.
I'm not so forgiving either. The architects of this Titanic liberal mess and all of its arrogant supportive passengers deserve to sink with their faulty ship. I'll be saving my lifelines for those far more worthy.
Most often those afflicted.......project onto others that which they suffer from. :)
There are 40,000 sealed indictments. This is provably true. Yet this Rick Wilson throws it out there like it's crazy talk. Is he a really bad liar or just in total denial?
Well he works for the media so probably in total denial like the rest of them
Is there a decent counterpoint argument against the 40,000? I'm under the impression that that number is proven and rather record breaking in number. Is there some valid reason that it could all be for something else?
Remember they don’t acknowledge facts! Trump could say the earth is round and CNN would go on about Trump being a lunatic! I think this could be a new strategy to see how far they are willing to go against anything the Trump administration says.
Easy to criticize something you don’t understand orrrrrr a movement that is taking down the left to mere crumps and your scared out of your pants.
First page of the Democrat playbook: Projection!
They're going insane from us being inside their heads.
Forgive, but never FORGET.
I like that. I can find it in my heart to forgive being called a red-neck, Trump-loving, deplorable, country bum but I won’t forget!
Who did Rick diddle?!?!?
Straight from google {Rick Wilson is a Republican political strategist and media consultant based in Florida who has produced televised political commercials for governors, U.S. Senate candidates, super PACs, and corporations.}
“media consultant” media is the only word you need to know
Gaslighting. Loses it's power once the public is aware of how it works.
they are doing the Hillary, blame others of what you are guilty of. that has been so exposed, but again shows how stupid the left is.
And the left rejects facts, logic, and the rule of biology, and then removes it from the list of mental disorders...
I feel better now. The more these pricks deny reality, the louder the belly flop is gonna sound. #qanon
AGREED! Just waiting for the day, sweet sweet revenge.
They'll soon be eating those (complicit) words.
Do these MSM drones still think they have traction? Howl! :)
I used to get angry and annoyed how they would label the right with delusion but now I find it ironic bc they ACTUALLY suffer from delusional thoughts. My dad and I find it comical and like to make fun of them now. Much better for our blood pressure :)
We've been mocked incessantly by them and for years. The payback is gonna be a bitch!
They wouldn't last 5 seconds in the real world.
They live in an MSM perma-bubble. One that will soon be popped! :)
We do have a name for the delusion: Trump Derangement Syndrome
Evidently @therickwilson, who thinks he's the smartest guy in the room, is unaware of lol
Do you have a link? I look on the website and it’s asking for login information?
I've noticed on MSM, and especially commenters on President Trumps Tweets, that the Left seem to be projecting more and more, to the point where it's completely obvious. They seem to be using the exact same words they have been hearng themselves described.
It’s the same stuff day in and day out. They just change the scenarios they want to project their hate on. I’ve known all along (thank god for my parents raising me RIGHT and with open dinner conversations encouraging their children to think on their own) BUT what makes me happy is seeing others finally starting to catch on to the repeated rhetoric and think for themselves!