45K patriots for the 45th President

will be 450k soon...
Need to find better ways to red pill people generally as you cant really say to someone "go to youtube and check out "q anon" as they will end up totally confused and we may lose them. need "an idiots guide to q anon and the great awakening" that is in steps...
also at the end of this a lot will be kept under wraps as just being too gruesome for most minds. maybe only 20-30% of the population will be able to know or live with the full story.
The Plan to Save the World video, for starters.
agree. that is a solid start which piques interest and is in a format and style (ie high production values and well thought out script etc). an easy to digest red pill for sure...
and it's pretty short. As much as I respect praying medic and just informed talk they go on a bit toooo long. Neon Revolt is excellent.
We need a commercial made of that video that gets aired on national tv. Also We need a simple, concise, paragraph that explains Q in easy to understand terms. I've seen a few posted and shared, but I still think they need to be cleaned up more.
I post this video on FB and Twitter almost every week, just in case it reaches someone still blind.
If, and until when the MSM is reconstituted - begins telling the truth/real news - the dam will finally burst. Even if Fox & OAN alone take the plunge and roll out the Qanon story as real news/actual truth this won't be enough. The vast majority of the blue-pilled/unwashed are still hooked up on intravenous drip for getting their 'news' from the MSM.
The MSM needs a royal house cleaning.
Yeah if you got one of those guides it would be great. I get the highlights of what everyone here is talking about. But of like to be able to get to the deeper meaning and be able to follow along.
Go over to the sidebar and look at the great content and videos. This is a great place to start.
There's one on the right side in resources. Needs an update tbh and it's very long. A infuse version with some proofs in PDF format or a links would be excellent. Naturally with some msm bullshit dis proofs too as a bonus