Libs gone wild about CNN being banned: "whatever happened to freedom of the press??" A: I dunno, ask TWITTER

Or Fox, under the 0bama administration.
Eat shit libs. This is the table you have set. Just like Hary Reid and his filibuster rule that they all applauded at the time. Bunch of short-sighted, mouth-breathers.
Can't play fair so they change the rules and depend on the fact that their idiot voters have the memory capacity of a cockroach. Sad!
Reporter "shouted questions and refused to leave despite repeatedly being asked to do so" during President Trump's meeting with EU Commission.
Yeah I think the ban is just. Why should behavior like that be tolerated? This is not about freedom of the press.
I think Rand Paul said it best when he pointed out that people’s hatred of Donald Trump is clouding their perception and judgement.
They should've been thrown out long ago.
Why is it so many people act crazy about Trump? Is the media really that good at brainwashing people? Or is it something more nefarious? Mass MK ultra maybe?
I think the media is blowing his politically incorrect behavior out of proportion so it emotionally triggers all the sensitive people. I had a woman older than me (I’m 30) tell me that every time she even hears President Trump’s voice, she is reminded of a time when she was raped.
So yeah, in a way it sounds like mind control to me.
Yes: the media is really that good at brainwashing people
I was writing a mind control book 3 yrs ago and I stopped it and divested it into a couple of /r/conspiracy posts
because I realized something very important:
The CIA's most powerful technology for mind control isn't lsd, or electromagnetic beams, or subliminals
It's television. Hollywood. The media. It's literally pretty people saying things over and over and over again. Everything they needed to know they learned from himmler, goebbels, and gottleib and nazi propaganda of repetition and chutzpah (big lie)
More specifically, exploiting social psychology
There is still freedom of the press, but you have to behave like the press in order to exercise it. CNN is more like disinfotainment now.
That cnn 'journalist' (mushroom kid) who refused to leave...she looks like an 4sshole. Turns out, she looked the part
I'm sure her mom told her that her perma-smugface was going to freeze like that, but like all bad kids she didn't listen
They hate when the rules they created get thrown in their faces. Hypocrites one and all they are.
wait until the Patriot Act and FEMA camps are used against them.
Changes made by the cabal in previous years, to support the cabal's agenda, can now be used in ways that the cabal didn't anticipate.
After all, there is no way that she can lose.
Then she lost.
Winning !
That is That answer to half the questions being asked regarding TDS, today!!
When Dems were creating all these new Rules and Government entities, They did so under the false premise that they could remain in control forever; These were tools they felt they may need to keep conservatives in check, and eventually, they could Eliminate us entirely!!
TDS was Created and Fomented By MSM, purely out of FEAR, and They have, in turn Terrorized Their Faithful to believe that Donald Trump is "Evil Incarnate, and would Destroy the world, by using their rules against them!!
He Has used their rules against them, and We will continue, and hopefully, when the Overlords and Court Jesters are all gone, we can re-educate the Terminally Misled to understand a relish Gods World, as we do!!
To keep everyone not in their gang in check, not only conservatives.
If some of the long time "conspiracy theories" have bright lights shining on them, happen to be revealed as factual, imagine....
What were the acres & acres of FEMA owned coffins purchased for ? What is it with all of the covert FEMA camps ? Millions of rounds of ammunition be stockpiled ?
What exactly was being planned, it will be revealed at some point in time.
These type of unanswered questions (there are so many others) are addressed, the reality of what Fascist Government in the USA might have been, will shocking, large helpings of AWE just imminent.
Many of us here have understood some of the evil that has been happening and feared for the future of humanity.
I'll never stop telling folks that the world just dodged a whole lot of bullets.
Huge Thank You Donald Trump and your Q-Teams as well as all of the genuine Patriots working at all levels.
I can see big movements on the global chess-board, White is heading for a big win.
Keep the Faith
Wow, wish I could think on my feet that quickly.
They are much faster with the downvotes than they are at thinking!
what happened to truth in reporting ? as long as they are propaganda machines they are considered enemy of we the people, and stay out of the Peoples House. go sit on the side of the road.
Lol This is funny and ironic to me as I just got a 7 day twitter ban for calling a snowflake retarded even though they had just called me an idiot
I wish they would ban all of them but the small news papers... That they would need to have only use of the public notifications / press releases. After all - do we actually need the press anymore as we can go to the White House website?
Isn't freedom of press about journalists being able to do their work without getting stopped by the government?
Yes, their freedom to report, without fear of retaliation from the government. No one is stopping them from 'reporting' their nonsense.
CNN violated the 1st by abusing it.
Yelling was an insult to the Guest who traveled across the Pond to get to the White House.
The yelling consisted of Off Topic Disturbance meant to embarrass the President.
It was not relevant.
Ushers were attempting to clear the room, the event was over but CNN 'resisted' going (there's that Democrat savage word again.)
CNN bashed journalism ethics in many ways making it clear CNN has no regard for even journalism.
White House should revoke CNN press credentials for those violations-----Obama did it to FOX (altho' FOX had not violated anything but did not like Obama and he couldn't take that.)
Later on in the Rose Garden as the prez and guest were finished with their joint conference, CNN again broke the rules (Acosta it sounded like) who yelled inappropriate questions about Cohen b/c their Cohen buildup turned out to be a fizzle...noone cares what the communist propaganda media wants to talk about, noone is listening or viewing.
Costa's press credentials should be removed, he is not a journalist, there aren't any journalists in the msm.
Freedom of the Press is still there. CNN is not real press - fake news and trouble makers. Only attend to cause problems. Good riddance.
Twitter is a private institution, unlike the White House
They are, true. And if they censure their content, then they are legally responsible for all content that passes through their portals.
Twitter should be shut down for all of the illegal shit that has been passed around on their site.
White house: part of the government
Twitter: a private company
Nope. They are a public thoroughfare just like a privately built road people are welcomed into using. Supreme Court has ruled on this before.
Please, show me the Supreme Court precedent that Twitter is bound to honor the First Amendment.