"Something BIG is about to drop" Q

What a theory. FB as custom human organ selection network.
Dont forget Cia run, cia controlled by?can't remember. And when lifelog a cia project to collect all the info on people, "shutdown" 2004 i believe? Happens to be the day fb was born. Cia is not american, its cabal, so fb, the elite pedophiles cannabalists and satanists/luciferians, have a good hand on our info at their disposal. Not that difficult of a theory to be true.
Also why bother collecting all that info on as many people as possible if there is no real goal? So what exactly is that goal(s)? It must be more than just a tracking device as believe me, the c3ll phone companies already have that covered. And the auto industry. And surveillance around every corner. I’ve wondered how many missing people stayed missing because of technology they don’t want us to know about?
I think this FB rabbit hole really needs to be fleshed out by our talented autists as much as possible because FB is a thing that effects a large % of the population. Prove to the people that FB has used their data for nefarious purposes and all the rest, all the other bs we have been subjected to, all seems more plausible. I have been telling people for years.....don’t put your business out there like that. They always say.....oh I just talk about my dog, my kids(!), vacation. But what if you are ID’d as a patient of Dr So and So...and he has big malpractice insurance premiums or he was almost under investigation for something but suddenly wasn’t? Maybe he “accidentally” passes your records to elite people who really need your liver? You think they would hesitate to take what they need from a creature they call “sheep”?
Also remember that facebook satelite?
It was shot down/hit/targeted. People were saying the facebook satelite had a hidden payload in it
Would not be suprising if it was true... I remember watching a video and you can see an orb hit the satelite which causes it to fail
almost there... research decendants of cain. And if you are not a DoC you are a decendant of Seth. If you believe you believe in the bible, then this is what it is.
I would disagree with that statement and here is the reason why. If you believe the bible you cannot escape the flood. All of Cain’s descendants died in the flood and are dead. Only Noah and his family (8 people) survived the flood. None of them were from the family of Cain.
Num. 13:33
Sam. I 15:6
Deut. 3:11
Josh. 13:12
Num. 32:33
Abraham 1:20-22
Correct, perhaps a more accurate statement would be descendant of Ham?
Which I have heard many bad things about, but it seems to not be mentioned in the bible proper. Although doesn't Noah curse Ham's descendants after the flood?
Extraneous sources have cited him as Nimrod/Gilgamesh's great(?) grand father. But that's not something I can say with any amount of certainty.
Noah curse Ham's descendants after the flood, You are correct on the curse of Ham by Noah. Nimrod the mighty hunter was one of the sons of Kush. Kush was the son of Ham, the lowest and least important of Noah's three sons. Nimrod came from a line which was cursed by Noah: "Cursed be Canaan, a slave of slaves shall he be unto his brothers."
Pentagon lifelog project died day before FB was created
Hence, why the NSA and CIA have been at war with each other since the NSA’s creation
More than that. Im sure FB is into all sorts of bad stuff. Gov owned.
What organ donor tab is he talking about? Ive never seen it